Military Technology

Chapter 2196 I believe that my brother-in-law will not harm me

Wu Hao didn't hide anything and gave Lin Lei a detailed introduction to the advantages and disadvantages of the two treatment options. Then he said to Lin Lei: "We think it's better to let you know about this matter, so we choose to tell you the truth."

Lin Honghan, who was standing next to the hospital bed, also followed Wu Hao's words and said: "Xiao Lei, no matter what decision you make, we will support and respect you."

After listening to what Wu Hao and Lin Honghan said, Lin Lei, who was sitting on the hospital bed, pondered for a while, and then asked Lin Honghan: "Dad, I want to hear your opinion."

Hearing Lin Lei's words, Lin Honghan stared at his son for a while, then nodded and said: "We also have differences on these two treatment options, but in the end we feel that it is better to use bio-3D printing organ tissue heart repair technology , this can solve your heart damage problem once and for all, so that you don’t have to be troubled by heart problems in the future.

However, this technique carries high risks and requires several surgeries, which is certainly a painful process. Therefore, we still follow your own opinions and make your decision in this regard. "

After hearing what Lin's father said, Lin Lei nodded, thought for a moment and then said to Wu Hao: "Brother-in-law, I want to know what the success rate of surgery using this new technology is."

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard this and said: "Theoretically, the success rate is still very high. Although we have not used this technology yet, similar technology has been used on patients and the effect is very good.

I believe you have heard of this patient. She is the heroine who put out the fire before. She is also undergoing repair surgery on the damaged facial area in this hospital. We not only used the skin tissue printed by bio-3D printing to repair her surface skin, that is, her face, but also used the muscles, nerves, and blood vessels and other tissues printed with this technology to repair the damaged tiny muscle groups and neurovascular tissue in the lower layers of her facial skin. , the effect is very ideal.

Therefore, although this bio-3D printing organ tissue heart repair technology is used for the first time, based on this experience, we believe that the success rate of the operation is still very high.

But this is only our judgment and estimate, because this technology has not been truly applied to actual treatment, let alone clinical trials. So we don’t know exactly how it will perform, so there are still certain risks.

However, we have estimated and prepared accordingly for possible situations that may arise during the operation, and have conducted computer simulations. We believe that the entire operation is basically safe.

Even if the surgical repair fails, we only need to re-operate and peel off the repair tissue materials implanted inside, so that secondary repair can be performed.

To give a simple example, your current heart is like a damaged and bumpy road, and the purpose of our surgery is to fill in and repair the damaged and bumpy surfaces on this road.

Even if the repair fails, how bad can it be? "

Yes, he is like this now, how could he be so bad? Lin Lei sighed secretly in his heart, and just as he was about to agree, Wu Hao continued.

"Of course, there are risks, and it may be life-threatening. But the medical expert team and our technical team are also fully prepared. If the operation fails and affects the normal function of your heart. Then we may urgently transplant a smart bionic artificial heart for you."

Artificial heart! Lin Lei was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but say in surprise.

Yes, Wu Hao nodded: "The artificial heart can perfectly simulate the functions of the original heart and work on its behalf. It allows you to have a more powerful heart than a normal heart, and it is not safer and has no rejection reaction. , suitable for long-term use.

Basically, you won’t have any inconvenience wearing it, just like normal people. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you just remember to charge it when you sleep every day. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Lei's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but ask: "Then it would be better if I just implanted the artificial heart. Why do I need to undergo repair surgery?"

What did you kid say? After hearing what he said, Mother Lin immediately corrected her: "Why do I have to have an iron lump because my heart is not good?"

Wu Hao also explained: "This is the last choice. If you want, you can choose whether to replace such an artificial heart at any time in the future. You are my brother, and it is not easy to get it. It is just a matter of words."

However, the price of implanting a smart bionic artificial heart is to remove your original heart. In other words, after you wear this artificial heart, you can't regret asking for your flesh heart, because it won't last long.

And you have to understand that people only have one heart. Even if we have money, we can't get you donor resources at any time for you to freely replace. Moreover, the effect of replacing someone else's heart will not be as good as your original one, there will be a large rejection reaction, and the ten-year survival rate is not high. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Lei nodded and said, "I understand."

Seeing that Lin Lei understood but did not say his choice, Wu Hao and the others said that this was also a big deal for him and they definitely needed to give him time to think about it. So he said: "In this case, we won't disturb you anymore. You have a good rest and think about it. When you have the answer, just tell us directly."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the father-in-law, mother-in-law, and Lin Wei all nodded and prepared to leave. But at this moment, Lin Lei stopped them.

"No, I've thought about it and decided to choose a new technology treatment plan."

What have you thought about? Have you thought about it? This is a big thing for you, so think about it carefully. Lin Wei couldn't help scolding her useless brother after hearing this.


Lin Lei stopped Lin Wei, then looked at him with an extremely serious look and said: "You always treat me as a child, but I have grown up, I am twenty-three, and I know that this decision I made is very important to me. I will face what it means, and I will bear the decisions brought about by this choice.

More importantly, I believe in you and my brother-in-law, and you will not harm me. "


Hearing Lin Lei's words, Wu Hao's head was full of black threads. This bastard, even at this time, he still didn't forget to kill him.

Seeing Wu Hao's helpless look, Lin Honghan smiled, then patted Wu Hao's arm and smiled at Lin Lei and cursed: "You brat, are you the one who can fool your brother-in-law like you?"

Xiaohao, don't pay attention to this kid's nonsense. Lin Honghan turned to him and said.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, then looked at Lin Lei and said seriously: "Don't worry, I will do my best."

Wu Hao did not give the guarantee that everyone wanted most, but such an answer already put smiles on everyone's faces. It was not easy for him to say such a thing.


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