Military Technology

Chapter 2206 The company’s business crisis

Since then, few people have come to our house to borrow money. Wu Hao said with a smile: "Of course there will be some. For some particularly urgent cases, my father and stepmother will also help, but they will never ask me again."

Me too, I don’t help the poor but the urgent. Tong Juan also nodded and said: "I have also discussed this matter with my parents. My parents are relatively open-minded and have always been very principled in this regard."

Hearing Tong Juan's words, Zhang Jun showed a wry smile: "I want to tell you, my parents are soft-eared, and anyone who says a few nice words will take it seriously.

Now the money my parents have lent to those relatives alone is several million. So far, except for a few relatives who have repaid some, there has been no movement.

My parents are so proud and don’t push me, so I don’t give them more money now. I pay living expenses on time every month. "

You need to have a good talk with your parents about this. If it doesn't work out, just bring Anxi over. Wu Hao spoke to persuade.

Zhang Jun shook his head: "It's hard to leave our homeland. I've talked about it several times, but after being coaxed by those relatives, it's time to pay attention again.

I'll forget it after thinking about it. It's customary to live in my hometown, so let them live there for their retirement. As for the money, I don't expect to pay it back, so I just treat it as a way to make my parents happy. "

Wu Hao gave a thumbs up and said: "Actually, neither I nor my father and stepmother have helped my relatives less over the years and have taken care of them in various aspects, but people can't be greedy.

Besides, I know who those relatives who are beyond my reach are. "

The human heart is not enough, and desires can never be satisfied. Tong Juan sighed.

Shen Ning, who was sitting on the edge of the coffee table, heard everyone's words, smiled, fiddled with the tea set, and poured another cup for everyone.

Wu Hao picked up the tea cup with his fingers and took a sip, then looked at the two of them and said, "Okay, let's talk about something serious.

I looked at our financial statements for the first half of the year. Although our company's receivables were growing rapidly in the first half of the year, the growth rate slowed down significantly, and the revenue growth in the digital electronic products business that we relied on before was significantly reduced. A lot, which is very inconsistent with our expected judgment.

Therefore, I asked you two to talk about this matter and want to hear your views on this matter. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the two of them nodded, and then looked at each other. Zhang Jun took the lead and said: "Let me start by saying, the main reason for the slowdown in our company's business revenue growth in the first half of the year is the impact of overseas markets. Secondly, our market growth in digital electronic products has not reached the expected level.

According to preliminary analysis, it should be because we did not launch any influential products in the first half of the year. Although we released a series of products at the New Year's Eve conference, there are not many designers in the digital electronics field, and most of them are replacement products, so the revenue growth in this area did not exceed expectations, which I think is understandable.

Although the digital electronic products business is weak, the growth rate of several of our other business sectors is still very gratifying, such as the aerospace industry, automotive technology industry, medical technology industry, new energy industry, and intelligent manufacturing industry, all of which have achieved very good results. score. "

I agree with Mr. Zhang’s words, and the author Tong Juan on the side also nodded: “As for the slowdown in our company’s business growth and the fact that the revenue of digital electronic products does not meet expectations, I think the problem mainly lies in two aspects.

First of all, there are external reasons. As Mr. Zhang said, we have also encountered unprecedented pressure in overseas markets this year. This is not only in the European and American markets, but also in other markets. In addition to these reasons, we are subject to fierce competition from other similar products in both domestic and overseas markets. Although the performance and quality of their products are far inferior to ours, they have successfully captured a number of markets with their ultra-low price marketing and other strategies.

And we have used our past brand influence in these areas to compete fiercely with us in the market. Although it does not pose a threat to us at the moment, we cannot take it lightly.

I have organized several rounds of video and telephone conferences with the heads of various regions, focusing on responding to these new challenges and new threat areas. My next step is to establish a local assembly factory in several key areas to produce and assemble some mid- to low-end products that meet local requirements to compete with these competitors.

Not to mention other things, relying on our accumulation of technology, whether it is hardware or software, we can give our opponents a dimensionality reduction blow and completely curb their development momentum. "

Hearing Tong Juan's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly and said: "Okay, you can make arrangements in this regard. You must be careful when selecting the location of the factory. Don't be fascinated by the promises in front of you. Try to find something with higher credibility. Countries and regions that are relatively stable.

Don't believe too much in those lies, otherwise once you fall in, it will be difficult to get out. "

You are right, we really have to choose carefully in this regard. Tong Juan nodded and responded.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, and then motioned for her to go on.

Tong Juan understood and then continued: "In addition to this external factor, I think there are also internal reasons that led to the slowdown in our revenue.

In the past few years, our company has undergone transformation, gradually expanding from the field of digital electronics to the field of batteries, autonomous vehicle technology, intelligent manufacturing, aerospace technology, medical technology and other fields.

In particular, we have invested hugely in aerospace technology and medical technology. Although there is already some revenue, it is far from being large-scale. And focusing on the development of these fields has also caused us to pay insufficient attention to the digital electronics field in the past two years.

Therefore, I think that the combined effect of these reasons has led to the slowdown in our company's revenue growth, and the growth in the digital electronics field has not met expectations. "

After hearing Tong Juan's analysis, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun nodded.

Zhang Jun then looked at Wu Hao with a wry smile and said: "The pharmaceutical business has gradually improved, and as more and more medical technology products are approved for marketing, this area will get better and better, and even I predict that this area will account for an increasing proportion of the entire company's total business revenue and become a pillar industry for all our company's businesses in the future.

As for the aerospace field, I am afraid that there will still be no gains in a short period of time, not to say a long period of time.

Unless we wait until our lunar scientific research station is successfully constructed and the lunar mineral mining project is successfully launched, this will bring us more objective and stable business revenue. "


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