Military Technology

Chapter 2207 Entering the mid- to low-end market

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Tong Juan shook her head: "Even if we speed up the progress now, it will take at least several years to successfully mine on the moon. And during this period, investment will continue, which will cost a lot of money."

"Don't worry about this. Haoyu Aerospace will be listed next month. After the listing, there will be a large amount of capital inflow, which will ease the company's capital investment pressure in this area." Wu Hao comforted with a smile.

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun sighed and said: "To be honest, it has come to this point. I really don't want Haoyu Aerospace to be listed at this juncture."

There are advantages to listing early in the morning, and the listing of Haoyu Aerospace is the general trend. Wu Hao waved his hand and said to him: "Not only Haoyu Aerospace, our Haoyu Energy, Haoyu Battery, and Haoyu Medicine will all be listed one after another in the future. The company will only retain important core businesses."

When the two heard his words, they had different thoughts. For Tong Juan, the listing of the following subsidiaries will definitely be beneficial to her, which means that she can receive more dividends and have the opportunity to obtain shares, thereby increasing income.

For Zhang Jun, the listing of these subsidiaries will certainly bring them a large amount of income and solve the problem of lack of funds for the development of these subsidiaries in the future. But it also meant that they had to give away a considerable part of the income from these industries that they had worked so hard to develop, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

Although it is very uncomfortable, it is a step that must be taken. Whether it is related to the company's future sustainable development or to cope with pressures from all aspects. When a company grows, there will be specialized institutions and people to guide you in the preset direction. For example, the matter of going public has been urged several times by the news.

So it is really difficult for hw to develop to this point, and it is also very difficult to learn it and become a second hw.

It just so happens that the aerospace industry is a high-funding, high-tech, and high-risk industry. Wu Hao and the others also plan to put it on the market to test the waters and see the reaction.

In fact, there is one thing Wu Hao did not tell the two of them, and that is how long it will take for the lunar mining they are looking forward to to be realized. No one can say this now. Besides, the only thing on the moon that is worth mining is helium-3. This gas is said to be an ideal raw material for a new generation of nuclear power plants, but this is just a setup. At present, this element has not been used in practice and is only used as a research material in the laboratory.

So even if Wu Hao and the others mine helium-3 from the moon in the future, they still have to think carefully about how to use it. Unless it can really be used on a large scale, it can only be used as a rare element and become the object of research in laboratories. In that case, their expectations will really be disappointed.

Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s get back to business. Wu Hao waved his hands and said to the two of them: "Now that we are aware of the problem, we must start to solve the problem.

In recent years, due to the shift of our focus, we have indeed not paid enough attention to the digital electronics industry. Now that we are aware of this problem, let's polish the digital products to be released this year.

In addition to the annual replacement of products, the development projects of several other digital products must also be stepped up. I hope it will be available early next year. "

Zhang Jun, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but shook his head after hearing this: "It's already August, and there are only four months until the New Year's Eve conference at the end of the year. It's still unclear whether these products can catch up with this conference."

I'll tell Yang Fan about this and ask them to hurry up. You should also go over and supervise them more, and we will try to get things out at the beginning of the year. I don’t want to hold a PPT conference then, this is not our style. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

But it's not our style to be in such a hurry. I'm afraid that too short a time will affect the quality of our products. Zhang Jun said with a hint of worry.

In response to his words, Tong Juan, who was sitting opposite, shook her head: "I don't think so. I think that whether it is our R\u0026D team, our product team and production and manufacturing team, they all have their own ideas on how to develop an excellent product. They have rich experience, so even if time runs out, they will not come out with a junk product, even if the delivery time is delayed.”

"That's right, based on my understanding of Yang Fan, he will not allow such products to flow out." Wu Hao followed.

After hearing what the two of them said, Zhang Jun nodded slightly and said: "Well, in this year's digital product series, I also want to add mid- to low-end products. In the past, we have not paid attention to the mid-to-low-end market, but in fact this is A very large market.

Some of our manufacturers that we don't pay attention to are relying on the mid-to-low-end market to grow a little bit, and they have affected our market development, and there are even faint signs of competing with us. So I think we can no longer ignore these competitors and must deal with them seriously.

Besides, this is a huge market in itself. It would be a pity to abandon it like this. "

After Zhang Jun finished speaking, Tong Juan also nodded and said: "I agree, this is what I have always wanted to say. Although the profits of mid- and low-end products are relatively thin, the market is huge, and the most important ones are young people. We We must not let it go and let these manufacturers stand in vain.

Now corn, blue and green, including hw have become popular in the mid-to-low-end market, and these manufacturers are very ambitious and keep making small moves. If we continue to let it go, I am afraid that our mid-to-high-end market will soon be cannibalized by these manufacturers and brands, and we will eventually go bankrupt like those original major mobile phone manufacturers.

When the smartphone industry first began to develop in China, Meizu and HTC were prosperous. Logically speaking, they should be easier to develop, but why can't they compete with these fledgling manufacturers and even some no-name manufacturers later on?

These bloody cases cannot help but make us vigilant. If we are so arrogant and careless, we may become the second HTC or the second Meizu.

I'm doing very well at Haoyu Technology now, and I plan to work there until I retire. I don’t want to wait until I’m old and look for jobs with my resume and be laughed at. "

"Haha, it won't happen, it won't happen." Wu Hao quickly comforted him.

Let the two calm down a little, Wu Hao thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, I agree. But even if we make mid- to low-end products, we must do a good job in product quality control. I don't want to use We are using a bunch of electronic waste to defraud consumers of their money, and we don’t want to use this little money to ruin the good reputation that the company has finally accumulated.”


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