Military Technology

Chapter 2208 You will have no friends if you do this

Haoyu Technology is going to enter the mid-to-low-end digital electronic product market!

As soon as this news was reported, it immediately received attention from the industry and the general public.

The first and most obvious reaction was of course the stock market. On that day, the stock prices of several digital product companies fell sharply. Corn fell by 7%, which was a direct circuit breaker. The valuations of several other manufacturers also fell to varying degrees. Even this trend has directly affected overseas countries, causing the valuations of several overseas digital manufacturers to fall significantly.

Fruit fell by 4%, while S Star's stock price fell by 6%. A number of professional institutions and media at home and abroad have predicted that once Haoyu Technology enters the mid- to low-end digital electronic product market in a big way, the mid-to-low-end market business of these companies, which they rely on for survival and development, will be severely impacted. The stock price will also fall significantly.

Affected by this news, the stock prices of these companies have been sluggish for the next few days, with fluctuations and declines.

As for these companies, affected by the decline in their company stock prices, they had to speak out. Of course, each statement is beautifully written. In short, there is only one core meaning, that is, Haoyu Technology's entry into the mid-to-low-end digital electronic product market will not have an impact on their market business. They have enough strength to cope with it and defeat their opponents.

But in fact, privately, the CEOs of several companies had personally called Wu Hao to verify the authenticity of the news.

Of course the first person to call him was Tao Zhengyang, who had a good relationship with him. Moreover, the two companies had cooperated happily in the past two years, and their personal relationship was also good. So after hearing the news, Tao Zhengyang called directly.

Mr. Wu, what? I heard that you are going to enter the mid-to-low-end digital electronic product market.

Seeing Tao Zhengyang in the video coming up to ask about this matter, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Why, did this matter spread so fast? Even you all know about it."

My Mr. Wu, just because of your news, everything is in chaos outside now. Do you know that if you fart now, the outside will shake? What’s more, this time you released a bomb.

In the video, Tao Zhengyang complained to him, and then asked seriously: "Whether this is true or not, tell me in advance so that I can prepare in advance."

It's not that exaggerated. You are worried too much. Wu Hao laughed and laughed, but did not admit it directly.

But how could Tao Zhengyang not understand what he meant, and then he couldn't help but show a wry smile: "That's right.

Worrying too much? Do you know that for the people and companies that have suffered from you, you can never be too worried about this matter.

You said that you are not operating well in the mid-to-high-end market, why do you suddenly want to enter the mid-to-low-end market? The competition in this area is fierce, and the profits are too thin, so why do you need to take a trip into this muddy water. "

No way, the company's business growth has encountered a bottleneck in the past two years, and we also hope to actively expand new businesses to break through the current difficulties the company is encountering. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Then you can't compete with us for food. To be honest, everyone really doesn't want to be your enemy. Tao Zhengyang said with a frustrated look.

Well, we don’t cover the sky with one hand, so there’s no need to be so afraid, just do your own thing. Wu Hao comforted him with a smile.

Tao Zhengyang shook his head: "It seems that this weekend will be wasted again, and I will have to stay up all night with my team. Mr. Wu, I would like to ask you to try to choose Monday or mid-week when posting news in the future.

Do you know that because of this news, people in the domestic digital technology circle and the media circle are collectively scolding me. "

Hahahaha, let them scold us, we have a lot of meat anyway, as long as they are happy. Wu Hao smiled and said openly.

Hearing his words, Tao Zhengyang had a look of resentment on his face: "But you won't have any friends if you do this."

After chatting with Tao Zhengyang for a few more words, Coco showed that there was a new call coming in. Wu Hao immediately ended the call and answered another call. This call surprised him. It was from Xue Bing.

Since the last incident, in fact, they haven't interacted with each other for a long time. On some occasions, they were just acquaintances with no in-depth communication. Unexpectedly, today, he actually called me personally.

Looking at Xue Bing, who was sitting in a shirt in the video, Wu Hao smiled and said hello: "Mr. Xue, long time no see, how good it is lately."

Haha, thanks to Mr. Wu's fortune, I have lived a pretty good life since I came here. I have gained a few pounds and am working hard to lose weight. In the video, Xue Bing appeared very close to him and started talking to him.

Wu Hao knew the purpose of his call, but he didn't reveal it. Instead, he continued to chat with him to see who could resist it first.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Xue Bing to speak first: "Mr. Wu, I heard that your company is going to enter the field of mid-to-low-end digital electronic products. Why do you suddenly have such a plan?"

Hearing Xue Bing's words, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said: "Hey, I'm just talking privately, I haven't decided yet. Find Shuyuan You know, we have been operating in the field of mid-to-high-end products. If you rashly Entering the mid- to low-end market will directly affect our product brand positioning."

Wu Hao was careless. He did not admit it. Of course, he did not deny it directly. Instead, he gave Xue Bing an inexplicable answer and let him figure it out for himself.

To put it bluntly, he and Xue Bing didn't have much personal communication. This man's call was obviously to get information. How could he let him get his wish. Besides, they themselves are competitors. This time, their main opponent in entering the mid-to-low-end market is Corn Technology Company, so how can they let the enemy pry out useful information.

Of course, it can't be too much, it must be at least passable in terms of face. After all, they don't have any big personal grudges, they are just business competitors.

Xue Bing naturally heard the implication of Wu Hao's words, and then continued to test: "So, you already have plans to enter the mid-to-low-end market."

Wu Hao heard this and shook his head with a smile: "We haven't decided yet, these are just suggestions from some people within the company.

They also saw that Mr. Xue and you were prospering in the mid- to low-end market over the years, and they couldn't help but be a little greedy, so they came up with this idea.

In fact, a large number of them are still your fans and hope that you can take photos and sign autographs for them. "

Haha, thank them for me, there will be a chance. Xue Bing laughed, and then complained to Wu Hao involuntarily: "Mr. Wu, you may not believe it, but there is really no turning point in the mid- to low-end market. After working hard for a year, I only made a little bit, and it's still very good." Easy to ride in.

If you don't come in, try not to come in. It's so crowded in here that I want to jump out. "


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