Military Technology

Chapter 2210 Mid-to-low-end product working meeting

Wu Hao has always paid attention to the enthusiastic response from netizens, especially young netizens.

Faced with everyone's expectations, Wu Hao could not remain indifferent, and immediately held a working meeting on mid- to low-end products.

In fact, it is just a meeting, with just a few people. Really big things are all discussed and decided at such meetings, and those formal meetings and large meetings basically go through the procedures, read out relevant decisions, assign tasks and so on.

Wu Hao placed this meeting in a small conference room in the park. There are many such small conference rooms designed and arranged in the park. They are distributed in pleasant places in various parts of the park. Each one has its own characteristics. .

The reason why these small conference rooms are set up is mainly to facilitate employees from various departments to hold various small work meetings. Designing these places is helpful for them to relax their body and mind and diffuse their thinking.

Sometimes many good ideas and projects are proposed in such working meetings or head-to-head meetings between a few people. However, the efficiency of truly specialized work meetings is actually very low. This is also the reason why many people are tired of meetings, because when there are too many people, it will be chaotic and efficiency will naturally decrease.

Therefore, in the company, what Wu Hao and others advocate is to hold such efficient and concise small work meetings, and for some unnecessary formal meetings, they should reduce or eliminate them if possible.

In addition to him, there were several other senior leaders of the company attending the meeting. For example, Zhang Jun is in charge of specific things, Tong Juan is in charge of marketing and sales, Yang Fan is in charge of scientific research and technology, and Zou Xiaodong is in charge of production.

They also brought one or two subordinates with them, so even though it was a small meeting, there were actually quite a few people in attendance. Of course, compared to those formal meetings, this number of people is not worth mentioning.

After a few pleasantries, Wu Hao said to everyone: "Okay, the meeting will officially begin. Today's meeting is mainly to discuss with you how we develop mid- to low-end digital electronic products.

First of all, I would like to hear the opinions from the marketing department? "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Tong Juan nodded, opened the folder at hand and said to everyone: "This has always been our expectation to enter the mid-to-low-end digital product market, so we have always paid close attention to this aspect. Targeted research is also being carried out continuously.

Judging from our survey, the current domestic mid- to low-end digital electronics market accounts for more than 70% of the entire industry market, while the mid-to-high-end market accounts for less than 30%.

In that respect, I think we've been giving up a huge market.

Although our related digital electronic products still occupy a dominant position in these markets, they have become endangered due to the fierce pursuit of other manufacturers. Therefore, we must take it seriously and stop being careless.

This is our market sampling survey chart. As you can see, current consumer satisfaction with digital products from these manufacturers has been continuously improving.

We asked the technical department to conduct dismantling research on the products launched by these manufacturers in the past two years and found that their technology is also constantly improving. It should be said that it will be a matter of time before we catch up. This is the law of the market. No technology can always be far ahead.

Therefore, we believe that on the one hand, we must continue to increase technological investment in these aspects, achieve technological innovation, extend the vitality of our products, and increase market competitiveness. At the same time, we should also actively face these manufacturers and actively participate in the fierce market competition.

Our arrogant, stable, and arrogant attitude in the past is no longer the case. We must correct ourselves and learn to look at everything with humility, see more of other people's strengths and advantages, be aware of crises and worries, and stop having that superiority complex.

To put it bluntly, we have lived too peacefully in the past two years, which has caused some people to lose the passion we had when we struggled. It's time to regain courage and fight again. "

After saying this, Tong Juan glanced at everyone, and then fixed her gaze on Wu Hao. Seeing him nodding, Tong Juan took a breath and continued.

"Judging from the feedback on the Internet in the past two days, the public, especially young people, are very welcoming to our entry into the mid-to-low-end digital product market. Through our sampling survey, we found that young people have the greatest enthusiasm for our previous digital electronic products. The problem or opinion is that the price is too expensive, which also makes it difficult for some young people who are going to school or just working to afford it. Therefore, we believe that the key to the success of our mid-to-low-end products is the price. How to control the price to be affordable for these young people Within the acceptable range.”

"So what price can these young people accept?" Zhang Jun asked after hearing Tong Juan's words.

"For young people, or for consumers, it is natural that the lower the better, but this is definitely unrealistic. Through our research and investigation, we believe that the price of two thousand to The price of three thousand is more popular among young people, and it is also the current mainstream price range for mid- to low-end digital electronic products." Tong Juan replied.

Hearing Tong Juan's words, Yang Fan, who was sitting opposite her, said: "If you want to control prices, you must reduce manufacturing and R\u0026D costs.

The current mainstream approach of these manufacturers is to subtract from their flagship products. After all, it would be too expensive to re-establish a project and start research from scratch. In contrast, subtraction from existing mature solutions is the most appropriate way to control costs.

To subtract from our mainstream flagship products, we must reduce or castrate the performance of some components in these products. On the one hand, this is of course to reduce the production cost of parts and procurement and manufacturing costs.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to differentiate it from flagship products or mid-to-high-end products, widen the gap, and thus identify consumer groups.

But everyone needs to be clear that how to reasonably tighten the performance of these products requires technology. While greatly saving costs, we must also ensure that the performance of the product is not too poor. This contradiction must be balanced. "

Hearing Yang Fan's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly, and then continued towards him: "So do you have any plan?"

Hearing his question, Yang Fan shook his head slightly: "This is a brand new topic for us, so we also need time to study it. After all, these are issues we have never considered before, and now we have to Taking the key points into consideration, this is equivalent to putting a shackles on our research and limiting the scope, which is very uncomfortable."


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