"In the past, we only had to consider making the best products. But now, we must always consider costs, which is a challenge for us." Yang Fan said to the crowd.

Hearing his words, Tong Juan replied with a smile: "Actually, in this regard, I think you can refer to the solutions of other manufacturers and brands. Especially hw's solution, the knife skills are very precise, and it used to be the best choice for all products from mid- to low-end to high-end. coverage, and has also accumulated a very good reputation.”

"It's just a few aspects, chips, screens, battery life, memory, product materials and workmanship, and brand positioning. As for chips, we can completely reuse defective chips from previous flagship devices and castrate a few A broken core just needs to reduce the performance by a few levels. I remember that a lot of chips in this area have been accumulated. They were originally intended to be used in some other new products, but now they can be used in mid- to low-end products. products, and will have very good performance." Zou Xiaodong, who was sitting next to him, said. He is in charge of the production field, and he is also responsible for chip production, so he knows this area well.

Since Haoyu Technology and several other companies established the first five-nanometer process wafer fab in Shudu, the core processor chips used by their company have basically been manufactured here.

At present, the second phase of this five-nanometer wafer fab has been completed, and it is trying to enter the three-nanometer process. If a breakthrough can be achieved, they will be basically on par with international mainstream chip technology.

In chip manufacturing, like other product manufacturing, there is a certain yield rate. It may be a small problem in the photolithography or etching process, which will cause problems with the chip.

Unlike the production process of other products, these defective products cannot be recycled. Instead, they will be classified according to the problems in these chips, and then graded for use or sale.

For example, the famous computer Intel chips are divided into i3, i5, i7, i9 and other models. These are actually cut on the same wafer. They are all the same, but they are divided into several models based on quality. For example, the high-quality product is designated as i9, the qualified product is designated as i7, and the slightly defective product is designated as i5, which is not serious, and the one with some more serious problems, but still usable, is the most basic i3. In addition, there are some that are severely damaged and cannot be used. These are waste products waiting to be destroyed.

Similar lawsuits also apply to Kirin chips. For example, its flagship chips and mid-to-low-end chips are also distinguished in this way. The most famous ones are 990 and 820, 980 and 810, etc.

When Haoyu Technology produced its own flagship product performance chips, it also accumulated many such defective chips. However, these chips have not been used in low-end and mid-range products, but have been used in other products and equipment that do not require much computing power to exert their value.

This time they have entered the mid-to-low-end field, and the use of these defective chips has returned to the journey.

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's words, Yang Fan shook his head and said: "At present, our mainstream products are smart VR glasses and smart AR glasses. Although MR glasses are also sold, they are mainly aimed at some corporate users and do not face individuals. In this regard, Say no more.

Speaking of these two glasses alone, the chip and screen actually have the greatest impact on their performance and are also the most strongly perceived by users. If the two are slightly neutered, users will be able to sense it very easily.

Therefore, if you cut corners and reduce costs in this regard, the user experience will be very poor. "

"What's in it, you get what you pay for. It depends on how the user chooses. At this price, you can only get this kind of experience. If you want to get a better experience, you have to pay more. This is an industry standard. We are not the first to create this method, so there is no need to worry about it." Tong Juan waved her hands towards Yang Fan.

"Well, these defective products can be used for chips, but what about screens? Do we really have to use the inferior screens used by other manufacturers?" Yang Fan said with a helpless look. He finally understood that this plan has been With everyone's approval, it was useless for him to have any objections, so he could only sigh.

I don't think these are issues. Hearing Yang Fan's helpless tone, Zou Xiaodong said: "As for the screen, we can completely use the 2K screen used in the previous generation product, or a quasi-4K screen, a 4K screen, or a super 4K screen.

Just a little bit ahead of the industry average, just a little bit further away from our flagship product.

And this has already saved a lot of production costs. You must know that the cost of producing a 2K screen is much lower than the cost of producing a 4K screen. Similarly, the cost of the 8K screens we currently use is much higher than that of the 4K screens. In this aspect alone, we can save considerable costs. "

Zou Xiaodong glanced at Yang Fan, and then continued: "The memory aspect is also very simple. Just lower the memory. 1TB can be reduced to 512GB, and 512GB can be reduced to 256GB. It is very simple to find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com.

As for battery life, you can also use the new lithium batteries we supply to the outside world instead of using the leading generation lithium battery products. This can also greatly save costs and widen the gap with mainstream products.

In terms of production technology, this can make a big fuss. It is possible to replace some expensive materials that were difficult to produce and process with cheap materials that are easy to process. For example, the alloy materials we used in the past can be completely replaced with plastic. . In addition to the difference in texture and grade, it will not affect the use. "

After hearing Zou Xiaodong's words, everyone couldn't help but nodded in high recognition. As for Yang Fan, he looked at Zou Xiaodong with a regretful expression and complained: "I finally understand. Fortunately, you are in charge of production. If you are in charge of sales, you must be a profiteer."


Everyone present laughed, and Zhang Jun said with a smile: "I think Dongzi's suggestion is good. You should adjust your mentality as soon as possible, and then seriously come up with a design and research plan. It's not long before the year-end press conference. , there’s not much time for you to waste.”

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Yang Fan nodded slightly, but his expression was a little heavy, and he could obviously feel his pressure.

When Wu Hao saw this, he looked at Yang Fan and said with a smile: "Well, since there is nothing contrary on your side, let Dongzi help you. The plans he proposed are good, and he will be the product manager of your project. , and then work together with you to get the product out.”

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Yang Fan, who was crying at the side, immediately raised his head and looked at him. Zou Xiaodong, who was still fussing, immediately turned his head and looked at him with a confused look.


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