Military Technology

Chapter 2221 He has the confidence and support to brag

As the launch approached, the atmosphere in the entire Xinyuehu Command and Control Center became increasingly tense.

Wu Hao and the others stopped disturbing Zhou Xiangming and Shi Zhaoping's work and concentrated on watching the launch process.

In order to maximize the impact of this launch, this launch will be broadcast live on all platforms, not only on the Internet through various platforms, but also on television and radio simultaneously. Even CCTV has started a special special program to pay attention to the launch process.

This naturally attracted the attention of a large number of viewers. Just one live broadcast room on a certain platform on the Internet has attracted millions of people to watch, and this number is still rising.

Near the Nanhai launch site, there are also many tourists from all over the country and even the world. On the one hand, of course, it is because watching a rocket launch has almost become one of the most famous tourist projects on the island. On the other hand, it is also because this launch is quite special, so it attracts more tourists.

Of course, as far as rockets are concerned, the appearance of the Jianmu-7 rocket is actually not outstanding, and the first-stage rocket is still a five-handed rocket. The surface of the rocket body has been burned to gray black, which makes it look very old and not very good-looking. .

In comparison, the large rockets used by the national team are much more beautiful, especially the Changwu. Not only does it look good, but the launch process is also very spectacular. In this regard, Jianmu-7 is far behind.

To talk about what is special about this launch, first of all, it is a lunar exploration project launch mission that will transport a lunar rover to the moon. Secondly, this is a partially recyclable rocket. Its fairing and first stage can be recycled.

About ten kilometers away from the launch tower, the landing platform has been parked and ready for the landing of the first-stage rocket. As for the two halves of the fairing, a helicopter needs to be dispatched to recover them. Although tourists cannot see this process, they can still see the helicopter flying back with the fairing hoisted.

Therefore, for these tourists, the whole process is much more attractive than a simple launch.

In order to better broadcast the entire launch process, CCTV's special program also invited several well-known experts in the aerospace field to explain the entire process, and arranged for several reporters to conduct on-site reporting and interviews.

The previous joint interview report on Yu Wuhao had been produced and broadcast, so the host immediately smiled at the expert sitting close to him and asked: "Mr. Wang (worker), as an industry insider, what do you think? What Wu Hao, the general manager of Haoyu Technology Company, said to the media just now."

Hearing the host's inquiry, Chief Engineer Wang smiled, and then replied: "Actually, we are not unfamiliar with what Wu Hao said, because the relevant technical demonstration plan materials are already in the aerospace system. It has been discussed internally many times.

It should be said that this is a very mature and highly feasible technical solution. "

"So he is not out of touch, but has confidence and support." The host continued.

"Of course, the bosses of big companies like them always think carefully about what they say, and generally they don't speak big words, which is what many of our netizens call bragging." Mr. Wang said with a smile.

"Mr. Cheng, what do you think?" the host asked the old man with white hair sitting next to Mr. Wang.

Mr. Cheng smiled and nodded when he heard this: "Actually, several of us are no strangers to Wu Hao. We have all met and dealt with him, so we are relatively familiar with him.

This young man is very outstanding. He does not have the arrogance and impetuosity that many young people have, and he is complacent and arrogant even without achieving any results. On the contrary, he is very low-key, and this person is very polite. He greets you in a soft voice and keeps his posture low. "

Hearing Mr. Cheng's praise, Mr. Wang, the author next to him, also smiled and interjected: "He is very smart, has a flexible mind, and reacts quickly. Moreover, his research in science and technology is also at a very high level. This is Not only do we recognize it, but some experts in other industries also recognize it.

What the public sees is his talent in business, while what we see is his great achievements in scientific research. It can be said that Haoyu Aerospace's achievements today are inseparable from Wu Hao's support and his personal efforts.

When we visited, we talked with their experts and engineers, and they all personally admitted that Wu Hao has strong technical abilities. There are many key technical research breakthroughs that were achieved under the leadership and intervention of Wu Hao. "

In response to Mr. Wang's praise, Mr. Cheng smiled and nodded and said: "This young man has his own unique understanding and views on the development of the aerospace industry, and has a very long-term vision.

When Haoyu Aerospace was still a small company, he was already determined to enter the field of aerospace technology. Moreover, he is very bold in the use of talents. It can be said that he knows people well and makes good use of them.

The average age of their initial rocket development team members was only twenty-nine years old, but it was such a group of young people that it took them two years to launch the first launch vehicle and achieve success.

Now their scientific research team is still very young, and many outstanding talents at home and abroad are constantly joining it. "

The main reason is that the salary is really high, which attracts many outstanding young people to join. Mr. Wang interjected.

Seeing that the two of them wanted to go off topic again, the host quickly said: "So, Mr. Wang, Mr. Cheng, how do you two view this 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle?"

When Mr. Wang heard the host change the topic, although he was a little unhappy, he stopped very cooperatively.

Seeing that Mr. Wang had no intention of speaking first, Mr. Cheng nodded and said with a smile: "I am very much looking forward to the complete success of this launch, and I am very excited about the 'Wangshu 2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experiment launched this time." The rover’s exploration experiment project on the moon is full of expectations.

This time, the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle not only conducts more detailed exploration of relevant areas on the moon, but also conducts a series of experiments. For example, there is a drilling rig on it that can drill to a depth of ten to fifteen meters.

One of its major tasks is to drill, sample and analyze the deep lunar soil of the moon, and to understand the deep lunar geological structure and the composition of the lunar soil. This will be the first of its kind in the world, because until now, there is no extraterrestrial image detector that can drill to a depth of fifteen meters and conduct sampling analysis. "


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