Military Technology

Chapter 2222 The optimal plan for “building a house” on the moon

"Of course, this is only one aspect." Mr. Cheng continued: "The greater significance of this detection is to prepare for the subsequent lunar scientific research station project. As we all know, the surface environment of the moon is relatively harsh, and the surface lunar soil is relatively fluffy. , even if the gravity on the moon is small, if you want to build houses and other facilities on it, you must explore the lower layers of the lunar soil and find relatively stable sedimentary layers or rock layers. The houses built in this way will be more stable.

The same is true for the houses we build on the earth. Before building a building, we must also survey the foundation of the building, and then evaluate whether the geological environment is suitable for building the building, and which foundation method can be used to make the building more stable. etc. "

After Chief Engineer Cheng finished speaking, Chief Engineer Wang on the side also added: "Similarly, this time there is also a construction 3D printer on the 'Wangshu 2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle, using Come and conduct some 3D printing experiments on building materials for the lunar scientific expedition station.

If this experiment can be successful, then in the future when we build scientific research stations and even future lunar cities on the moon, we can use local materials instead of transporting them from the earth. This can save us a lot of money and It can also save a lot of time and allow us to easily obtain a shelter on the moon that can survive for a long time. "

Hearing what Mr. Wang said, the host's eyes lit up and he immediately asked: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Cheng, netizens are now very curious about this construction 3D printer. Can you two give us a detailed introduction?"

Hearing the host's inquiry, Mr. Wang smiled and nodded and introduced: "It's actually a 3D printer, but the materials it uses are lunar soil and a small amount of additives. What it prints is a semi-automatic 3D printer. Glass glazed material.

In this respect, it is a bit like the glazed bricks and glazed tiles in ancient times. Of course, the strength and structure are stronger than the glazed bricks and glazed tiles. "

It's actually just melting sand. Mr. Cheng smiled and said: "Mr. Wang and I saw this equipment when we visited. It is very sophisticated. It can melt sand into glass solution, then print it out through the nozzle of the printer, and condense it into the required shape and structure. Material.

This kind of printed material is very strong. The technicians there tested it for us and used a sledgehammer to hit it hard, but only some powder fell off. The structure is still intact and is stronger than the structure of concrete. "

"So Mr. Wang, Mr. Cheng, I have a non-professional question. Since this 3D printer has been tested on the earth, and I heard that the test results are excellent, why do you still need to go to the moon to test it again? ." The host looked at the tablet in front of him and then asked the two experts.

When General Engineer Wang heard this question, he smiled and explained: "Because the composition of the lunar soil is relatively complex, it contains many other elements, which is very different from the sand and soil on the earth. And it is being tested on the earth. , this 3D printer cannot use soil printing, it still has certain requirements for materials. It is best to choose relatively pure quartz sand, silica, etc. If it is mixed with some other materials, it will directly affect The performance of this 3D printer and the strength of the printed materials will also be greatly affected.

On the earth, we can directly use this kind of 3D printer to print very pure glass, but it cannot be done on the moon, unless we have a filtering equipment that can filter the lunar soil and screen out the required materials.

So this time this 3D printer is specially designed for lunar soil, and the experimental team will also conduct relevant experimental tests on the composition of lunar soil, so as to test out an ideal formula for subsequent transportation. A larger 3D printer is being prepared for the construction of a lunar scientific research station. "

"Mr. Cheng, some netizens asked, since this technology is so complicated, why use lunar soil instead of mineral resources on the moon, such as iron ore, manganese ore, aluminum ore, copper ore, etc., which are in the lunar soil?" The content is also very rich. And the built facilities are stronger." The host glanced at the tablet next to him and then asked a new question with a smile.

This is a good question, and our scientists also have such a vision, but this should be decades away. Mr. Cheng replied with a smile: "Although the minerals you listed have good reserves on the moon, lunar mining technology is relatively difficult and costly. Let's not talk about other things, just the tools and equipment used for mining. How to transport it from the moon. Even if it is transported up, the cost will undoubtedly be very huge.

The reason why Haoyu Aerospace is experimenting with this 3D printing technology on the moon is that it hopes to use the resources on the moon to minimize the construction cost of the lunar scientific research station according to local conditions.

Therefore, at this stage, scientists still prefer to use this cheaper and simpler lunar soil material to build early-stage lunar scientific research stations or shelters for early-stage personnel residence and survival shelter. "

As soon as Mr. Cheng finished speaking, Mr. Wang continued: "Actually, scientists have put forward many plans regarding using lunar soil to build houses or shelters on the moon.

Some scientists have proposed using our traditional fortification techniques to build houses by beating lunar soil, so that enough space can be built according to local conditions for the use of residents.

It is also proposed to use lunar soil and water to make brick embryos, and then use solar energy to generate electricity to bake the bricks and then build houses. Others suggest transporting cement and other mixed materials from the earth, and then mixing them with the lunar soil, pouring concrete, and so on.

The plan proposed by Haoyu Technology to use lunar soil to 3D print houses is very ideal in terms of technical feasibility, economy, and the strength and reliability of the printed building structure. It should be said that it is a An optimal solution with very high feasibility.

To be honest, I was somewhat looking forward to the results of this experiment. If it succeeds, it means that our country has mastered a key technology that can build permanent facilities on the moon and enable long-term personnel residence.

This allows our country to spend very little money to build a large-scale scientific experiment center on the moon, laying a solid foundation for subsequent deep exploration and development of the moon. "


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