Military Technology

Chapter 2225 Conspiracy, this is a conspiracy!

Since the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle was launched with a Jianmu-7 rocket at the Nanhai launch site, its every move has attracted special attention.

In the following days, as major media rushed to report, people all over the world learned that this lunar rover, which was about to land on the moon and perform an important mission, also learned that the Western media said that this was a conspiracy, a conspiracy!

This is not a lunar exploration research project at all, but Wu Hao's "ambitious lunar colonization and hegemony plan."

Yes, in the eyes of these Western media, which are always biased, any domestic project can be regarded as ambitious. Naturally, Wu Hao and the others couldn't get away from this prejudiced title.

As for the lunar colonization and hegemony plan, this is just a series of fantasy accusations made by these Western media after eating lemons. These people always like and are good at dressing themselves up as victims, and then guess and fabricate any behavior of others. Show the world how innocent they are, but they don't know that the whole world deserves it. They are the biggest rogues.

Therefore, Wu Hao and others took a sniff of the so-called reports from these media and would not pay attention to them. It's like a dog barking at you a few times. Do you still want to follow it?

In fact, there is no need for them to fight back. In fact, the world is not limited to the West, but also to vast areas. And even in this so-called Western world, it is not monolithic. There are still many media that are untainted and have a fair attitude.

They spoke highly of Haoyu Space's launch mission, and many media said it would be a great lunar exploration journey.

He also gave a detailed introduction to the mission of the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle, which also made this lunar exploration mission more and more influential and became known to more people. discuss.

Compared with these lively media, Haoyu Technology behaves very calmly, which is even considered abnormal by many media and even many people. Logically speaking, with such high popularity, Haoyu Technology and Haoyu Aerospace should take the opportunity to promote it, but after a few days, they did refuse any further interviews from the media. They have also become very restrained in releasing relevant materials, only announcing the flight status of the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle and orbiter combination on time. Apart from that, there is nothing else.

In Wu Hao's view, publicity is necessary, but it must wait until the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle lands smoothly on the moon. Otherwise, once something unexpected happens, how big the influence is now will be how big the joke will be later.

Therefore, in order not to put more pressure on the mission's technical team, Wu Hao asked people to decline all media interviews for the next few days, and he was also very restrained in publicity and did not publish any misleading content as much as possible.

After repeated studies, the mission team finally selected the landing area of ​​the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle as the first of several alternative areas for building a lunar scientific research station. It is also the first of several alternative areas for the mission team and An area that experts are quite satisfied with.

This is a plain located in the northwest corner of Zhimai in the southern hemisphere of the moon, near the Riffey Mountains.

The terrain of this area is flat and there are not so many meteorite impact craters, making it suitable for building lunar scientific research stations and subsequent scientific research facilities. In addition, it is rich in resources, including the most critical water resources and other mineral resources that can be utilized. More importantly, Zhihai is also one of the main distribution areas of helium-3 resources. The lunar soil contains very rich helium-3 elements.

Therefore, after considering so many factors, we finally placed the landing site of the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle here for priority detection. If the detection results here are in line with expectations, then they will Abandon subsequent exploration projects in other areas and directly establish the scientific research station here.

After the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle and orbiter combination entered the moon and underwent a thirty-hour orbit change and deceleration braking, the lunar landing mission began immediately.

The Anxi Measurement and Control Center reported that according to multi-aircraft radar detection and verification by the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center, the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle and orbiter combination is in good condition, and all aspects of the data meet the landing conditions, and landing is allowed. .

After hearing this report, Zhou Xiangming turned to Wu Hao and explained: "In order to ensure that the entire landing process is foolproof, we will submit the relevant data to the Anxi Measurement and Control Center and the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center for re-examination before landing, so as to ensure that the landing is appropriate." Ensuring the accuracy of all data can greatly ensure the success rate of our landing.

It will not happen like a certain country's lunar probe, which directly loses contact and hits the moon. "

Hahahaha, Wu Hao and the others laughed when they heard Zhou Xiangming's words. Of course they know who this is.

Generally speaking, space exploration missions like this should not be ridiculed. However, this lunar exploration project has become a joke in the aerospace circle. In the words of many people, it means that cats and dogs of all kinds have begun to engage in lunar exploration in recent years. A certain country wants to explore the moon even before they have completed the construction of toilets.

There is a saying that the heart is as high as the sky and life is as thin as paper.

But even so, it is more powerful than most countries on the earth. At least it can develop its own rockets, aircraft, and detectors. This is already very powerful, enough to power most of the countries on the earth. nation.

There is a saying that goes, if the dwarf is in the nest, there will be no one left.

Of course, at the level of a certain country, it can only bully most other countries and then enjoy itself. There is a group of giants above it, these are the high-end players.

Now let alone the national teams of these aerospace powers, even the aerospace companies in these countries are much more powerful than it.

Just like the manned spacecraft, a certain country has boasted for many years that it will send its astronauts into space in its own spacecraft. But so far, it has not been successful.

However, a technology company like Haoyu Technology has been able to independently develop its own manned spacecraft and send astronauts into the sky. Not to mention their failed mission, Haoyu Aerospace has already sent the "Wangshu-1" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover to the moon, and then traveled thousands of kilometers.

With this gap, a certain country may not be able to catch up with it in less than ten years, depending on its strength, but this is already very merciless, and it is a statement of high emotional intelligence.


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