Military Technology

Chapter 2226 Moon landing rapid landing technology

Compared with previous launch missions, everyone seemed more relaxed this time during the landing mission of the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle. This is also because the entire landing process is controlled by the system. Unless a system error or equipment failure is detected, the command and control center here will take over and manually issue instructions to remotely control the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface detection experiment. The car lands.

Under normal circumstances, there is no need for manual intervention at all, and everything is automatically controlled and executed by the system along the designed program.

Seeing the numbers in the countdown column on the big screen getting smaller and smaller, everyone's originally relaxed mood began to become a little nervous.

There is no way, no matter who they are, they will not remain indifferent when faced with such a task, so everyone's ups and downs at this moment are normal reactions.

Ten, nine, eight, seven...three, two, one~!

Everyone silently chanted the countdown, and then stared at the picture on the big screen.

The simulation screen shows that the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle and the orbiter assembly have been separated. However, we have to wait for the data transmission from the orbiter and the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle to be confirmed.

Bang bang bang bang...

A burst of applause resounded through the hall, and the monitoring screen of the orbiter was transmitted on the big screen. Through the monitoring screen, it can be seen that the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle has separated from the orbiter, and then slowly moved away. , falling towards the moon.

As for the orbiter, after being separated from the lunar rover, it will re-ignite the engine, adjust the orbit, and start flying around the moon. Together with the orbiter of the previous Wangshu-1 intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration rover, it will provide the basis for 'Wangshu-1'. and 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicles provide a series of services such as information transfer, navigation and positioning, and lunar remote sensing.

It is worth mentioning that this time the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle adopted a rapid landing technology, which shortened the entire landing time from more than ten hours before to a few hours now. The entire landing process The basic salary is the ballistic curve, so there are higher requirements for the performance of the entire aerial crane.

Like the Wangshu-1 intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle, the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle also uses aerial crane technology for landing. Compared with the previous generation of aerial crane technology, the second generation of aerial crane technology has been greatly improved, upgraded and optimized in many aspects, which also allows it to achieve rapid landing missions and shorten the entire landing time to a few hours.

This technology will also conduct preliminary technical verification tests for a series of subsequent lunar exploration missions and even manned lunar landing missions. Once successful, they will be able to establish a complete set of rapid lunar landing and liftoff technologies in the future, which will be very beneficial to their subsequent series of lunar projects.

It is precisely because of this that Wu Hao and others did not leave, but planned to stay at Xinyuehu Command and Control Center to watch the entire landing process.

On the big screen, in addition to the real-time images captured and transmitted by the external surveillance cameras on the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle and the aerial crane assembly, there are also several simulation images showing the entire landing process. , and the real-time status of the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle and aerial crane combination.

Through these pictures, Wu Hao, Zhang Jun and the others can also see clearly what the status of the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle and aerial reversing vehicle combination is at this moment, and where it has flown.

As the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle and the aerial crane combination get closer and closer to the lunar surface, until it is about 18 kilometers away from the lunar surface, the aerial crane begins to release 'Wangshu-2' Intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle, with the release of the cable, the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle was suspended at a position about ten meters away from the aerial crane. Several engines of the aerial crane also ignited one after another, starting to The entire lunar landing assembly decelerates.

As the multiple engines on the aerial crane ignited and started, the speed of the entire landing assembly also continued to decrease, gradually reaching two meters per second from the initial 1,700 meters per second.

After the entire landing assembly landed two hundred meters above the ground, the "Wangshu-2" intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle suspended from the aerial crane began to hover. At this moment, the landing assembly's descent speed was zero.

They look like a helicopter hanging off this jeep and then hovering over the landing site.

This is the most critical and essential step in the entire landing process. That is, the ground obstacle avoidance system on the aerial crane will start and quickly scan the ground to select a flatter location that meets the landing conditions for landing. The entire 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle landed in a crater on the moon. You must know that the craters on the moon are still very high.

There is a comedy movie that tells the story of a man who fell into a transportation pit on the moon, missed his spaceship back to Earth, and was stranded on the moon.

The entire hover lasted for five or six seconds. After determining the suitable landing point, the "Wangshu-2" intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle suspended by the aerial crane began to descend again, towards the selected landing point.

Through the footage transmitted back from the surveillance camera on the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle, everyone at the Xinyuehu Comprehensive Space Command and Control Center can clearly see some craters and large craters on the lunar surface. Stone shadow.

At this moment, we have reached the final step of the entire landing process, and everyone's hearts are in their throats.

Even with the high-speed data transmission technology used, the transmission of signal data is still unstable during the entire landing process, so the pictures everyone sees are somewhat laggy and very non-delayed.

Under everyone's gaze, the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle in the picture is getting closer and closer to the ground, until the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle moves steadily Landed on the moon.

At that moment, the steel cable hanging the "Wangshu-2" intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle was disconnected, and the aerial crane flew away immediately after losing the weight of the "Wangshu-2" intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle. Toward the distance.

Its mission has been completed, and what awaits it will be a gorgeous curtain call.

It will eventually hit the lunar surface hundreds of meters away, and then provide fresh deep lunar soil samples for the subsequent 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle.

This was also verified through the camera on the aerial crane. It first flew away from the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle, then dropped rapidly, and finally lost the picture.


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