Military Technology

Chapter 2227 Such Huixing’s success is by no means a fluke

Chapter 2227 Such a brilliant success is no fluke

Warm cheers and applause resounded throughout the Xinyuehu Comprehensive Command and Control Hall. Everyone clapped, stood up, and threw all the idle items on hand into the air.

"Congratulations, thank you for your hard work!" Wu Hao, Zhang Jun and the others began to shake hands with the responsible persons and engineers responsible for the mission. Even with the success of the 'Wangshu-1' intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle, they were extremely excited when the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle was launched.

The 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle landed safely and smoothly on the moon, which means that they have mastered a series of key core technologies for lunar landing exploration, and the related technologies are very mature.

In the past, many people would have criticized and attacked Wu Hao and the others on the grounds that the success of Wangshu No. 1 was just a fluke, doubting their technology and strength. And now, the success of the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle has announced to the outside world that they have successfully mastered very mature lunar landing technology and lunar exploration technology.

Because one success may be a fluke, but two consecutive successes cannot be summed up as a fluke.

Soon, relevant landing images of the ‘Wangshu-2’ intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle were released through the cameras of major media, instantly making the headlines and being watched and commented by many netizens.

Many people were waiting for this news, but when the news was released, many people felt a little incredible. In just a few years, Haoyu Technology has already grown to this point.

In Shenzhen City, Xiao Ma was in the office talking with several company executives when suddenly the smart transparent folding device at hand rang twice. This is a customized product specially given to them by Wu Hao, the kind that cannot be bought outside.

Although he has a lot of opinions about Wu Hao, Xiao Ma likes their product very much. He has been using this smart transparent folding device. It has become the object of curiosity, envy and discussion among his friends at many times. This It made him feel very satisfied.

Picking up the device casually and taking a look, Xiao Ma's eyes were attracted by the message in the pop-up window. After clicking on it, relevant reports were immediately displayed in front of Brother Xiao Ma.

"He really succeeded."

"Mr. Ma, what succeeded?" an old subordinate sitting opposite asked with a smile.

Brother Xiao Ma said to the curious people: "The lunar rover launched by Haoyu Technology has just landed successfully."

Upon hearing the news, several people in the office were stunned for a moment, and then they all nodded and started discussing.

Haoyu Technology has only been developing for a few years, and its momentum is so strong that it can be said that no one can match it in the domestic technology circle. An old subordinate sighed.

The key is technology. I don’t know how Haoyu Technology does it. Its scientific research capabilities are amazing. In recent years, new technologies have come out every year, and they are all amazing technologies. They have to be admired. Another person nodded and said.

After hearing what the two said, the last female subordinate present smiled and said: "I heard that the reason why Haoyu Technology has such strong research and development capabilities and has developed a series of black technologies is because its chairman Wu Hao kidnapped aliens , mastered the black technology of aliens."

What is this? Where did you hear all this nonsense? Hearing the contents of this female subordinate's gossip, Xiao Ma was dumbfounded.

"It's all being said on the Internet, and it sounds pretty similar to that." The female subordinate said with a smile.

“Can things on the Internet be taken seriously?”

Brother Xiao Ma replied, and then said to everyone: "In any case, it is a major event in the domestic technology circle and deserves to be celebrated. Help me draft a congratulatory email and send it back to Wu Hao."

Hearing Brother Xiao Ma's words, the female subordinate was about to agree when she heard Brother Xiao Ma shake her head and say: "Forget it, I'd better call him later. I guess this guy is feeling proud now. "

After sighing, Brother Xiao Ma seemed to have remembered something, and then asked: "I remember if their Haoyu Aerospace subsidiary is going to be listed."

Yes, it’s the 23rd of this month, so there are only a few days left. A male subordinate responded.

Well, Brother Xiao Ma nodded after hearing this, thought for a moment, and then said: "If we want to achieve success in the aerospace field, Haoyu Aerospace is an existence that cannot be avoided.

Therefore, even though we are currently competing fiercely with Haoyu Technology in the Internet field, we cannot stop cooperating with them, especially in the field of aerospace technology.

Although several emerging domestic rocket companies are pretty good, they are far behind Haoyu Aerospace. "

We have been in contact with them in this regard, and their attitude is quite enthusiastic. Another male subordinate present nodded and said.

Hearing this, Brother Xiao Ma nodded and affirmed: "Continue to contact them and cooperate with them. We cannot lag behind in the aerospace field."

Hangzhou, a lakeside garden villa on the outskirts of the city.

Ma, who has been living in an apartment for several years, is living a very comfortable life at the moment. Although I no longer have the feeling of power I had at the beginning, my life is pretty good now, and I can completely relax my body and mind. He had not gained weight in decades, but he actually gained a few pounds.

Now he doesn't think about anything. He just reads the news, sips tea, does Tai Chi or sings opera every day. Sometimes when the grandchildren come back, I can tease them and think about family happiness.

Lao Ma, who was playing with a bonsai in the courtyard, suddenly heard his own cheers in the room. With a smile on his lips, he couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? Why are you so happy?"

"Grandpa, Haoyu Technology's lunar rover has landed on the moon." The grandson, who is already in elementary school, said excitedly to him with a tablet. As a space fan, this little guy pays special attention to space news. He has been paying close attention to the lunar rover launched by Haoyu Space.

Oh, let me see. Lao Ma put on his reading glasses and took the tablet from his grandson's hand and started reading.

I found a news report on the tablet. After reading the report carefully, Lao Ma couldn't help but smile.

"This kid is getting better and better."

After a brief glance, Lao Ma smiled at his chubby grandson and asked, "Do you like aerospace very much?"

Like, I want to be an astronaut when I grow up, fly into space, and land on the moon, Mars, Saturn, and the sun. The little grandson looked excitedly at the old horse and said excitedly.

Ha ha ha ha. Lao Ma rubbed his grandson's hair with his hands, and then said with a smile: "You can't go to Saturn and the sun, because they are both gaseous and cannot land.

But go to space and land on the moon and Mars. Grandpa may be able to realize your dream. "

Speaking of this, Lao Ma couldn't help but sigh. He didn't know if he was still alive at that time.


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