Military Technology

Chapter 2231 You will be the protagonists tomorrow

As the listing date of Haoyu Aerospace approaches, many people have begun to pay attention.

On the one hand, of course, we are concerned that this is the first privately-owned aerospace technology company to be listed in China, which has important representative significance. On the other hand, they are concerned about whether Haoyu Aerospace will disclose more unknown information after this listing.

After all, whether it is the Wangshu-1 lunar rover that has traveled thousands of kilometers on the moon, or the Wangshu-2 that carried new scientific research and detection equipment and successfully landed on the moon to carry out reliable activities, has it accumulated a lot of rich detection results? .

So everyone is looking forward to whether Haoyu Aerospace will reveal some new and valuable scientific research results in order to promote the company's stock price this time. After all, this is also a process that general listed companies must go through. Many companies have actually started publicity and momentum several months ago. As the listing approaches, all kinds of good news keep coming, just to give investors confidence and thereby promote the company's stock growth.

However, compared with the publicity and momentum in the past few days, as the listing is approaching, both Haoyu Aerospace and the parent company Haoyu Technology have become very low-key, and no more news has come out, which makes many Although people are surprised, they can't help but feel a little disappointed. Is this just what Haoyu Aerospace is doing?

The day before the listing, Wu Hao led a group of people on a special plane to prepare for Shanghai to participate in the gong-ringing ceremony for the listing the next day.

Due to the absence of Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fan, this time Wu Hao led Zhang Jun, Tong Juan, Zhou Xiangming and other persons in charge of Haoyu Technology and Haoyu Aerospace, as well as representatives of relevant departments and units under Haoyu Aerospace, to Shanghai and Yu Chengwu and Yang Xiaoyun, who had arrived there earlier and were already making preparations, met up.

The fact that Wu Hao and the others traveled together on a special plane naturally attracted a lot of attention. After explanations from insiders, most of them understood that Haoyu Aerospace was about to go public. No wonder there was so much news in the past few days.

On the special plane, a group of people were still a little nervous and excited.

Zhang Jun, who was sitting opposite Wu Hao, couldn't help but sigh: "After growing up, this is the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair."

Instead of ringing a bell, ring a gong. Tong Juan, who was sitting next to him, corrected with a smile.

Generally, when stocks are listed, a bell-ringing ceremony will be held. However, after this ceremony spread to the East, it was replaced by a gong-ringing ceremony. Because in the East or in our tradition, bad things will always happen when ringing bells. Only monks would ring bells. In ancient times, emperors and queens would only ring bells after they died, so everyone will have this problem. Calculate.

In ancient times, gongs sounded lively, and when the market opened in ancient times, gongs were usually played to announce the opening of the market. And compared with the thin and crisp sound of a bell, the sound of gongs is somewhat calm and solemn, so domestic and some regions like to ring gongs on the market to cast a fortune and bring good luck!

Yep. Zhang Jun reacted immediately, then turned to Tong Juan and asked: "By the way, you have participated in the corn gong-beating ceremony. Do you have any specialties or questions?"

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Tong Juan smiled and shook her head: "Actually, there is nothing to pay attention to, just follow the process. I was just a small role at the time, so it was good to be able to participate. "


After hearing Tong Juan's words, everyone laughed. Tong Juan's words naturally contained her modesty, but more of them were actually teasing the gong-ringing ceremony that he had participated in.

Compared to the three of them, Zhou Xiangming on the side was obviously still a little excited and even a little overwhelmed.

Zhang Jun glanced at the kid and joked: "You have to hold on to me, kid, so you don't lose your temper on the spot."

After listening to Zhang Jun's teasing, Zhou Xiangming opened his mouth and said with some nervousness and worry: "Well, why don't I stop talking? Anyway, I'm just a high-tech guy and I don't have anything to say."

You can't think so. Wu Hao, who was sitting next to him, smiled and patted his shoulder to comfort him: "In the listing ceremony, the three of you are indispensable. Yu Chengwu is in charge of the general manager, Yang Xiaoyun is in charge of the operation market, and you are in charge of technology. You three cooperate with each other. essential.

For this listing, we need to present Haoyu Aerospace to the public in all aspects, thereby proving to them that Haoyu Aerospace is an aerospace technology company with strength, potential and future.

Compared to the two of them, your speech is also crucial, because aerospace technology is the core competitiveness of Haoyu Aerospace. Without this, what advantages can Haoyu Aerospace have to attract the majority of investors to believe in us. "

Mr. Wu is right, have confidence in yourself, you will be the protagonists tomorrow. Tong Juan encouraged with a smile.

Zhang Jun also smiled and nodded, and then said to Zhou Xiangming: "Mr. Tong is right, you guys are the protagonists tomorrow, and we are just home guests, cheering you on."

Well, don't worry, imagine that you will soon become a multi-millionaire, isn't it worth being happy? For this, you have to show off. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Ha ha ha ha……

Hearing his words, everyone in the cabin laughed again. The listing of Haoyu Aerospace and its stock growth can be said to be closely related to them, so how could everyone not be happy to hear this.

Mr. Wu, can you order food? Two flight attendants with hot bodies and beautiful faces walked over on high heels and said to Wu Hao. However, her eyes looked at everyone in the cabin, and finally her eyes fell on Zhou Xiangming, and she took a second look.

This scene was also seen by Zhang Jun and the attentive Tong Juan. The two looked at each other and showed knowing weakening.

Wu Hao glanced at everyone, then smiled and nodded, "Okay, let's all have some." What are you preparing for today?

Seeing that everyone nodded, the stewardess handed the menu to everyone. Wu Hao looked at the menu and listened to the stewardess's introduction, and then ordered: "I want one piece of Mujiangzi beef tongue, and then one piece." Avocado salad and a glass of white wine for me.”

I want a red wine steak, a vegetable salad, a red soup, and a glass of red wine. Zhang Jun handed the menu to the stewardess and said.

Tong Juan flipped through the menu, then ordered with a smile: "Then give me a charcoal-grilled cod, a Basque cheesecake, a salad, and a glass of ice wine."

Zhou Xiangming listened to the three people's orders, then flipped through the menu and showed a restrained smile to the stewardess and said: "Give me a broccoli and veal steak, and then the same salad, without drinking, give me Have a glass of juice."

Hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, Zhang Jun quickly waved to the stewardess dissatisfied and said, "Give him a glass of red wine. What kind of juice should he drink on this big day? Besides, the ceremony only starts tomorrow, so drinking this little wine won't make a difference."


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