Military Technology

Chapter 2232 We don’t feel at ease without you to control the situation.

At the entrance of a star-rated hotel in Shanghai, Yu Chengwu and Yang Xiaoyun were standing at the door with a group of their men, waiting eagerly. Yang Xiaoyun had come to Shanghai half a month ago to prepare for the listing of Haoyu Aerospace, while Yu Chengwu had just finished participating in the Jianmu-7 carrying the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle in the South China Sea. After the launch mission, I came here to make preparations for related matters.

Now the two of them led the staff to wait at the entrance of the hotel, naturally welcoming the arrival of Wu Hao and the others.

They didn't wait long at the door when they saw a convoy of several official vehicles rushing down the street to the hotel door. The car door opened. Wu Hao and Wu Hao got out of the car first, and then everyone else got out of their cars.

Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Tong, thank you for your hard work along the way. Upon seeing this, Yu Chengwu quickly stepped forward and said hello with a smile.

Haha, you are the ones who have worked hard. Wu Hao shook hands with Yu Chengwu and Yang Xiaoyun and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work these days. When you are done with this period of work, take a good vacation and rest."

Haha, you’re not tired from working on your own company. What’s more, this is a big happy event. We have long forgotten our tiredness and are only excited. Yu Chengwu replied with a smile.


Hearing his words, Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then waved his hand and walked into the hotel together.

Some secretly lurking reporters outside took pictures of this scene and quickly posted it on the Internet.

After entering the hotel, Wu Hao did not go to the room, but came to the hotel's small conference room to listen to relevant work reports from Yu Chengwu and Yang Xiaoyun, as well as introduce some activities of tomorrow's listing ceremony.

How this gong-beating ceremony was done, I still don’t understand. After Zhang Juntong finished Yang Xiaoyun's introduction, he couldn't help but become confused. His doubts are also those of many people here, because for everyone, this requires a young girl to get on the sedan chair for the first time, and she has little experience.

In fact, the gong-beating ceremony is more symbolic. In fact, tomorrow's listing ceremony does not involve beating the gong in person, but using the consciousness of jointly pressing the switch. Yang Xiaoyun explained with a smile: "There will be a crystal-carved earth. When the countdown is over, all of us present need to raise our hands to touch it.

The switch connects the system and our stock will be officially listed. At the same time, the switch will also be connected to a mechanical gong to sound, which means that the market is auspicious and the market is rising steadily. "

"Is that so? I thought we would have to go knock the gong in person." Zhang Jun suddenly said.

Haha, Yang Xiaoyun smiled and shook his head: "Actually, there is such a ceremony, but if you simply beat the gong, it can only be operated by one person or at most two or three people. It is not very lively, and other people are not considered. That’s why we switched to this electronic method, which is more ceremonial and lively.”

fine. Wu Hao smiled and nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, if this is the previous gong-ringing ceremony, then who should be the first to ring the gong? Is it Wu Hao, the person in charge of the parent company Haoyu Technology, or Yu Chengwu, the person in charge of Haoyu Aerospace."

The current collective participation model can solve this problem very well, so that no one is embarrassed and everyone has a sense of participation.

"Mr. Wu, you will also be the focus of the media's attention tomorrow, so your speech tomorrow will definitely be highly anticipated." Yang Xiaoyun said with a smile at Wu Hao.

When Wu Hao heard this, he showed a wry smile: "The focus is still on you. I won't steal the spotlight. I will just be a guest."

"The key is that we won't worry if you don't hold the market together." Yu Chengwu said with a smile: "Besides, compared to us, the public and stock names obviously believe in you more, so in order to give our stocks a good start , you can’t just say a few words and leave just to save trouble.”

Well, it seems that even if I want to be lazy, I can't do it. Wu Hao showed a helpless look, then looked at Shen Ning who followed him and said with a smile: "How is the preparation of the speech?"

Shen Ning smiled and nodded: "It has been drawn up. According to your habits, we have prepared the relevant notes, outline, and complete speech draft, waiting for your final review."

Wu Hao nodded and said, "Go back to the room for me later."

He really hates the kind of speeches that are scripted, serious, and boring, so many times his speeches are basically unscripted. The speech script only gave him a general idea and reminded him of some key points that needed to be said. Everything else is up to him. He tried his best to make his speech less professional and more colloquial, so that everyone could understand what he was talking about and feel cordial. Instead of speaking fluent English, or a pair of high-level statistics, or how professional they appear.

This is actually a very low-level propaganda. For example, in some so-called technology product launches that he dislikes, many people like to follow the script and throw out the data that we are tired of hearing to you intact. , and thoughtfully give you a comparison of how the relevant data parameters of their products are different from those of other products, how much higher, how much lower, etc.

You can even talk about something for half an hour or an hour, and even a screensaver can last for more than ten minutes. What's the point of this kind of press conference?

What consumers really care about is the product's true performance and real usage experience. Maybe these data changes are not as important to them, and the experience of using them comes first. What kind of functions can give consumers a different use experience and bring about changes in use? This is meaningful and what everyone is most concerned about.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

As for what you said about the performance of your product, parameter explosions and so on, it is useless. It is still hot to use when it should be hot, it is still stuck when it should be stuck, and the antenna is burned when it should be burned.

Therefore, at the press conference hosted by Wu Hao, there was actually very little talk about some performance parameters. The relevant things have already been displayed and listed on the PPT, so there is no need for him to repeat them. I just want to mention something more important or two points to emphasize.

More often, Wu Hao talks about user experience and other aspects. These things may seem less professional than those that talk about data parameters, but for the majority of consumers, they are more important and have more reference. value.


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