Military Technology

Chapter 2235 Moon travel is not a dream

After saying this, Wu Hao paused briefly, glanced at the audience, and then continued: "In the future, we will increase investment in the field of aerospace technology and actively promote the healthy and smooth progress of multiple projects.

First of all, it is the lunar scientific research station construction project that everyone is most concerned about. This will be our most important work in the future. We will use three to five years to build the entire lunar scientific research station, as well as the supporting Earth-lunar freight system and Earth-lunar express bus system, and welcome the first batch of members to move in.

By then, this lunar scientific research station will not only be able to accommodate astronauts, but also scientists will move in for long-term stay and related scientific research work. It will also be open to tourists, giving ordinary tourists the opportunity to take the Earth-Moon Express Bus System to the lunar scientific research station and stay for half a month to a month.

In other words, if you are willing, you can take your bride or groom on a sweet trip to the moon and spend your honeymoon on the moon. "


After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone at the scene laughed.

Although Wu Hao's words are somewhat unrealistic, you must know that until now, no couple has been able to travel in space. How you can go to the moon for your honeymoon all of a sudden is simply unimaginable.

However, if we really have such an opportunity, that would be great for everyone. Although everyone knows that the cost of a trip to the moon is probably beyond the reach of most people. But at least there is such an opportunity, which means that everyone has such an opportunity.

Perhaps with the development of technology in the future, the cost of traveling to the moon will become lower and lower, and when it becomes affordable to the general public, traveling to the moon will really be no longer a dream.

Taking in everyone's expressions, Wu Hao smiled and continued: "In the future, we will also carry out a series of supporting and follow-up development plans based on the lunar scientific research station.

For example, the lunar mining project that everyone is paying close attention to is not a boast, nor is it a so-called gimmick for stock growth. Instead, we were planning and researching related supporting projects at the beginning of the lunar exploration project.

Even our follow-up construction plan of the lunar scientific research station also requires the support of lunar mineral resources.

Not only that, in fact, the construction of our entire lunar scientific research station follows the maximum extent of local materials and uses existing resources on the moon to build the lunar scientific research station.

For example, the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle that we launched not long ago is equipped with a construction 3D printer. We will experiment with using the most common lunar soil on the moon to print it for construction facilities. Building blocks of construction.

If this experiment can be successful, then in the future, the first phase of our lunar scientific research station project will use this technology to build the foundation of the lunar scientific research station and some supporting facilities.

As for the subsequent construction of the lunar scientific expedition station, we will also use relevant mining robots to mine mineral resources on the moon, such as ferromanganese, titanium, aluminum, copper, silver, gold and a series of metal resources for refining. In this way, the relevant materials and components we need can be manufactured and used on the moon.

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In this way, we can reduce the construction cost of the entire lunar scientific research station to a minimum. The overall cost may be only one-tenth of the lunar research station cost announced by other national space agencies and aerospace technology companies, and may even be Go to the minimum.

In addition to low construction costs, the operating costs of our lunar scientific research station are also very low, and most of the resources will be obtained on the moon or produced by ourselves. For example, we will obtain the water resources required for life on the moon. "

After saying that, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then said to everyone: "Here, I have good news to share with you, that is, our 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface exploration experimental vehicle has successfully A 14-meter-deep scientific research borehole was drilled on the moon. We extracted relevant soil samples from the surface of the lunar soil to 14 meters underground, and conducted laboratory analysis using the material analysis laboratory carried on the lunar rover.

Through our analysis of lunar soil samples at different depths, we have found very abundant material elements in the lunar soil, such as titanium, copper, silver, and some rare earth metal elements, as well as unknown elements that we have not detected. We preliminarily speculate that these unknown elements are likely to come from the distant universe. It may have been brought by the meteorite that hit the moon to form Zhihai. We still need further analysis to determine what this element is.

In addition to these, there is the helium-3 resource that everyone is most concerned about. We have detected very rich helium-3 resources in the surface layer of soil at 1.5 meters. This further confirms that Zhihai’s helium-3 reserves are very rich and it is enough We carry out related mining operations.

In addition to helium-3 resources, another thing that everyone is most concerned about is water resources. This time, we also found very abundant water resources throughout the lunar soil. The water content in the surface layer is relatively low, but after reaching a depth of one meter, the water content continues to rise. Even later, what we drilled out were some frozen soil samples whose water content exceeded 20%.

And this also means that there is a very rich water resource under the Zhihai Sea, which is enough for us to carry out a series of scientific research and detection missions, and it is also enough for us humans to survive there. "

“In addition to these inherent resources, we will also use the environment and related conditions on the moon to produce some needed materials and resources, such as the food resources that humans need most.

In the future, we will use 3D printing technology to build several plant factories on the moon, use hydroponic technology to build a small plant factory on the moon, and try to build an ecosystem.

We will grow some food in the plant factory, such as wheat, rice, corn, potatoes and other food crops, and we will also grow some vegetables. In addition, we will also try to breed some animals to improve the recipes.

For example, the mealworms proposed by scientists can provide astronauts with very rich protein resources. However, this kind of mealworm is difficult to swallow, so we will also try to use it as a raw material to print some synthetic meat, which will be easier to cook and eat to satisfy everyone's taste buds and perception needs. In addition, we may also experiment with breeding rabbits, bullfrogs, or other well-bred food animals.

Allowing residents on the moon to obtain very nutritious food to help them live a better life on the moon. "

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