Military Technology

Chapter 2236 Lunar Interstellar Port


“With these resources as support, we can get rid of the earth’s supplies to the greatest extent.

In this way, on the one hand, the daily operating expenses of the lunar scientific research station can be reduced to a minimum, and on the other hand, it can accommodate more personnel and spend more time.

Therefore, in the future, we will continue to expand the scale of the lunar scientific research station so that it can accommodate more personnel.

And on this basis, we will continue to study and explore the construction of a lunar city, which is expected to initially accommodate thousands or even tens of thousands of people. These people will be the first permanent residents on the moon. They will pioneer on this desolate planet and work hard to build a modern comprehensive lunar port on the moon.

This will provide related material and personnel transfer services for human beings to enter the moon on a large scale, as well as for human beings to go into deep space and return to the earth.

We know that the moon is the gateway to the earth. Whether we humans go out of the earth and go into deep space, or people in deep space want to enter the earth, they must pass through the moon. Therefore, building an interstellar port on the moon can be said to be the most important step for mankind to start the space era.

Think about some of the famous transit international ports on the planet. They can make the port and even the entire country a lot of money just by relying on ship docking and related supply costs. And this will be an interstellar port, which means that its future development potential will be huge and far-reaching.

In the future, we will use this place as a starting point to gradually go out and explore this unknown deep space. For example, everyone is curious about Mars and the billions of asteroid belts between Mars and Jupiter. There are precious resources stored there that are enough for human use for tens of thousands of years. With these resources, human beings can truly enter the space era.

As pioneers, we can seize this opportunity and obtain many precious resources first, including some mineral elements that do not exist on the earth. Maybe that element can change the world. "

He successfully painted a big pie for everyone. Seeing that the on-site effect met his expectations, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Haoyu Aerospace was founded for these lofty and brilliant dreams and goals. We hope that through everyone's support, we can gather Everyone’s efforts will promote the rapid development of our country’s aerospace technology, thereby promoting the development of aerospace technology for the entire human civilization.

To achieve the goals I mentioned, we cannot do without the support of all of us, because the power of one of us is always limited, and if we can gather the power of more people, I believe that these dreams can eventually be realized. Yes, I am confident about this. "

At this point, Wu Hao changed the topic and said with a smile: "Of course, we are not the kind of people who just talk about ideals and ignore reality.

Compared with these grand ideals, everyone actually wants to know whether they can make money by buying our stocks. "


After hearing his words, everyone in the audience laughed knowingly. Yes, most people here think so, and this is also the focus of their attention.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "I can't guarantee that you will definitely make money if you buy our stocks, but what I can guarantee is that the projects and plans we mentioned will be steadily advanced and realized one by one.

We are confident in our technology, and we also hope that everyone can be confident in us. Thank you! "

At this point, Wu Hao thanked him and walked away, and a burst of warm applause broke out at the scene. Yu Chengwu started talking immediately, and he began to make a concluding speech, also waiting for the start of the final launch time.

"Not bad." Zhang Jun smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, then took the water and drank it. After this round of speaking, he was so tired that he felt his voice was hoarse. He had to take a break quickly because the event wasn't over yet. Even if it's over, I'm afraid I'll have to deal with a group of difficult reporters later.

Yu Chengwu's speech ended quickly. At his invitation, Wu Hao and the others walked onto the stage again and stood behind a device.

This is the crystal earth introduced by Yang Xiaoyun. It is surrounded by flowers, crystal clear and emitting a slight white light. On the surface of the crystal ball, the outlines of the continents and islands on the earth are also engraved.

The big screen behind it turned into a red theme, which looked particularly auspicious.

If it were abroad, this kind of red would definitely not be liked by stock investors, because red represents a decline. In China, it's just the opposite. Red means stocks are rising, while green means stocks are falling.

This is also related to our traditional culture. In our traditional culture, red represents joy and harvest. Therefore, according to this tradition, the color of our domestic stock prices has changed to red for rising and green for falling. This can also be regarded as a characteristic of our domestic stock market.

Ten, nine, eight, seven...three, two, one!

Everyone on the stage pressed their hands on the crystal clear earth. Colorful ribbons sprayed out and fell, and the huge gong on the side also rang.

This also meant that Haoyu Aerospace was officially listed. Everyone couldn't help but look at the screen and watch the changes in their stocks.

"It's gone up, it's gone up!"

Everyone couldn't help but get excited when they looked at the red and rising numbers.

Their issuance stock price is 378 yuan per share. Just after it was listed, it has quickly risen to over 400 yuan, and this quality is still changing and rising!

In fact, before this, an expert team had made relevant estimates for them. According to the experts' estimates, their stock growth on the first day should be around 10%, which is ideal.

And now it seems that the current growth rate has far exceeded expectations. But this is just the beginning, and it is still unknown how much the final closing price will be.

After all, the stock market is unpredictable and no one knows what will happen in the next second. Many times, these changes and fluctuations are beyond their ability to intervene. But as far as they are concerned, after preparing for so long, they are very confident in Haoyu Aerospace's stock.

Generally speaking, there will definitely be some operations when a stock has just been listed. It's like after a product is launched, it must achieve good results. Just like how many thousands of products are sold in how many minutes and hours after it goes on sale.

In fact, the same is true for stock listings. If the growth momentum of newly listed stocks is rapid, then their stocks will naturally attract the attention of the majority of investors, thus driving them to follow up. And in this way, with the follow-up steps of these investors, Haoyu Aerospace's stock growth will naturally rise.

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