Military Technology

Chapter 2238 Research Centers with Different Positions

Especially today, Haoyu Aerospace, which is controlled by Haoyu Technology, was listed on the market and saw a sharp rise on the first day. This naturally made many people tempted and wanted to make friends with Wu Hao and other upstarts in the business world.

So, there was this dinner party. Originally, Wu Hao actually refused to accept the offer, but he couldn't stand the enthusiasm of a few familiar bosses, so he finally had to agree.

Wu Hao couldn't help but have a headache when he thought about having to deal with all kinds of people at night. But there is no other way but to bite the bullet.

Not long after Wu Hao sat down to eat breakfast, he heard a knock on the door, and then saw Zhang Jun walking in from outside wearing a white nightgown. Looking at Wu Hao who was eating, he walked straight to the chair next to Wu Hao and sat down, then picked up a piece of toast and ate it.

Seeing this, Shen Ning on the side quickly asked the hotel service staff to bring tableware to Zhang Jun, and then added extra food.

Wu Hao was no longer surprised by this guy's behavior, so he let him go.

"These crab roe dumplings are good, give me another one!" Zhang Jun shouted to the waiter on the side.

The hotel waiter nodded and walked out quickly. For top customers like Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, they don't dare to be careless at all. They try their best to meet all the guests' requests and make them feel at home.

In fact, for these hotels, Wu Hao and the others' stay will not only bring them considerable profits, but at the same time, these hotels also value Wu Hao and the others' social influence more. Even in order to attract them to stay, these hotels have started to make relevant preparations long in advance, and may also provide relevant discounts or even free of charge on the price, just to use the celebrity effect of Wu Hao and others to attract them. Improve the quality of the hotel.

When it comes to publicity, they can tell the public who has stayed in their hotel. The facilities and services of a high-end business hotel like this are not bad, and these are the things that everyone competes with.

Wu Hao smiled and took a sip of wonton, and then said to him: "You know everything about today's schedule. I'll go to the branch with you later, and then go to the research center for a walk.

After returning to the hotel, take a rest and then accompany me to meet the leader. "

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun couldn't help but be startled. Then he swallowed the food in his mouth and shook his head at him: "You don't need me to go to see the leader. It will be difficult if I go. Just go and deal with it." , I have my own things to do in the afternoon. How about I go with you to the reception dinner in the evening? "

Yes, it’s worth it and this guy will refuse. Wu Hao had a wry smile on his face, then shook his head and stopped talking.

After breakfast, the two of them did not move, but slowly drank a cup of coffee and admired the river view. To be honest, after coming to Shanghai for such a long time, it was rare for them to have time like this to sit by the window and enjoy the scenery on both sides of the Pujiang River outside, as well as the boats going on the river.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun drove to their Shanghai branch after putting on formal clothes and getting dressed. As for Yu Chengwu, Zhou Xiangming and others, they are obviously not suitable to follow.

As a listed company, although it is controlled by Haoyu Technology and is led by Haoyu Technology, it is an independently operated company independent of Haoyu Technology. Therefore, they are obviously not suitable to follow when inspecting branch offices and research centers.


Besides, they have their jobs too. Obviously, everything will be fine after Haoyu Aerospace is listed on the market. There are still a series of things to be busy with.

After leading Zhang Jun and others to the branch, the person in charge of the branch who was notified was already waiting at the door.

Wu Hao exchanged a few pleasantries with several persons in charge, and then began to walk around and listen to the work reports from the branch. Compared with the other two domestic branches, Shanghai Branch is the largest among them and has experienced serious problems.

However, after listening to the relevant reports, Wu Hao still affirmed the work results of the new team members after Zhang Xiaolei left. In addition, the business here at the branch is relatively simple. Rather than being a branch, it is better to say that this is an office responsible for the market in the entire South China and even the Yangtze River Delta region.

Tong Juan is mainly responsible for this aspect, so most of the time it is Tong Juan who is actually asking, while Wu Hao and Zhang Jun listen and seldom speak. Wu Hao believed in Tong Juan's work ability, so he felt relieved to leave this aspect of work to her.

Therefore, after listening to a simple work report meeting at the branch, Wu Hao said a few words of encouragement, then left and went to the Haoyu Technology Business Research Center in the suburbs.

Compared to the last time I came here, this place has become more presentable.

The main research areas of this research center are still in the field of software algorithms and some electronic component design fields. Therefore, the display of relevant results may not be so intuitive, but Wu Hao and the others were able to learn about the progress of some projects through the introductions of these people.

For example, continuous algorithm iterative upgrades for virtual worlds and virtual reality network systems, as well as daily low-level architecture maintenance, etc., are all responsible for this.

In contrast, the research center in Shenzhen City is mainly responsible for the research of related electronic components. Because it is close to the Pearl River Delta and is an important technology manufacturing center in our country, it has very rich resources and a large number of outstanding talents.

As for the capital city, the scale is relatively small, mainly targeting small specialized fields, and is also limited by geographical environmental factors.

In contrast, the research center located next door to the northwest is mainly engaged in research on confidential projects, or high-risk projects. For example, related projects in the field of military technology, research projects in biology and life sciences, and projects in the field of aerospace technology.

These projects are either important or sensitive and require a relatively independent and confidential environment. Either it is more dangerous, and if you are not careful, it may cause a major disaster. Therefore, you need an environment that is relatively isolated from society, people, and nature. It is obviously very suitable in this busy desert next door.

As for the field of aerospace technology, there are also two reasons. On the one hand, of course, it is for confidentiality, and on the other hand, it is also for safety. For example, when developing some launch vehicles and engines, or even launching propellants, relevant experiments are often conducted, which is very dangerous. If you're not careful, it could really lead to a major accident. Therefore, it is even more necessary to do it in such an uninhabited place.

As for the Anxi Linghu headquarters, it is relatively comprehensive and is a comprehensive research center.

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