Under the influence of Zhang Jun's yawn, Wu Hao beside him also yawned, followed closely by the others accompanying him. At this time, it was only five o'clock in the morning, and Wu Hao and the others had already set off from the hotel and headed to the airport to return to Anxi.

Yesterday was a very difficult day for Wu Hao. The inspection work was nothing, the key was to meet with the leaders and have a dinner with some friends from the business community in the evening, which really made him a little tired.

Whether you like it or not, you have to deal with them with a smile, and then carefully avoid one trap after another. Sometimes it's quite boring. It was originally a simple dinner, but they didn't expect it to have so many twists and turns, which greatly reduced their interest.

Before leaving, he also asked the initiators of the banquet and several bosses who were familiar with Wu Hao and the others to apologize to them. There was no way, after I heard that they invited Wu Hao to dinner, many people found them. Even if they try their best to refuse, there are some human relationships that they really cannot refuse and can only accept.

And these people who finally found the opportunity to contact Wu Hao and the others naturally cherished this opportunity very much, so they went to Wu Hao's side whenever they had time at the banquet, and the little Jiujiu in their hearts was exposed in a few words.

There were even a few beautiful girls who didn't know whether they were the second generation or celebrities, who wanted to get close to Wu Hao and took out their selfie cameras. In the end, Wu Hao refused because he didn't like taking pictures. If he really took pictures with these women, I don't know what shocking gossip would be revealed the next day.

Some people use this opportunity to take photos or share the same frame with celebrities to package themselves, and then carry out some fraudulent activities. For example, Lao Ma once encountered someone rushing out and trying to take a photo with him, but Lao Ma discovered him and pushed him away.

I remember that some people accused Lao Ma of being arrogant and disrespectful on Weibo at that time, but it was later confirmed that this was the person who was going to mix up the photos.

Therefore, people in the circle are very disgusted when someone takes out a camera and takes pictures. It was originally a good private party, but it changed its taste under these lenses, and was even maliciously hyped by some people, causing a series of problems.

For example, a group photo of a few big shots at a private gathering once caused controversy. The two bottles of foreign wine on the table were criticized by many people for worshiping foreigners and favoring foreigners. Why don't you drink domestic liquor? They also found out how much these two bottles of wine cost, and they were criticized for showing off their wealth, being extravagant, extravagant, and so on.

Therefore, the fact that these women took out their cameras to take pictures naturally caused dissatisfaction among everyone present. Although they turned off the cameras in the end, their interest was gone. Therefore, the atmosphere of the banquet did not heat up in the end.

After returning to the hotel, everyone rested for a few hours, and then they were woken up and packed up to catch the early flight back.

In fact, they could have gone back later, which was okay. But things here are over, and there is no point in staying any longer. In addition, they were also afraid of being invited by some people again and would find it difficult to refuse, so they decided to catch an early flight back.

Another thing, the three major leaders of the company all came to Shanghai, and there was no leader in the company. Therefore, it is inconvenient for them to stay here for a long time. They have to go back and be busy presiding over work and processing documents.

Generally speaking, special planes can apply for atmosphere at any time, but this is also limited to some airports with low passenger flow. In a busy airport like Shanghai, even if a private plane takes off first, you still have to queue up.

Therefore, they chose an early morning flight time at 5 a.m. when there is not much passenger traffic, so that everyone does not have to wait at the airport for clearance and can take off at any time.

After getting on the plane, everyone felt sleepy again, so everyone leaned on the sofa and fell asleep. There was a room on their plane, but Wu Hao had given it to Tong Juan and Shen Ning.

Although he is the chairman, Zhang Jun is the general manager. But he couldn't leave these people behind to practice alone, and there was a lady with him.

He leaned back in his chair and fell asleep. It was only when the flight attendant reminded everyone that they were about to land and asked everyone to fasten their seat belts again that everyone came over. At this moment, the sky outside the hanging window has cleared up, and there is a glimmer of glow on the distant horizon.

Yawning, everyone sat down again. Before everyone woke up, the plane landed smoothly and began to taxi on the runway.

Everyone did not get off the plane immediately, but tidied themselves up in the restroom on the plane to feel refreshed.

After getting off the plane and coming out of the VIP aisle, everyone got into a special car and immediately set off for Anxi.

Looking at the numerous vehicles on the viaduct outside, Wu Hao said to Zhang Jun and Tong Juan in the car: "You have worked hard these days, don't rush back to work in such a hurry, go home and rest first, it won't be too late to go to work tomorrow. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Tong Juan shook her head and said: "I'm okay. I didn't drink last night and went to bed early, so I'm in good spirits. You and Mr. Zhang drank last night and didn't sleep for a few hours. So you should go back and rest. I’m in the company, don’t worry.”

Hearing Tong Juan's words, Zhang Jun rubbed his head and said, "Anyway, I definitely won't be able to go to work today, so I'll go home and rest later."

Having said this, Zhang Jun turned to Wu Hao and said: "You drank too much last night, so don't carry it. Leave the company to Mr. Tong, there won't be any trouble."

Hearing what Zhang Jun said, Wu Hao nodded excitedly, then looked at Tong Juan and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work. Don't be tired. You have to rest when you need to."

"It's okay, I'll take it easy." Tong Juan replied with a smile.

After getting off the viaduct, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun separated from Tong Juan. Tong Juan changed a car and headed to the company, while Wu Hao and Zhang Jun were preparing to go home.

But before driving very far, Zhang Jun's stomach started growling.

When Wu Hao saw this, he looked sideways. Zhang Jun rubbed his belly in embarrassment and said: "I came here last night to socialize and didn't eat anything at all. When I got back to the hotel, I went to bed directly. I woke up so early and rushed straight away. After arriving at the airport, I got on the plane and slept all the way, so naturally I was hungry."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun's eyes lit up and he said to Wu Hao: "I haven't gone out for breakfast for a long time. How about we go find a place to have some breakfast first and then go back to sleep. Otherwise, we will trouble the family. .”

After hearing what Zhang Jun said, Wu Hao couldn't help but nodded. He didn't tell Lin Wei that he would be back today. It is estimated that by the time he returned, Lin Wei would have already finished breakfast and left for work. So instead of going back and doing it yourself, why not eat some outside.

"What do you want to eat?" Wu Hao asked.

"Carbohydrates, I want to eat carbs now!" Zhang Jun said with excitement.

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