Military Technology

Chapter 2241 Well, it smells so good!

Of course, this is just a metaphor, and it doesn't mean you have to use a ruler to measure it and break it into pieces as small as a fly's head.

However, the instant noodles taste best if you break the steamed buns into small pieces as much as possible and then cook them so that the soup soaks into the foam. If you break it into big pieces, it will take more visual effort to cook it. The cooked bun will be soft on the outside but still hard on the inside, and the taste will be very poor.

If they are cut into different sizes, the smaller ones will be cooked first and the larger ones will be cooked later. Usually it's either overcooked or mushy. Either the heat is not enough, the small one is just right, but the big one is still raw inside.

The bun used for this foam is not the most common Baiji bun in Anxi, but a half-dead noodle bun. This kind of bun is not fully cooked, because if the fully cooked bun is broken into small pieces and cooked, it will be easily overcooked. , becomes mush. Therefore, this steamed bun is usually half-cooked, so that it will be cooked at just the right temperature.

Another thing to popularize is that soaking beef and mutton in steamed buns is not really soaking steamed buns, it is the way to eat mutton in a water basin. Beef and mutton steamed buns are actually made by breaking the cakes into pieces and then handing them over to the store to take to the kitchen and cook them again before you can eat them. In addition to cooking, there is also a method called stir-frying, which is actually a kind of 'soaked bun', but the taste will be richer.

And the amount of soup in the steamed buns will be controlled according to the requirements of the customers. Different soup amounts have different names, such as Shuiweicheng, mouth soup, etc.

In addition to beef and mutton steamed buns, there is also a gourd-head steamed bun in Anxi, which mainly uses large intestine and pork belly to steam the steamed buns, which is also loved by many Anxi people. Especially for those who like to eat large intestine and pork belly, this is an indispensable delicacy.

In addition to these two kinds of steamed buns, there is also a steamed bun in mixed liver soup, which uses haggis, such as sheep tripe, sheep lungs, sheep liver, etc. It is also one of the breakfasts that many old Xi'an people like.

In addition to the above three kinds of steamed buns, there is also the water basin mutton mentioned above, which may have a longer history and be more primitive. Compared with soaking the steamed buns, it pays more attention to a bowl of mutton soup. When eating, you can eat the steamed buns while drinking the mutton soup, or you can soak the steamed buns directly in the mutton soup and eat it.

This kind of delicacy is similar to steamed buns, but also very different, so it is loved by many people. But if you want to eat authentic water basin mutton, you have to go to the suburbs or other counties, where the water basin mutton is more authentic. On the contrary, in Anxi City, there are few authentic water basin mutton dishes.

For Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, they haven't had steamed buns for a long time. Even in Anxi, they don't have time to come often. Therefore, both of them were a little greedy for this bite, but despite this, they were not in a hurry and chose machine-cut steamed buns in order to save trouble.

Although the machine-cut steamed buns are uniform in size, the edges are too regular and the flavor is lost. They are far less delicious than those cut by hand.

Therefore, many people who really know how to eat will take the bread and break it themselves. The same goes for Wu Hao and Zhang Jun. The two of them were sitting by the window, breaking out steamed buns leisurely.

Zhang Jun broke the buns and smiled at him and said: "When I came to Anxi to go to school, I actually didn't like the taste of this kind of steamed buns. When I came to eat with you, I didn't even eat the first bowl. over."

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao also laughed and then recalled: "I'm okay and can accept it, but there must be an adaptation process at the beginning.

For example, when I first came to Anxi and ate the fried noodles, I felt it was too arrogant. The good guy directly said to put the chili pepper, salt, chopped green onion, chicken essence and MSG on the noodles, and then pour a spoonful of hot oil.

You can even eat salt particles when you eat it. And vinegar is also raw vinegar, which has a bad sour taste, so you have to eat raw garlic. To be honest, before that, after growing up, I had never eaten such crude food.

For a while, it was still a little hard to accept.

But, when you slowly accept it, you will find that, well, it smells really good!

Really, even if you don't eat for a week or two, you will crave it. It’s like I haven’t eaten noodles for a few days and I feel uneasy. "

Me too, so controlling carbs is really hard for me. Zhang Jun also complained to him.

"Looking at a steaming bowl of dried noodles with soy sauce, I could only eat a small bowl, a little bit, and then I could only stare at others eating. The more I looked at it, the more I became greedy, and in the end I could only avoid it. If you don’t see it, you won’t be greedy.”

Ha ha ha ha!

Wu Haochang smiled, then handed the broken buns to the waiter, received the number plate, and then picked up his chopsticks and ate several side dishes that were delivered with him. In fact, there are some cold dishes mixed in the store, including a cold dish platter, two kinds of beef, peanuts, radish strips, and candied garlic, which are essential.

Zhang Jun couldn't wait to break the buns, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

This beef is better braised and eaten cold. While Zhang Jun refused the beef, he sighed to him: "I have been eating boiled beef with broccoli for several months.

Really just don't add any salt, just dip it in a little soy sauce and eat it. It tastes really good. "

Then take it easy, don't rebound in the past few days, and you will have to continue eating when you go back. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

After hearing what he said, Zhang Jun waved his hand: "I'll get drunk today, let's talk about the future. I have to indulge myself today."

As he said that, he picked up the ice soda next to him and drank it. This bottled old soda is also considered a specialty of Anxi and is loved by the majority of Anxi people. Although cans have also appeared in recent years, many people cannot accept it because they think it is more enjoyable to drink without such bottles.

For many people, this drink is not only about the taste, but also a feeling.

You said, there were so many local soda water factories across the country, why was it that only the Anxi Soda Water Factory survived and did not go bankrupt or be acquired? Zhang Jun looked at the soda bottle in his hand and asked Wu Hao with a smile.

Wu Hao glanced at the soda bottle, then smiled and said: "It must be caused by many factors. First of all, Anxi has a large population, so it has a stable consumer market. In addition, Anxi is rich in tourism resources, with millions of tourists every year. Tens of millions of tourists also bring a huge consumer group.

Coupled with the special character of Anxi natives, it is difficult to accept new things and they are somewhat exclusive about new things. Therefore, it also makes it difficult for foreign brands to take root and expand in Anxi.

Finally, there is the quality of the soda itself. Its ice-cold taste is indeed very good and can compete with those first-line carbonated drink brands.

Therefore, considering so many factors, it can survive and develop to this day. But that's it. These factors are its advantages and also its disadvantages. It is difficult to develop further. "

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