Military Technology

Chapter 2242 Everyone gathers firewood and the flames are high

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun nodded, and then said thoughtfully: "An advantage is not a disadvantage, so what do you think our company currently has?"

When Wu Hao heard this, he looked at Zhang Jun and said with a smile: "Why do I feel that there is something in your words?"

No, it just occurred to me suddenly. Zhang Jun shook his head, then picked up the kuaizi, added a peanut, put it in his mouth and started eating.

When Wu Hao heard what he said, he immediately put down his tachyon and thought about it, and then said: "To say that our company currently has quite a few disadvantages. First of all, it must be an environmental disadvantage. Our overseas markets are blocked. As a result, our main markets are currently compressed in China and some second- and third-tier regional markets overseas. First-tier markets are inaccessible or severely restricted, which is very detrimental to our development."

Zhang Jun nodded and said: "This is the first one, there are more."

Wu Hao shook his head, then picked up the cold dish and put it into his mouth while eating and said: "Many, any enterprise will develop to a certain stage, and some of its own problems will appear one after another. For example, many problems that were not discovered before will be solved because of The company continues to grow and develop.

And these require you to constantly solve them, such as talent disadvantages. As our company continues to grow in size, it has become increasingly difficult for the leaders of some departments to cope. This is not their fault, but their capabilities are limited and the company's development speed exceeds their growth speed.

Therefore, we need to find ways to solve this problem for these leading cadres and employees. These people can be organized for internal training first, or sent to some schools for further study. Or it can be straightforward, use them according to their aptitude, and transfer them to some departments and units that are competent according to their abilities to use their remaining heat.

If all else fails, the only final solution is to eliminate them.

However, these are all old employees who have followed us all the way. It must be a bit unkind to eliminate them directly, so we should persuade them to quit. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun also nodded: "Indeed, this is a problem, and many employees have already heard about it. Some people have already found me. Although they didn't say anything, the meaning has been expressed. It’s very clear.”

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard this, then used his kuai to move a peanut on the edge of the plate and said: "I have a lot of people here, but I have told them clearly. Instead of coming to me to intercede, I will Why not work hard and improve yourself?

Favor can exist, but it cannot become a problem or obstacle that hinders the development of the company. Therefore, our determination cannot be easily shaken in this matter. "

"Don't worry, I can tell which one is more serious." Zhang Jun nodded.

Just as he was talking, two bowls of instant noodles were brought up. Looking at the steaming steamed buns, Wu Hao couldn't help but whet his appetite and asked for a spoonful of chili sauce. Wu Hao picked up the kuaizi and slowly slid it from the edge of the bowl.

This is also the way he learned from many old Anxi people to eat, that is, when eating steamed buns, you cannot mix them with kuaizi and eat them slowly from the side. Of course, for young people, you can eat whatever you want and feel comfortable. Zhang Jun, for example, had already mixed it thoroughly, then put his mouth to the edge of the bowl and started stirring it quickly.

After eating a clove of sugared garlic, Wu Hao continued to pick it up. Needless to say, the two people who were chatting just now put aside these matters and concentrated on dealing with the steamed buns in the bowl.

It wasn't until the two of them finished eating all the steamed buns in their bowls that they leaned comfortably on the backs of their chairs, enjoying the feeling of satisfaction and leisure after being full.

I looked out the window at the busy streets and the tourists walking. Zhang Jun couldn't help but sigh, and then said to him: "No matter what, he came with us all the way, and he is somewhat compassionate. No matter what we do, we can't be called "discharging the grinder and killing the donkey."

Let's do this. When the time comes, let's talk to them separately and do our best to be benevolent and righteous. The loyalty of these people really cannot be said. They should stay as much as possible and then be assigned to some important and key positions.

We don’t ask them to develop, but we ask them to avoid disclosure. "

Can. Hearing Zhang Jun's plea, Wu Hao smiled and nodded and said: "The key is to make them willing. Some people have high positions, so if they are demoted to a small position, many people will definitely be dissatisfied.

Therefore, this aspect of work is difficult to do. You should have a chat with them first, and then we can see the situation after the chat. If there is really nothing we can do, then we will not treat them badly when they resign, and we will definitely give them a lot of what they deserve. "

I understand, and I will talk to these people soon. Zhang Jun nodded and said: "The company's development is at a critical moment now, and we cannot let these people affect the company's normal development.

However, one thing to ask, are these newly recruited so-called senior executives reliable? "

"Trust is built step by step. At the beginning, it is certainly impossible for us to completely trust them and entrust important work to them. This has to be done step by step. When we fully understand their work ability, character and conduct, we No matter how talented we are, we should select the best. No matter how capable they are, we cannot safely and boldly appoint them. We should persuade them to leave decisively. Anyway, we don’t have much affection for these people, so it will be difficult to deal with them by then. Easy to do." Wu Hao explained with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun couldn't help but nodded: "Indeed, the development of a company cannot be separated from the continuous addition of outstanding talents. When everyone adds fuel, the flames will rise. If you want the bonfire of Haoyu Technology to burn even brighter, , we must find more high-quality firewood to put in the fire.”

Haha, Wu Hao smiled when he heard this, and was amused by Zhang Jun's metaphor.

However, this metaphor is quite appropriate. The development of a company is indeed inseparable from more talents joining the company, so that the company's development and operations can be more prosperous.

"In fact, in comparison, I still value the talents we cultivate ourselves more. It's just that the talents we cultivate ourselves still need a period of time to grow, and some cannot keep up with the pace of our development." Wu Hao smiled and shook his head.

“These high-level talents recruited may bring some fresh ideas, which is beneficial to our development, but we are afraid that such ideas are too strong and run counter to our development direction.

In addition, there is another point, that is, human desires are endless. These senior talents basically have rich working experience. They dare to jump to our company because they have taken a fancy to our company's broader development prospects.

These people bring not only their knowledge but also their ambition. If we cannot control these people and suppress their ambitions, it will bring us great hidden dangers. "

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