Military Technology

Chapter 2244 A woman who is easy to support

Speaking of this, Lin Wei turned to look at Wu Hao and asked: "My parents asked me to ask you, should Xiaole continue to be hospitalized and transferred to the rehabilitation department for follow-up rehabilitation training, or should he be discharged from the hospital and then go to your company and work in your company?" The next rehabilitation treatment will be carried out in the Intelligent Medical Bionics Technology Research Center."

After hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao thought for a while and then said: "Let's do this. I'll go back and talk to the attending doctors and experts. I'll also listen to the opinions of the Intelligent Medical Bionics Technology Research Center before making a decision."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Lin Wei nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll tell my parents and tell them not to worry."

Well, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Currently, Xiao Lei's personal safety is the first priority. We need to understand Xiao Lei's physical condition. Only after his physical condition has fully recovered can we carry out follow-up treatment.

Fortunately, he is young, so don't rush this matter. Take your time and it will be fine. "

You are not him, so of course there is no need to worry. Lin Wei's eyes widened, and then she showed a worried look: "I have been to the hospital several times, and I can clearly feel the changes in Xiao Lei's mood and personality. We consulted psychological experts, and they said it was post-traumatic stress disorder. Stress disorder (PTSD).

Although interventional treatment has been provided, it will take a long time for him to fully recover. So I was wondering if it would be better to let him change his environment and get better as soon as possible. "

I'll talk to them as soon as possible. Wu Hao nodded and said.

Lin Wei heard this and put her hand on the back of his hand, her expression full of feminine softness and love.

I'm hungry!

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao held her thin hand with his backhand and asked with a smile: "What do you want to eat?"

Lin Wei thought for a while and then said to him: "I want to eat home-cooked dishes, tomato beef brisket, stir-fried pork, sweet and sour seabass, and fish-flavored eggplant."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, then stood up, pulled Lin Wei up and said, "Okay, I'll cook for you today, you can eat some fruits and snacks first to fill your stomach."

I'm here to help. Lin Wei said happily.

With that said, the two of them came to the kitchen. Lin Wei helped him put on his apron and got busy.

Wu Hao checked the refrigerator and then said to Lin Wei: "There is no fresh sea bass at home. I will have one sent over soon."

With that said, Wu Hao made a phone call, and naturally someone would help him with these things.

Then he started to clear some other ingredients. He first took out the beef brisket, pork belly, eggplant and other ingredients from the refrigerator, and then cleaned them.

Cut the beef brisket into pieces and blanch it in a pot. As for the pork belly, because it is stir-fried, it does not need to be cooked. It is the method of twice-cooked pork. Because it is stir-fried raw pork belly, the pork belly needs to be cut thinner so that it is easier to release oil when stir-fried. The stir-fried pork belly is not greasy and is easy to taste.

In addition, two kinds of peppers are used to stir-fry pork, one is Erjingtiao and the other is green pepper. If you like spicy food, you can also add Chaotian pepper, or just put in two wattle leaves, so that the stir-fry will be spicier.

But both Wu Hao and Lin Wei have limited appetite for spicy food, so they chose two kinds of chili peppers with limited spiciness. The key to stir-frying the stir-fried pork is the chili peppers. If you want the chili peppers to taste delicious without the green and astringent taste that comes from frying, you must put them into the pot and stir-fry them before frying.

Do not add oil, just stir-fry until tiger skin wrinkles appear on the surface of the peppers, and then remove from the pan.

Wash the rice and steam it in the rice cooker. Wu Hao also begins to understand. But first, he needs to fry the tomato beef brisket and then slowly simmer it in a casserole. The whole process takes about forty minutes to an hour. The purpose is to make the beef brisket soft enough to absorb the sweet and sour taste of the tomatoes.

So this is a very time-consuming dish that needs to be cooked first.

The doorbell rang while he was cooking this dish. Lin Wei walked out and came back soon with a fresh sea bass. Looking at the fresh sea bass, Wu Hao smiled. Although this kind of steamed seabass is more delicious, who made Lin Wei like to eat sweet and sour fish? This is also good, at least it doesn't have the earthy taste that grass carp is good for, and it is more delicious and has no spines.

After taking out the bass and cleaning it, Wu Hao took a knife and slapped the head of the lively bass a few times, and the bass immediately passed out. Wu Hao then began to scrape the lin to remove the gills, break the belly and remove the internal organs.

But don’t rush to do this first. First, fry the fish-flavored eggplant. Control the order of these dishes. Some dishes are suitable for eating hot and cannot be eaten cold. For example, if this sweet and sour fish dish is cold, the taste will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Wu Hao first fried the fish-flavored eggplant, and then stir-fried the stir-fried pork, which was also a quick dish. Fry the thin pork belly until the oil is released, bend the meat into a lantern shape, then add the onions, ginger, garlic, and watercress and continue to stir-fry until the heat is almost done, then add the stir-fried green peppers, stir the pan slightly, stir-fry evenly, add some sugar, and spray Pour some light soy sauce on top and serve immediately.

The key point of this dish is to stir-fry over high heat. If the fire is too low, the stir-fried meat will be too oily and the pepper will become soft, making it taste very unpleasant. Only when it is stir-fried over such a high fire can the food be the most delicious.

Finally, there is this sweet and sour fish. This dish is very simple and a quick dish.

Put the fish into the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides, then put it on a plate, then pour over the fried sweet and sour sauce and sprinkle with a little chopped green onion.

The beef brisket in the pot has also been stewed, and the rice has just been steamed.

The two of them immediately put the food on the table. Lin Wei also took out a bottle of white wine from the wine cabinet, smiled at Wu Hao and said, "Drink some!"

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then took off his apron and walked to the dinner table to take the wine glass from Lin Wei and said with a smile: "Why are you in such a high mood today?"

Haha, of course it is to celebrate the successful listing of your subsidiary. I just checked and found that the stock price has risen to more than 600, which is almost doubled. Lin Wei smiled at him and said.

Ha, I really didn't pay attention. Wu Hao also laughed when he heard this.

My own company doesn’t pay attention to it. Lin Wei complained, then raised her glass and smiled at him: "Come on, have one to celebrate your stock's surge!"

Thanks! Wu Hao touched one, then took a sip of wine and said with a smile, "Have a try and see how it tastes."

Needless to say, of course it is delicious. Lin Wei couldn't wait to take a chopstick of fish and put it into her mouth to eat. The corners of her eyes and mouth were curved up, with a happy look on her face.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he saw this, thinking that this woman was too easy to support.

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