Military Technology

Chapter 2245 Although the wound heals, the scar will not disappear

Seeing Lin Lei again, Wu Hao found that the boy had become a little quieter. Although he pretended to be happy towards them, the decadence, pessimism, and even world-weariness in his expression could not be concealed.

What's more, this kid is still young and can't pretend to do anything, and it shows on his face.

Wu Hao hasn't come to the hospital to look after the boy for a while, mainly because he was too busy to take care of it. In addition, he was in the recovery stage before, and Father Lin and Mother Lin were taking care of him, so Wu Hao temporarily let it go.

He was originally supposed to be present during this operation, but who knew it would coincide with the listing of Haoyu Aerospace. After weighing the situation, and with the persuasion of Lin Wei and Lin's father and mother, Wu Hao went to attend the gong-ringing ceremony.

Obviously, his father-in-law and mother-in-law saw Lin Lei's recent changes and were worried about him. Therefore, the second elder seemed a little excited about Wu Hao's arrival. Before coming to the ward, he kept telling him about Lin Lei's recent changes and heard about the results of Wu Hao's discussions with the experts.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, gave them a reassuring reply, and then came to this special single ward with his father-in-law, mother-in-law and Lin Wei.

Entering the ward, Lin Lei, who was sitting on the bed watching TV, saw them coming in, and immediately smiled on his face: "Brother-in-law is here."

As he said that, he was about to make a gesture, but Wu Hao repeatedly stopped him: "Lie down quickly. You have just had the surgery, so don't use too much force."

I'm fine, I'm fine, look! Lin Lei gestured to him, and then leaned down with the help of Mother Lin and Lin Wei.

When Wu Hao heard what he said, he smiled and nodded: "I have heard the report from the medical expert team. The operation was very successful. More than 90% of the damaged part of your heart has been repaired, and you are basically back to health. Continue. Come down, you need to rest for a period of time, and then conduct a thorough examination. If there are no problems in the examination, you can be discharged."

real! Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Lei became excited instantly. It could be seen that he was tired of living here for a long time.

But after he finished speaking, his right eye couldn't help but darken again, and he looked at Wu Hao and asked, "Brother-in-law, when will my left eye heal?"

"Above Heaven"

Hearing Lin Lei's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly and said to him: "This is also the question I want to tell you next."

Wu Hao was about to continue talking when he saw his father-in-law Lin Honghan moved a chair in front of him and said softly to him: "Xiao Hao, sit down and talk."

Okay, thank you uncle, you guys will sit down too. Wu Hao thanked him, and then said to several people: "You also need to know these things."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin's father, Lin's mother, and Lin Wei also found a place to sit down, and then looked at him with hopeful eyes, waiting for his words.

Wu Hao glanced around the crowd, then turned his attention to Lin Lei, smiled at him and said: "This time, I came to the hospital to discuss your next treatment with the experts and the professional technical team I brought. Scheme.

First of all, let me talk about your condition. Your brain hemorrhage is recovering well, the congestion has been absorbed, and it has not caused any substantial damage or direct or indirect impact on the functions of your brain and body.

As for your partial amnesia, it looks okay so far. These things can be recovered through learning later and will not have a big impact on your life.

Experts believe that your cranial injury is recovering well and the expected treatment results have been basically achieved. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, not only Lin Lei but also Lin's father and mother, including Lin Wei, all showed happy expressions in the ward. This was definitely great news for them.

Wu Hao waited for a moment to give everyone time to react and digest, and then continued: "Of course, this does not mean that you can sit back and relax."

After noticing everyone's nervous expressions, Wu Hao pointed to his head and said to Lin Lei: "You have to know that your brain has been injured and has been damaged. Although it has been cured, it is not It means that the previous damage can be repaired.

The brain is different from your heart. We can use 3D printing materials to repair the heart, but not the brain. We cannot implant the printed brain tissue into you. Even if such technology is available, it cannot repair the memories or functions that have been lost due to damage to your brain tissue.

It's like a scar on your body. Even if it heals, the scar remains. This is what's going on in your brain right now. "

"Then Xiaohao, will Xiaolei's situation have an impact on him? Is his life in danger?" Mother Lin immediately asked him anxiously.

Wu Hao looked at Mother Lin and shook his head slightly, then said with a smile: "Don't be anxious, just listen to me."

After saying that, he organized his thoughts and continued to talk to Lin Lei: "Under normal circumstances, the scar damage in your brain does not pose any threat to your health and life, and it will not have any impact. Nothing life-threatening.

But, pay attention! "

Wu Hao emphasized: "These things are like a prepared bomb in your brain. Just because it's okay doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

When a certain situation occurs, it is very likely that this bomb in your brain will be activated. At that time, your life will be in danger, and it is the kind of danger that cannot be rescued through technology. "

Hearing what he said, the expressions on the faces of Lin Lei, Father Lin, Mother Lin, and Lin Wei all froze. The eyes of Mother Lin and Lin Wei turned red again, as if they were about to shed tears at any moment.

Seeing this, Wu Hao quickly smiled and comforted: "Of course, you don't have to worry too much. I said that this bomb requires specific conditions to be activated before it explodes. Under normal circumstances, it is not dangerous. "

"What conditions?" Father Lin was undecided and asked him.

In fact, it's just bad habits and extreme sports. Wu Hao said with a smile: "For example, you should not have too drastic changes in your mood in the future. Your body should stay healthy and not have three highs. Because your cranial and cerebral blood vessels Bleeding, although it has been repaired, has left scars. If it is a disease such as high blood pressure or hyperlipidemia, bleeding or infarction will occur, causing serious health problems.

Furthermore, you cannot do some strenuous exercise, such as mountain climbing, fast running, diving, basketball and boxing. These are all not allowed. Of course, some normal exercises are allowed, such as brisk walking, walking, swimming, badminton, table tennis, and golf. "


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