Military Technology

Chapter 2256 Forced to get up early

Obviously at this moment, Lin Lei was so excited that he couldn't care about so much. When he heard that Wu Hao needed to sleep before he could see the light, he decisively mentioned that he wanted to sleep.

In this regard, although Wu Hao and the others were helpless, they could only follow his wish and leave him to rest in the room. However, he was unable to fall asleep for a long time because of his excitement, and finally fell asleep only in the evening.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law were a little worried about their son, so they chose to stay in bed with him. As for Wu Hao and Lin Wei, although they were a little helpless, it was worth letting them go.

However, at around five o'clock in the morning the next day, just after dawn, the two of them received an excited call from Lin Lei while they were still sleeping.

Brother-in-law, I can see the light, I can see the light.

Listening to Lin Lei's voice coming from the microphone, Wu Hao yawned, then rubbed his head and said sleepily: "It's good to see it, this requires an adaptation process, don't be anxious, let alone get excited, you know? "

Know, know. Lin Lei said a few more words on the phone, and then hung up the phone angrily. As for Wu Hao, he turned over and got ready to sleep. Lin Wei, who was standing beside him, put her hand on him and asked, "Is this Xiaolei's phone number?"

Wu Haohuan said: "I am excited to tell us the good news."

"Call at this time." Lin Wei turned over and leaned her head towards him and said, "Go to sleep, it's still early."

Wu Hao sighed and prepared to go back to sleep, but he couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning. After looking at the time, Wu Hao stood up and prepared to get up.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Lin Wei asked in confusion.

Wu Hao covered Lin Wei's proud body with the quilt, and then said: "I can't sleep anymore. I'll get up first. You can sleep a little longer."

After going to the bathroom to wash up and put on sportswear, Wu Hao went to the fitness area downstairs to start today's fitness session. This can be regarded as his daily routine. First, he will do five kilometers on the treadmill every day, and then there will be some strength training, lifting dumbbells, doing push-ups, expanding his chest and so on.

After practicing this, Wu Hao looked at the time and saw that it was still early, so he went to the kitchen to cook the rice porridge first, while he went to take a shower and change into clean clothes, and then went to his home office.

After busying for a while, he heard footsteps approaching and saw Lin Wei walking towards him wearing a large T-shirt with her long legs exposed. Then she stopped him from behind and put her head on his shoulders and said, "How about today?" I won’t go to the company in the morning and have a good rest at home. It’s all Lin Lei’s fault. He doesn’t even bother to make phone calls at any time. I will definitely teach him a lesson when he gets better later.”

"Haha, can you be so cruel?" Wu Hao joked with a smile, then reached out to touch Lin Wei's thin hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, it doesn't matter, I just need to rest a little longer at noon.

This kid was so excited that he completely lost track of time. But it's understandable, after all, it's a big deal for him to see light in his left eye again. "

Lin Wei nodded slightly, then glanced at the screen and asked him, "Are you going to the hospital today?"

Hearing Lin Wei's question, Wu Hao thought for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I won't go. Let him adapt to recovery and there will be no problem."

Lin Wei nodded slightly when he heard this: "Yes, let's wait a few days. I'm quite busy these days."

"Yeah." Wu Hao nodded, then stood up and held Lin Wei's hand and said, "Let's go exercise. I'll make white rice porridge. How about making scallion pancakes later?"

"Great, I've wanted to eat it for a long time." Lin Wei nodded, then took a peck on his face, then jumped out with a smile like a silver bell.

Wu Hao wiped the saliva on his face, looked at Lin Wei's graceful back and smiled, then saved the data on the computer and left.

Coming to the kitchen, Wu Hao put on an apron and started kneading the dough. The surface of the scallion pancake must be scalded in boiling water and then kneaded into a ball. The noodles blanched in this way are softer and taste better.

Then take out a handful of green onions from the refrigerator, clean them and chop them into fine pieces, and then you'll make the puff pastry. In order to make the whole scallion pancake taste more delicious, Wu Hao will use a little butter. , and some minced beef will be used in it. Of course, there shouldn’t be too much oil. If it’s too much, it will taste a little greasy, which is not suitable for eating in the morning.

Seeing that the dough was almost awake, Wu Hao immediately softened it, then took it into dough balls and began to roll them out one by one. Roll the dough into a pancake, then sprinkle the butter, chopped green onion, and minced beef evenly on the pancake, and season with some pepper and salt. Then the pancake is re-rolled from the edge, pressed vertically into a round pancake, and then slowly rolled into a round green onion pancake.

This is the prepared scallion pancake embryo, which needs to be fried next.

Wu Hao made the scallion pancake embryo again and again, taking out a medical stone frying pan and heating it up over low heat. The reason why I chose this kind of medical stone pot is not that this pot is as loud as the promotion says. This is entirely because this medical stone pot is thicker and heats evenly, making it very suitable for making pancakes and frying things.

However, it is not suitable for cooking, because the best thing for cooking is an iron pot, which heats up quickly and can produce steam.

Brush the evenly heated medical stone pan with a thin layer of oil. Wu Hao puts the scallion pancake embryo into the pan and slowly fry it so that it can be heated evenly.

The fire must be small at this time. If the fire is too big, it will easily cause skin burns.

Put the green onion cake into the pot and slowly fry it, and Wu Hao started to get busy with other things. Put the eggs into the egg cooker and cook them regularly, and he started making a vegetable salad. Is this also for nutritional balance? Including some delicious fruit platters, such as kiwi, oranges, and bananas, which are rich in various vitamins.

Getting vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables is the healthiest and safest way. Far better than taking those vitamin pills.

After finishing these, Wu Hao poured two more cups of yogurt, and then placed these things on the dining table one by one.

After finishing all this work, Lin Wei, wearing a western blue striped T-shirt on the upper body and a black knee skirt on the lower body, came to the dining table with her hair tied up. Looking at the golden scallion pancake, she couldn't help but pick up a small piece and ate it immediately.

As she was about to take a bite, a crisp sound came from between her teeth, and then the aroma of chopped green onions and beef filled her mouth, making her eyes narrow involuntarily, showing an expression of enjoyment.


When Wu Hao heard this, he smiled and gave him the rice porridge and said, "There's more, you can eat more."

Seeing this, Lin Wei shook her head and said, "No, I have to control my weight. I'm almost 11, so I have to lose weight."

As she said that, she looked at the scallion pancakes on the plate and couldn't help but swallow, then shook her head slightly and started to eat the salad.


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