Military Technology

Chapter 2255 An unexpected surprise for my brother-in-law

Lin Lei was in pain and grabbed the guardrail beside the bed. Sweat soaked through the entire hospital gown, but he didn't even scream.

On the contrary, the mother-in-law who was watching, including Lin Wei, was distressed and covering her own body, for fear that she would cry out. Although the father-in-law didn't say a word, the look on his face and clenched fists had already said everything.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, two technicians took out the specially customized intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye from the suitcase. After multiple disinfections, and with the help of the doctor, the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye was It was successfully installed into Lin Lei's left eye socket.

Okay, try blinking your eyes! A technician said to Lin Lei.

Lin Lei blinked when he heard this. Upon seeing this, the technician made a slight adjustment and then activated his eyeballs. The iris around the eyeball hole lit up with a circle of blue light, then went out and returned to normal.

Okay, now you need to get used to it slowly. The technician smiled and said: "The relevant training has been taught to you before, and I hope you can follow it carefully. If the operation is improper, it can easily cause a malfunction of the smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye, or a malfunction of the fundus sensor base. Damage will be very troublesome to repair and will seriously affect your normal life.

In addition, if the fundus sensor base is damaged due to improper wearing and use, it is likely to cause the entire electronic prosthetic eye to lose its function. This part is difficult to repair. So be sure to strictly follow the instructions for use. "

Seeing Lin Lei and Lin's father and mother both nodded, the staff member smiled and said: "Okay, we won't say much more about this next. Mr. Wu also knows it."

With that said, they stood up and said hello to Wu Hao, and then left the ward together with the doctors and nurses.

Seeing these people leaving, the anxious father-in-law and mother-in-law, including Lin Wei, quickly gathered in front of Lin Lei, and then carefully looked at the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye in Lin Lei's left eye socket.

As for Lin Lei, he was still blinking in the mirror to adapt.

Brother-in-law, why don’t I feel anything yet? Lin Lei asked anxiously towards Wu Hao.

Wu Hao heard this and replied with a smile: "Take your time, don't be in a hurry. This requires a slow adaptation process. The device needs to slowly establish connections with your optic nerves and brain tissue. If the progress is too fast, it will easily cause damage to your nerves and brain." Tissue damage.

According to our previous clinical trial experience, you may be able to feel the light tomorrow morning after a short sleep, and then it will gradually become clearer. This process also requires you to adapt slowly. Your optic nerve is not damaged, and the trauma time is short, so the recovery effect is still very ideal.

For example, some patients who have been blind for a long time, even if they are implanted with our intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eyes, because the optic nerve has not been used for a long time and has atrophied, the recovery results are actually not good, and they can only see things. , but what I saw was not very clear.

Therefore, the entire adaptation process is also very important. You cannot give yourself a try, and you must strictly follow the doctor's instructions. Do you understand? "

Seeing Wu Hao's serious expression, Lin Lei grinned and nodded: "I remember, I will listen to you, I will do whatever you ask me to do, as long as I can see something with my left eye." .”

The mother-in-law on the side took Lin Lei's hand and said with a loving look on Wu Hao's face: "Xiao Hao, don't worry, your uncle and I are in the hospital these days. Let's supervise him personally. Let him strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.”

Haha, that doesn’t have to be so strict. Wu Hao said with a smile.

The mother-in-law smiled and shook her head, then looked at Lin Lei's left eye and nodded slightly and said, "It looks very lifelike, no different from having eyes."

"Haha, this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye was specially customized by us. The shape and size are strictly designed and made according to the size of its original eyeball. And we also used a lot of new processes on it to make its appearance It looks the same as a real eyeball. Of course, it is a bionic eye after all, and there are still some differences from a real eyeball, especially in terms of touch." Wu Hao said with a smile.

What's the difference? Is there anyone who touches your eyes when you meet them? Lin Wei said with a smile.

Obviously, everyone is very satisfied with the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye in Lin Lei's left orbit.

Father-in-law Lin Honghan also nodded with satisfaction, then looked at his son's face and said with a smile: "This eyeball will indeed look different once you put it on. You should thank your brother-in-law for this."

Yes, thank you brother-in-law. Whatever you need from me in the future, I will do my best without any hesitation. Lin Lei quickly patted his chest and thanked Wu Hao.

Yawen Library

Okay, what can the family be thankful for? If you really want to thank me, start living a good life from today. Don't give up easily, let alone say that life is boring. Your life is still long, and the future has unlimited possibilities. You have to remember that you are not living for you alone, but for all of us. Wu Hao smiled and said.

Yeah, I'll definitely take note of your words. Lin Lei nodded.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, then looked at the damaged skin on his face and said, "I have already made preparations for the damaged skin tissue on your face and head. I am waiting for your prosthetic eye. When you are almost used to it, you can continue with related treatments and surgeries.

Such a handsome young man can't just go out and meet people.

So in the next year, you will travel around our company headquarters campus and the hospital here. Using the timeline of your wearing the adaptive smart bionic electronic prosthesis, we will perform continuous skin grafting surgery for you.

As long as you cooperate with our treatment, we are sure to smooth out all these ugly scars on your body within a year. "

Really, thank you brother-in-law, thank you! Lin Lei suddenly became excited, took his hand and thanked him.

The faces of the father-in-law and mother-in-law, including Lin Wei, showed joy. For them, this is great news. These scars on Lin Lei's body, especially those on his face and head, really affect his image. If you go out like this, it will be difficult to meet people.

Originally, everyone was still worried about how Lin Lei would meet outsiders when he went out like this. But now, the problem was solved, and it was better than they imagined.

Don't get excited, calm down and calm down your emotions. Wu Hao quickly organized: "You have just put on the smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye, so you can't have too many emotional fluctuations."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, the mother-in-law and Lin Wei also expressed nervous expressions of persuasion, while the father-in-law looked on with a smile.

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