Military Technology

Chapter 2254 Pain that even “tough guys” can’t bear

After several days of careful thinking, Lin Lei finally made a prudent decision.

That is to postpone the repair work of his own damaged skin first, but accepted Wu Hao's suggestion and gave priority to wearing and adapting to the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye.

Indeed, for him, the thing that has the biggest impact on his life now is his missing eyes, and the other is his missing lower limbs. With only one eye, Lin Lei's vision was limited, and he lost his previous range-finding and positioning abilities, making it difficult for him to adapt for a while.

For example, if there is a glass of milk on the table, if he keeps looking at it and then grabbing it with his hands, it is often easy to empty it. In many cases, the mother-in-law or a nurse or a caregiver needs to put something into his hand.

As for one leg, he also actively lost the ability to walk. He could only jump on one leg, but losing his left leg meant he lost his balance. Even jumping on one leg can easily cause you to lose your balance and fall. So a lot of the time he was either sleeping in bed or in a wheelchair.

This is also the main reason that troubles Lin Lei and leads to his depression and world-weariness. Because he loves sports, how dare he be restrained in a hospital bed or wheelchair? This is simply too uncomfortable for him.

But in fact this is already a great blessing. You know, if his spine is injured, it may mean high paralysis, which is very difficult to treat.

After Wu Hao and others learned the news, they respected his decision and immediately performed relevant fundus surgery on him at his strong request. The entire operation should be said to be a small operation, but it is also a very delicate operation.

Because Lin Lei's damaged left eye had been removed earlier and the related chip sensor had been installed, the purpose of this operation was to further improve the fundus base, trim the fundus tissue, and prepare for the subsequent wearing of smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes.

The entire operation still requires general anesthesia. Although the operation is relatively small, it is time-consuming and a delicate technical job. The patient is required not to move during this process. If it is local anesthesia, it will be difficult for the patient to maintain one position for such a long time, so it is better to let him sleep.

The surgery is still performed using their intelligent multi-tentacled surgical robot, but this time a miniature multi-tentacled robot is used. Each tentacle is very slender, like a mosquito leg.

Under the guidance of experts, this miniature multi-tentacle surgical robot, controlled by professional operators, slowly penetrates into the eye socket and performs various delicate surgical movements.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

It’s not that these experts are not allowed to do it themselves, but that this kind of miniature multi-tentacle surgical robot requires a series of preliminary training before it can be used. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of the operation, the entire operation is performed by professional operators to control the equipment, and experts are on hand to provide real-time guidance.

In fact, these operators are also very good surgeons. They are surgeons and also technical engineers, and they participated in the development and experimentation process of the entire equipment. Therefore, no one knows and operates this intelligent multi-tentacle surgical robot better than them.

The whole operation lasted for more than two hours. If it were an ordinary operation, it would definitely not take this long. Who makes the patient of this operation special, because he is their boss's brother-in-law. So these operators do their job very carefully.

However, such a long time really frightened the father-in-law, mother-in-law and Lin Wei, and they thought there was some accident.

Finally, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lin Lei successfully pushed out of the operating room. Next, we have to wait for the surgical wound to heal. In order to prevent adhesions from deforming, the experts need to fill the empty orbit with material after the operation is completed to give the orbit of his left eye a tension so that it can be shaped.

At the same time, the filling material also needs to have a certain absorptive capacity to absorb wound exudate after surgery. In fact, it's nothing special, just cotton plus some gauze and medicine.

This would make Lin Lei's postoperative recovery very uncomfortable. He always felt that his left eye socket was swelling and painful. But this is a process that must be experienced. Only when you adapt and get used to it can you wear the subsequent smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye with a harder texture.

Therefore, Lin Lei's condition was a little bad a few days after the operation, because the pain from the fundus of the eyes could be transmitted to the brain faster and more directly. And in order to avoid the damage caused by anesthetics to the body, as well as the body's dependence and adaptation to the ingredients of anesthetics. No painkillers are allowed during this process. The same goes for many of the clinical trial patients they dealt with before. They gritted their teeth and fought through it. There was no better way.

Naturally, this made the father-in-law and mother-in-law feel very distressed. Even Lin Wei blushed several times and grabbed Wu Hao with her eyes to ask him to help him think of a solution.

But, there is nothing he can do in this situation. As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos. They felt so sorry for Lin Lei that they had such thoughts. But they forget that this is a process that every patient must go through.

Unless you give up and don't want to regain your light, then you don't have to endure this process at all.

But so far, none of the patients in the clinical trials they have conducted, even teenagers, have taken the initiative to give up. Because they all know that this opportunity is too rare for them. If they miss this opportunity, it may be difficult for them to have such an opportunity to regain the light in the future.

Lin Lei, who has a chance of regaining his sight if he becomes blind in a short period of time, naturally does not have the willpower or desire to cherish this opportunity as those clinical trial patients.

However, Wu Hao also admired this kid. Although the whole post-surgery recovery and adaptation process was very painful, and the kid gritted his teeth and groaned for several days in pain, he never said a word of giving up. He was a tough guy.

And in order to avoid struggling to distance due to pain, the surgical wound in the fundus will tear. He directly asked Father Lin to tie him to the bed, and it was only after the doctors and nurses discovered that they released him.

However, the pain only lasted for a few days, and he basically got used to it in about a week, but it still made him grimace in pain every time he checked and changed the dressing. In particular, these filled cotton and gauze are easy to adhere to the wound, which requires the doctor to tear it off bit by bit, and then clean it again and apply medicine. This process is very painful.

Lin Lei was in pain and grabbed the guardrail beside the bed. Sweat soaked through the entire hospital gown, but he didn't even scream.

On the contrary, the mother-in-law who was watching, including Lin Wei, was distressed and covering her own body, for fear that she would cry out. Although the father-in-law didn't say a word, the look on his face and clenched fists had already said everything.

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