Military Technology

Chapter 2253 Goddess, cute girl, and tomboy!

Wu Tong, who looked discouraged, parked the car in the parking space downstairs. Instead of getting out of the car in a hurry, she took out her small custom-made mobile phone and made a call: "Xiao Qing, come down and pick me up. I brought you a lot of delicious food!"

After hearing Wu Tong's words, there was a lot of chirping in the receiver. Soon, the two girls jumped down from the elevator and came to her car.

Wu Tong, who was playing on his mobile phone, saw the two coming, immediately opened the car door and got out, and asked the two girls: "How is business today?"

"It's still the same. Today, we sold a total of 1,928.4 yuan. After deducting our rent, water, electricity, gas, personnel and other expenses, there is probably a gross profit of two to three hundred yuan left. This does not include our salaries. "The very beautiful girl with long hair, tall figure and a little baby fat face said with a frustrated look.

Another girl next to her, who was a little short and cute, asked curiously: "Didn't you ask for help today? How was it? Did you get any results?"

Upon hearing this cute girl's question, Wu Tong immediately shook his head in frustration: "No, I failed."

Seeing Wu Tong's depressed look, the tall girl with long hair smiled and comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, let's find a way, don't force yourself."

"Yes, the three of us sisters will work hard together. If you don't believe it, there is nothing we can do." The cute girl comforted her.

Wu Tong's face improved a little after hearing this, and then he said to the two of them: "I brought a lot of good things from home this time. You guys can try them later."

With that said, Wu Tong came to the back of the car and opened it. With the help of the two girls, he lifted the large green storage box down.

"What? It's so heavy!"

"These are some food, given to me by my sister-in-law." Wu Tong said with a showy look.

Then we are blessed tonight. The long-haired girl's eyes lit up and she said happily.

The cute girl also became excited: "I'm starving. If you don't come back, we'll have instant noodles. Today we came after class. We were busy all day and didn't even bother to drink water."

I have never been so tired at home, and I have washed so many dishes and cups! "

As she said this, the cute girl's eyes couldn't help but turn red, which comforted Wu Tong and the long-haired girl for a while.

The three of them carried their things and arrived at the third floor, which was their cafe. The entire cafe is quite large, with the lobby, booths, operation room, and storage room totaling approximately 200 square meters.

This is also on the third floor. If it were on the first floor, they would definitely not be able to rent such a large area. The decoration is quite good, a bit like the simple Nordic style of logs, which looks pretty good.

At this time, there were not many customers in the store. They said hello to the classmates they invited at the front desk. A few people moved the box to a nearby booth and began to unpack it eagerly.

Wow, steak! The cute girl couldn't help but have stars in her eyes as she looked at the bags of sealed steaks.

The long-haired girl looked at it carefully, and then said: "With this marble pattern, this color, the price of this steak is probably not low. Are you going to rob it or something?"

Hehe, my brother and sister-in-law bought it. It has been matured for more than half a month and is sour. It tastes very delicious. If you don’t believe me, I’ll fry one for you to try later. Wu Tong showed off with a smile.

Yes, the two girls nodded decisively in submission in front of the delicious food.

There are so many fruits. You wouldn’t move all the fruits in your brother’s refrigerator. The long-haired girl tangled her long hair, then flipped through it.

Wu Tong smiled and took out the things from inside and said: "No, they still have a lot, so I just took a small part."

Does your brother's family do fruit wholesale? The cute girl couldn't help but wonder.

fool! The long-haired girl knocked the cute girl on the head and said, "How can a fruit wholesaler have so many steaks? This is obviously a big dog."

Hearing the long-haired girl's words, Wu Tong did not make any excuses, but nodded and confirmed: "Yes, he is a complete nouveau riche. This time I robbed the rich and gave to the poor. Look, these They are all the fruits of my labor.”

Wow, this chocolate is so expensive. I looked at it before and it seems like this one costs thousands. The cute girl took out a plate of chocolate and looked at the LOGO on the packaging bag and exclaimed.

Is it so expensive? Wu Tong took the chocolate and looked at it, then threw it on the table and said, "If I had known better, I would have taken more. If you can't finish it, let's go sell it and we can get a lot of money."

The long-haired girl rolled her eyes when she heard this, then looked at the packaged fruits and said, "Not to mention chocolate, these fruits are not cheap. I took a look and found that many of them are imported from abroad.

These add up to several thousand. "

Wow, are these all for us to eat? What a waste. The cute girl couldn't help but swallowed as she looked at the bright red strawberries.

Of course, otherwise what would I do with so much? Don't worry, I'll get some more later. Anyway, the two of them are workaholics and don't spend much time at home. These things are sitting in the refrigerator and no one eats them. They may go bad and be replaced. Wu Tong handed the big strawberry on the table to the cute girl with a proud look on his face.

Auntie, what is this? The long-haired girl rummaged through the green plastic box, then took out a box and said curiously.

Let me see? Wu Tong took the small box and opened it, and found that there was a metal USB flash drive inside.

USB flash drive, whose is it?

Wu Tong looked at it and then said: "Maybe it belongs to my brother. I will keep it first and return it to him later."

As she said that, she stuffed the USB drive into the box, only to find a piece of paper stuffed inside. He was a little curious, so he took it out and unfolded it and found two words written inside: "Come on!"

Seeing this, Wu Tong suddenly understood. This USB flash drive was not dropped at all, but was stuffed into it intentionally by my brother. In this way, she also guessed what was in the USB flash drive.

Thinking of this, her eyes couldn't help but turn red, and then she sniffed and said, "You're going to be tough, huh!"

"Tongtong, this USB flash drive..." The long-haired girl obviously noticed the change in Wu Tong's expression and immediately asked.

"Ah, it's nothing. This is some information about running a cafe that my brother gave me. I forgot about it." Wu Tong laughed.

"Really, let's study it carefully later." The cute girl has already started cooperation, holding a huge strawberry in her hand, looking like she is salivating to eat it.

Seeing this, the long-haired girl couldn't help but said angrily: "Although these are organic fruits and have no pesticide residues. However, I still recommend that you wash them before eating, otherwise you will have a stomachache and no one will accompany you to the hospital."

snort! The cute girl made a face at the long-haired girl after hearing this, and then ran towards the operation room holding strawberries and some fruits: "I'm going to wash the fruits!"

Your brother is so kind to you! Watching this cute girl leave, the long-haired girl smiled at Wu Tong and said.

Wu Tong nodded slightly, but said angrily with a straight face: "He is good to me, and he is good if he doesn't bully me."


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