Military Technology

Chapter 2252 I’m really not a girl-supporting maniac

When Wu Hao heard this, his head was full of black threads. This girl wanted to seize some old embarrassing things about him to blackmail him. But if he was told something by this girl, with Lin Wei's jealousy, I'm afraid he would have to sleep on the sofa for a few days even if he tried to explain.

"Okay, okay, tell me how you want me to help you." Wu Hao stopped him with black lines on his head.

Lin Wei, who was on the side, rolled her eyes at him and said with half a smile: "I think I still want to hear about your romantic affair in middle school.

I didn’t see it, Wu Hao, you actually had such a glorious student days. "

"Well, this is business." Wu Hao coughed twice to hide his embarrassment, then glared at Wu Tong and said, "How can I help you?"

Seeing Wu Hao's slightly threatening gaze, Wu Tong smiled, and then said to Wu Hao with a flattering face: "Of course this is to use your influence, brother. Now many of our classmates use you as role models, not just Our school and all schools in Anxi have a particularly good entrepreneurial atmosphere for college students.

If you can help us promote it, our cafe will definitely become popular. "

"It's a beautiful idea, but it won't work like this." Wu Hao glanced at the girl angrily, and then said: "If this is the case, it will also expose my relationship with you. If you want to be so relaxed in the future, you can It’s very difficult.”

"We're just asking you to help with publicity, nothing else. You can sit in our cafe, drink a cup of coffee, and post a Weibo update or something. That's enough." Wu Tong said with great expectation.

After hearing what this girl said, Wu Hao realized that this girl thought of these things too simply. There may be some fans who follow his footsteps and come to check in, but well, it can only last a few days and will not have a long-term effect.

Moreover, his appearance in the publicity can easily be connected by some powerful netizens and store owners. If they dig deeper into the relationship between them, Wu Tong can easily be exposed.

Me showing up will only make your cafe an internet celebrity spot, and it won’t last long. This is very different from your planned goals and is unreliable. If you really want to do this, I suggest you invite your sister-in-law to go. She has many more fans in this area than I do.

"You two can go together." Wu Tong turned around and grabbed Lin Wei's arm and begged: "Sister-in-law, just help me."

"You!" Lin Wei poked Wu Tong's forehead with her finger, then shook her head with a smile and said: "It's not that we don't help you, it's because that's not how business works. You can ask celebrities to advertise, but this doesn't mean Not for you.

If we do this, it will be like putting you on the fire. "

"Brother!" Seeing that Lin Wei did not agree, Wu Tong immediately begged Wu Hao: "You are just messing around. You can't let others accompany you to fool around. Not everyone has a family like yours, and not everyone They can all spend three to four hundred thousand to make nonsense. What your friends spent is probably all they have, and some borrowed money from their families. Since you are the one who took the lead, you have to be responsible for others.

I am your brother, and I should help you when you are in trouble, but not on this matter. Just think of it as your temper, there is no way we can take action. If it's sold, what's the point of starting a business, and how can you train your own abilities? How about we buy one of the most popular cafes and give it to you? Wouldn’t it be more direct and more profitable? "

After hearing his words, Wu Tong's face showed dissatisfaction and unwillingness, but he was also thoughtful. Seeing the two men's resolute attitude, she stopped talking and started sulking while watching TV.

Wu Hao ignored her when he saw this. He had to let her think carefully at this time. This girl is still too young and doesn't know how to do things well. She still needs to practice whatever she wants to do.

Of course, Wu Hao didn't completely ignore it. After all, this is his sister, how could he not care, so he is also thinking of ways to help this sister, so as not to affect her enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, but he must also pay attention to the methods and methods, and cannot do everything. The original intention of exercising ability is completely lost.

After thinking for a while, Wu Hao had some ideas in his mind. But, let’s not tell this girl these things now. Let’s talk about them after she leaves.

In the afternoon, after lunch, this girl asked to leave. Obviously, the goal was not achieved today, which made the girl not in a high mood at this time.

It's so late, why don't you stay one night before leaving? Wu Hao looked at Wu Tong who was about to leave and immediately asked.

No, I still have things to do at school. Wu Tong shook his head, obviously not wanting to talk to him more.

Lin Wei smiled and rolled her eyes at him, then smiled at Wu Tong and said: "Okay, don't be angry with your brother, he is also thinking about you. Go back and drive slowly, and send us a message when you get to school.

Your brother has prepared these for you. You can take them back to eat and share some with your friends. Take good care of yourself and don't get too skinny. "

"I understand, sister-in-law, thank you." After saying that, Wu Tong hugged Lin Wei, then walked to Wu Hao and snorted. Without waiting for his help, he picked up the big green plastic storage box prepared for him. He picked up the luggage box and walked out with difficulty.

Seeing this little girl playing tricks, Wu Hao smiled helplessly.

Watching the girl get into the car and leave, Wu Hao sighed helplessly. Upon seeing this, Lin Wei smiled at him and joked: "Why, I feel bad now."

Wu Hao shook his head and smiled: "Flowers in the greenhouse always have to go through wind and rain. It is painful and difficult to experience it now, but it is better than suffering a big loss in the future. We took good care of her in the past, but we can't always take care of her. If you continue to take care of her, she will have to take her own path in life, and no one can help her. Besides, I am not a girl-supporting maniac."

cut. Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him and joked with a smile: "Some people say one thing and do another, and I don't know who put a USB flash drive in that box, thinking that I don't know and just don't want to break it."

Um, haha, I just paid attention and provided some ideas, and the rest is up to her. Wu Hao, who was exposed, rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

Ha, Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him, then walked over and reached out to his waist, lifted up the familiar piece of flesh, and then said slightly threateningly to him: "Tell me, I really want to hear about your high school experience now." A glorious deed of time.”

"No way, this girl is talking nonsense." Wu Hao felt the coolness in his waist, and his body stiffened and he quickly said from his heart.

Humph, how could a little girl like her talk nonsense about these things? It was obvious that she only knew about it after you had done it. With that said, Lin Wei tried to increase her intensity.

As for Wu Hao, he broke away from Lin Wei and ran inside. Seeing this, Lin Wei put her hands on her hips and said angrily at him: "I'm telling you Wu Hao, you are not allowed to go to bed today unless you tell me something!"


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