Military Technology

Chapter 2262 The most dangerous robot in the world, no one

In Anxi in September, the sun is shining brightly and the yellow leaves are fluttering.

In Haoyu Technology Park, Wu Hao stood by the private laboratory window. Through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass, he could clearly see the beautiful scenery nearby.

Stretching slightly, Wu Hao accepted the coffee brought by a humanoid simulation intelligent robot wearing an ultra-short red tight dress, then slightly blew the foam on it and took a slow sip.

Nicole, remember to use less sugar in the future. Wu Hao said to the tall robot next to him who looked like a Western beauty.

OK, sir. However, using sugar in an appropriate amount can make you happy without putting a burden on your body. The robot named Nicole responded, then persuaded with a smile.

However, some are too sweet. Wu Hao smiled slightly. What he likes to do most now is to train these humanoid simulation robots. They were developed with logical thinking in mind and little else. Wu Hao needs to train and train these humanoid simulation robots into robots with different personalities according to his own preferences, or needs.

To put it simply, this is also an experiment, hoping that by instilling different content into the robot, it can generate a specific personality in the system. For example, cheerful, gentle, sweet, intellectual, etc.

The robot in front of him, named Nicole, is as tall as a Victoria's Secret supermodel and has a slightly playful personality. This is also his latest proud work.

Okay, I will put less sugar next time. Nicole nodded very humanely when she heard this, then looked at the scenery outside the window and said expectantly: "Sir, when can we go out to play, like Sister Ke'er, live freely outside."

Not at the moment, your presence will frighten others. Wu Hao smiled and shook his head.

Why, we look like people, how can we scare people? Nicole showed a look of doubt and confusion.

The expression is well controlled. Wu Hao nodded when he saw this, and then said with a smile: "Because you are not them."

Sir, because we are robots! Nicole showed a hint of disappointment.

When defining the thoughts and cognitions of these robots, he had already instilled all the most basic knowledge into them. These robots also know their identities and can distinguish the differences between them and humans.

It can be understood this way. Wu Hao observed Nicole's reaction, then nodded and said.

Nicole looked puzzled: "But what does this have to do with us going out?"

The thinking and logic need to be strengthened. Wu Hao nodded slightly and said.

These humanoid simulation robots are the latest models developed based on Chen Keren. They are not complete bodies like Chen Keren, but have their own brains and AI systems.

However, limited by equipment and AI technology, they are far from being as smart as Coco.

What Wu Hao is doing now is to hope that these humanoid bionic robots can be separated from the control of the host computer, and can truly use their own processors and artificial intelligence systems to deal with thinking problems and control the entire intelligent bionic robot.

Nicole should be the latest generation of robots. She has made great progress in internal structure, hardware system, including external skin. For example, the facial expression system on this robot's face is more delicate and rich, and it can make many very dexterous expressions.

For another example, the skin on this robot is also made of brand-new materials. Its color, look and feel are no different from real skin.

And this kind of skin can also feel the touch and touch of foreign objects, feel temperature, humidity, pain, etc.

The biggest breakthrough, or the most real point, is that this kind of skin can be scratched by sharp objects, bleed, and heal automatically just like human skin.

In this skin system, there are many artificial capillary networks throughout, which are the key to controlling the surface temperature of the simulated skin. When a sharp object scratches the skin, the surface capillary network will also be scratched, and then the temperature-controlling fluid in the blood vessels will flow out, just like real skin bleeding.

And in order to increase the realism, we will also adjust this liquid to the color and texture of blood as quickly as possible.

At the same time, we also inject a repair liquid into the capillaries. When the artificial capillaries rupture, the repair liquid mixed in the liquid will automatically solidify when encountering air, blocking the wound and preventing it from continuing to bleed.

In this way, the damage of artificial capillaries can be repaired, and secondly, it can also truly simulate the entire process of rupture and hemostasis of real skin wounds.

In addition, this kind of artificial capillaries spread throughout the skin can also simulate the congestion of human skin. For example, it is possible to simulate the blushing scene of a real person. By adjusting the flow rate of the artificial capillaries on the cheeks, this part of the skin can be made slightly red, thus simulating the shy blushing look of a real person.

Judging from the degree of completion of this body, it should be the most realistic human-made simulation robot body known in the world, bar none.

Its authenticity can reach 99%. If you put it together with a real person's body, if you don't identify it carefully, it is basically impossible to tell whether it is true or false. Even if you go to bed and make love for a night, it will be difficult to find out. .

Of course, Wu Hao has not personally tested this aspect, well, he guarantees it!

However, don’t be fooled by its real and perfect appearance. Essentially, it is also the most dangerous robot in the world right now. Under its beautiful skin is the latest generation of intelligent simulation robot architecture, which has a higher strength and toughness robot skeleton frame that can withstand tons of pressure and weight.

In addition, it also has a more powerful joint drive system, which allows the robot to explode with more powerful force, allowing it to reach out more agilely and at faster speeds.

Its running speed from 100 kilometers to 100 kilometers can exceed three seconds, which is already comparable to the fastest sports car in the world. In addition, driven by its powerful force, it can jump seventeen meters away and more than ten meters high. One punch can exert more than a ton of force.

With absolute strength, speed, and flexibility, Lin Mo also instilled a set of martial arts fighting techniques learned and generated by the AI ​​system into this robot, allowing it to easily complete many stunts in movies. A difficult action that can only be completed.

Wu Hao once used two robots to conduct a fighting attack experiment. The scene was extremely hot and bloody, as if he was actually filming a movie. If it were a real-person battle, it might not last more than a second before being killed by this robot.


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