Of course, such robots are not built just to watch, they will also play their due role.

Like the Nicole in front of me, it is just an experimental robot and is not suitable for performing various tasks because it is too beautiful and conspicuous.

In the future, Wu Hao will develop some more common robots, which will serve as Wu Hao's personal security personnel to protect the safety of him, Lin Wei and other important personnel.

It will also be deployed in some important research institute laboratories and important facilities to protect these facilities from infringement.

They are more loyal than humans. If Wu Hao and the others were in danger, people might hesitate, but they wouldn't. They would immediately stand in front of Wu Hao to withstand these dangers. People will betray, but they will not. Unless their system is broken, they will never betray their masters.

Of course, for the sake of safety and security, it is impossible for him to release this kind of robot technology at the moment. If it is abused, it will cause serious consequences and even bring crisis to mankind, which he does not want to see.

After drinking coffee, Wu Haoyou came to the testing center on the second underground floor of the laboratory. Or maybe the entire second underground floor was designed and built for testing.

The test center is surrounded by reinforced concrete walls, with a five-centimeter steel plate attached to the surface, which is enough for both purposes. The ceiling is made of super-strength tempered glass, the same style used on armored vehicles. In addition, this testing center also has a series of emergency response systems that can respond to various emergencies in the laboratory and handle them promptly and properly.

On the operating table, Lin Mo could see the real-time high-definition images in the laboratory at all times through the high-definition cameras scattered throughout the laboratory.

In the middle of the test center, there are several groups of human-shaped targets erected, and on the platform not far away, there are micro drones as big as flies. If the screen hadn't been zoomed in, I would have thought that the platform was full of flies.

Testing begins!

As Lin Mo controlled the screen, the micro drones on the platform took off one after another, making a buzzing sound. Wu Hao directly selected the human targets in the middle, then locked the target and confirmed the launch!

In the micro-drone group, more than a dozen micro-drone broke away from the team, flew quickly towards these targets, and then crashed into the target. And with a flash of fire, multiple holes appeared on the target.

This is a miniature attack drone he developed. It is only the size of a fly, but it is very powerful and can penetrate targets such as human skulls, glass, and thin steel plates.

Because of its small size, it flies like a fly, so Wu Hao gave it a codename, man-eating fly.

This micro attack drone is a related product developed exclusively for Wu Hao in response to the request of the military security department. Zhou Yonghui and the others had previously developed a beetle-sized one, but the military security department still thought it was too big.

This also puts Zhou Yonghui and others in a difficult position, because the smaller the size of a drone like this, the harder it is to develop. You have to develop a tiny, powerful motor to match it, and you have to develop a battery to supply it. In addition, in this volume, there are also precision electronic components related to security and ammunition with sufficient power, so the difficulty can be imagined.

Therefore, Wu Hao took over the project and has been developing it in the laboratory. It also took a long time, but finally some progress has been made recently.

After the swarm of man-eating fly micro-attack drones lost control, they began to form and circle around the entire test center. Lin Mo, on the other hand, constantly controlled the fan to disturb the airflow and check its wind resistance.

Because the size is too small, the wind resistance of this micro drone is very poor. The best way to get close to it is to accelerate it. When its speed is fast enough, the impact of the airflow on it will be small enough.

But obviously, it is impossible for a drone with such a small size to have strong power to support it to reach the fastest speed. Therefore, Wu Hao could only give up this plan and start with the intelligent sub-control system.

To put it simply, it is to patrol the intelligent flight control system of the drone so that it can adapt to extreme flights in various climate environments. For example, when encountering strong airflow, how should it fly so that it can resist the airflow and maintain flight stability, etc.

At the same time, Wu Hao also used his best cluster control technology, which also gave these micro drones fleets the ability to cluster. By constantly changing the shape of the flying cluster, it can simulate some objects, such as flying bats, birds, etc., to obtain better flight stability, or to confuse the enemy.

The most important thing is that they can carry out swarm attacks. They can concentrate their efforts to attack one target, or they can reasonably allocate resources to attack multiple targets at the same time to expand the results.

Next came the task of crossing a narrow passage. Wu Hao arranged this experiment very rigorously. These man-eating fly micro-attack drones not only had to quickly cross the narrow passages and obstacles, but also challenged the limits and crossed a curved section. water pipe.

This is the most common 20-inch water pipe, with an internal diameter of only two centimeters. Compared to a fly-sized drone, it seems spacious, but the problem is that this water pipe is long enough and bent several times.

Such a task cannot be accomplished manually. Even the best time-travel machine operator in the world today cannot successfully control time-travel through the VR first-person perspective. Therefore, the entire task of crossing obstacles and crossing water pipes is handled by the intelligent flight control system of the Man-eating Fly micro-attack drone.

In other words, the entire swarm of man-eating fly micro-attack drones can autonomously cross these obstacles without human intervention.

This is difficult. It is more difficult than a single man-eating fly micro-attack drone crossing these obstacles. You must know that flying hundreds of man-eating fly micro-attack drones in the air is not something that can be achieved by luck.

The larger the number, the higher the probability of success in crossing, but similarly, the larger the number, the higher the probability of failure.

Of course, this difficulty is not as high as imagined. Because the flight data of the swarm system is shared. The previous flying man-eating fly micro attack drone will synchronously transmit relevant flight route data to the subsequent man-eating fly micro attack drone. This also means that the subsequent flight of the man-eating fly micro-attack drone can pass safely and smoothly as long as it flies according to the flight data of the man-eating fly micro-attack drone that explored the path.

However, this will also bring a new problem. That is, when crossing the water pipe, if the man-eating fly micro-attack drone flying in front crashes, the subsequent man-eating fly micro-attack drones that cannot dodge are likely to directly mount on those crashed man-eating flies. The fly micro-attacked the drone wreckage, causing the pipeline to be blocked and the crossing to fail.


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