Military Technology

Chapter 2264 Ultra-limit obstacle flight test


As a command was issued, the first man-eating fly micro-attack drone in the swarm array of man-eating flies broke away from the cluster, and then flew towards the arranged obstacle channel at high speed.

The entire obstacle course is very narrow. It is actually separated by wooden boards and acrylic boards. The narrowest part is only a few centimeters wide and requires continuous turns. Moreover, due to the light transmittance of the acrylic board, it greatly increases the difficulty of detection by the sensors on the drone.

As the first man-eating fly micro-attack drone entered the obstacle test channel, the speed immediately dropped. However, the speed is still very fast. The entire drone body shuttles quickly in a small space, avoiding obstacles in all directions, following a 'Z' shaped flight path, and advancing in the narrow obstacle test channel.

However, this man-eating fly micro-attack drone did not fly for long in the obstacle test channel. Just when it passed a narrow acrylic obstacle, the tiny fan blades on the drone were hung on the acrylic plate. The edge caused the drone to lose control, directly mounted on the wooden board on the other side, and crashed directly into the obstacle test channel.

Coco, has the flight data transmission come back? Wu Hao asked.

A window appeared on the screen next to it, with Coco's avatar in it. It reported: "Sir, the flight data has been transmitted back to the database and shared synchronously with other drones through the cluster control system data link."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, smiled and waved his hand: "The second test begins!"

OK As Coco responded, the second man-eating fly micro-attack drone flew out of the cluster array and began to fly into the obstacle test channel. After obtaining the flight data of the first drone, it was found that the speed of this drone was significantly faster during the obstacle crossing flight in the front section. Obviously, it referred to the flight data of the first drone.

This is also a major feature of the cluster control system, which is resource sharing. All detection data can be shared, including flight routes and so on. The previous drone will transmit the relevant obstacles that have been detected to the swarm array, which also lets other drones know what the obstacle divisions here look like, so subsequent drones can follow the route. Follow up the flight path of the drone in front.

Of course, it is not a complete follow-up and imitation. These flight routes are only used as a reference, which can greatly reduce the detection data processing capabilities of the drone, thus allowing it to fly faster in narrow channels.

This does not mean that it completely gives up detecting the surrounding environment data information, because in reality, no matter how short the flight distance of these drones is, the surrounding environment may change during this interval, resulting in the loss of flying companions. The position and angle of the obstacle change.

If you follow the flight path of the plane in front at this time, it is very likely to hit an obstacle and crash.

Especially this kind of micro drone is more susceptible to changes in the surrounding environment.

To give a very simple example, the branches and leaves of trees and plants sway in the wind. Large drones may not need to consider these, but micro drones must take these into account. It is possible that even a leaf can stop the entire drone.

Soon, the second drone passed over the wreckage of the first drone and began to fly forward, but compared to the previous flight speed, the current flight speed dropped significantly.

The drone flew forward about one meter, and because it could not turn in time, it was mounted directly on the obstacle, causing the entire drone to be crashed.

Then the third drone broke away from the swarm array and began to continue testing.

Doing this is not playing or wasting, but training the drone's intelligent flight control system. Through a large amount of obstacle crossing flight data, the flight control and obstacle avoidance performance of the drone can be greatly improved, especially the obstacle avoidance and crossing performance in such a small space.

In fact, they had already accumulated a very rich amount of drone flight data before this. After all, they were the first to start out in drone technology and have developed along the way. It can be said that they have accumulated a lot of experience in this area.

However, these are all large, medium and small drones, and even the smallest drone they make is much larger than the current one.

Therefore, the flight control data accumulated by previous drones may not be applicable to this kind of micro drone. We can learn from some of them, but others require drones to fly autonomously. Through the continuous accumulation of flight data, the intelligent flight control system of the drone can learn how to deal with the same or similar situations.

"Gene Era"

In fact, the entire testing process does not require Wu Hao's participation at all and can be left to other people. Of course, there is a more convenient and convenient method, which is to leave it to Coco and the intelligent simulation robot. It only needs to wait for the experimental data results.

However, there are some things that artificial intelligence cannot understand. Although they are smart, they cannot have as much divergent and creative thinking as humans. Sometimes too accurate data, or too rational judgment, is not conducive to innovation. In fact, many innovations and inventions are caused by accidents or even mistakes. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, does not care about these mistakes or instinctively filters these mistakes and pursues successful results.

They can be very rational, but they cannot be emotional. This is the biggest technical problem of artificial intelligence technology in the world at present. How to make them sensible is the key to making them develop autonomous consciousness.

Wu Hao obviously broke through these and used the things in his mind to create Coco. However, due to the limitations of the current comprehensive technological level in the world, he was unable to fully utilize the movements in his head and improve his intelligence bit by bit.

For example, from the birth of Cocoa to the present, the performance of Cocoa has been continuously improved. Compared with the beginning, it is now smarter and closer to humans. Otherwise, Chen Keren would not have been able to stay in the company for such a long time.

Now, although he is directly involved in the entire experimental process, he does not actually need to do it himself. He only needs to give instructions, and Coco will complete them according to his instructions. Of course, some experiments still require him to perform them himself. Although Coco is very smart and considerate, she can't fully understand what he means.

And many things have two different feelings when they are said and done, just like the old saying "can only be understood but not expressed". The brain can think of some things and can also make them, but how to express them accurately requires thinking.

This is why it is difficult to write papers on many results. You must express the results intuitively and accurately without allowing readers to misinterpret them.

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