Military Technology

Chapter 2267 Ridiculous stories, absurd people

"Sir, Miss Lin is calling. Do you want to answer the call?"

Wu Hao, who was stretching his body, looked at the big screen aside when he heard this, and Lin Wei's figure appeared on it: "Where are you?"

"What's going on in the laboratory now?" Wu Hao couldn't help but smile as he looked at Lin Wei's figure.

"I'll come to your company right away. Come out and pick me up." Lin Wei said with a sweet smile.

When Wu Hao heard this, he said with a smile: "Given how familiar you are with our company's campus, you shouldn't get lost."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei couldn't help but pretended to be angry and threatened: "Are you coming?"

"Come!" Wu Hao said decisively.

After changing his clothes, Wu Hao walked out of the laboratory, got on a two-person shuttle bus, and started driving towards the parking lot. Many employees saw him along the way and greeted him.

Not only employees, but also some employees’ families and some tourists. Although some control measures have greatly reduced the number of visitors entering the park, with the on-site coordination of the Linghu Management Committee and the Anxi Tourism Department, the park still opens a certain number of admissions every day for tourists to make reservations.

As for the family members of the employees in the park, this is also a benefit for employees, that is, employees can apply for an appointment to bring their family members into the company park to visit and take a look at their working environment. Have a taste of lunch. Compared with ordinary tourists, they also have some small privileges of their own. For example, they can enter some areas that are prohibited to tourists, just like the areas where employees work.

Of course, these are during breaks, and entry is definitely prohibited during normal working hours. Moreover, these family members are personally accompanied by specialized personnel when they visit.

Other family members are free to move around the park, dine at restaurants, cafes and dessert shops in the park, or rest in the lounge, etc.

Therefore, there are many tourists and family members wandering around the park every day. Especially on weekend open days, there will be more people.

No way, now their park has become one of Anxi's distinctive landmarks, so many tourists want to visit it, which makes them unable to refuse.

After seeing Wu Hao, these tourists and family members took out their mobile phones, cameras, or smart VR glasses hosts to take pictures of him. Many people even greeted him enthusiastically.

In response, Wu Hao also smiled and said hello, and then left quickly. This kind of situation is not suitable for him to stay, otherwise more and more people will come around and it will be more difficult to escape.

Not to mention anything else, just say that these tourists who came around asked for a photo, how could he refuse. With so many people taking photos one by one, I don’t know how long it will take.

Therefore, he who had suffered a loss naturally did not dare to stay for a moment.

Soon, the two-person shuttle bus automatically stopped in front of an MPV. Upon seeing this, Lin Wei in the car opened the door and got out with a smile.

The entire intelligent system in the park is controlled by Coco, so it will naturally make arrangements based on the content of Wu Hao's previous conversation. Directly connected to Lin Wei's artificial intelligence assistant Nini, so it naturally knows the movement trajectory of Lin Wei's vehicle, and accurately finds the vehicle Lin Wei is riding in, and stops in front of it.

Lin Wei sat directly next to Wu Hao, waved and smiled: "Let's go!"

"Where to go?" Wu Hao couldn't help but asked curiously.

Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "Why, you don't care at all about my brother being treated here, right?"

"Lin Lei, didn't we just meet him two days ago? What happened to him?" Wu Hao couldn't help but wonder.

What's wrong? Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him and then said to him: "I heard that Xiao Lei can stand up successfully, so I want to come and see for myself."

"Hey, this is nothing." Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"What kind of attitude do you have? Isn't this something to be happy about?" Lin Wei said a little dissatisfied with his reaction. As a sister, she was naturally very concerned about her younger brother. The so-called concern is chaos, so it is difficult for her to remain rational in this regard. So of course she was extremely excited that Lin Lei could stand up successfully.

But in Wu Hao's view, this is a very common and natural thing. Lin Lei had just had his amputation and had been in bed for a long time. The muscles of his left leg, including the stump, had not atrophied, and the related motor nerves had not been wasted. So he only needed a little training, and the recovery speed was naturally very fast. It is normal to be able to stand up. Something happened.

But who can make his wife happy? He couldn't let her down, and then nodded with a smile: "It is indeed something worth being happy about. Let's go to the sports rehabilitation training center."

As Wu Hao's order was issued, the shuttle bus began to drive slowly towards the sports rehabilitation training center. However, because they were together and appeared at the same time, this also made the tourists and family members in the park even more excited, and they all picked up their equipment to take pictures.

As a couple, there is a lot of attention from the outside world, and there is a constant stream of gossip. They even created many different versions, comedies, tragedies, everything was adapted to them.

They even created modern versions of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, where Lin Wei was a rich girl and Wu Hao was a poor boy before. Because of their status differences and family opposition, they could not be together. Later, through the rise of a poor boy, coupled with the silent support of the rich girl, Wu Hao suddenly started a successful business and rose up, and then came to ask Lin Wei's parents for permission. In the end, the poor boy finally hugged the rich girl and finally got married.

Not to mention, this story is really written like that, especially after a lot of polishing by the author, which makes the whole story even more touching. Lin Wei even read this story and shed two tears. I don’t know whether I was moved by the story or moved by myself.

In addition to this kind of story, there are of course other types of stories, such as modern business war themes, how Wu Hao and Lin Wei started their business, how difficult it was during the entire entrepreneurial process, and how many ups and downs they experienced. , you have deceived each other, and you have achieved today's results. It can be said that you have gone through a bloody road and so on.

There are also gossip stories saying that Wu Hao is a heartless man like Pan Renmei. It is said that after Wu Hao was helped by the Lin family and Lin Wei, he is now ungrateful and has many mistresses. Then how the mistress insulted Lin Wei, and how Lin Wei swallowed her anger.

Of course, the most outrageous thing is naturally the boxing one. The mess directly portrays Wu Hao as a heinous gangster and bastard, and then molds Lin Wei into a heroine or something. Some of them were so extreme that even Lin Wei started scolding her, saying what she did.

They were also very helpless about this. If they have a little bit of fame, some people will do some messy things to them. What’s even more tragic is that no matter how fake or absurd these stories seem, many people believe them.


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