Military Technology

Chapter 2268 You have to walk your own way

He and Lin Wei came to the sports rehabilitation training center and saw Lin Lei who had stood up and was struggling to walk holding on to the handrail.

At this time, Lin Lei's forehead was covered with sweat beads, his short sleeves were soaked with sweat, and his right leg was also covered with sweat beads. Every time he moved forward, Lin Lei's expression became more and more painful.

He not only has to use his residual limb to lift the weight of this prosthetic limb, which is almost the same weight as his real leg, but also works hard to control the movement of this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic limb. This does not mean that he can control it if he wants to. There must be a process of adaptation. Although they all pass through the motor nerves, there are differences.

Just like any new device we use, there must be an adaptation process. It's just that we use our hands, and Lin Lei uses his body.

Snapped! Lin Lei, who took a step forward, was unsteady and fell to the ground. When Lin Wei from a distance saw this, she couldn't help showing a distressed look, and was about to go to help her, but was held back by Wu Hao.

Why don't you let me go? Xiaolei even fell down. Lin Wei glared at him with red eyes.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly, then looked at Lin Wei and said seriously: "He is not a child anymore, he knows what he is doing. He must experience this process personally, and you can't help him forever.

To put it bluntly, this is his path and he has to walk it by himself! "

As he said that, Wu Hao gestured to her and said with a smile: "Look, there are specialized rehabilitation doctors taking care of him, so let's not disturb him. Just watch here with peace of mind and wait until he finishes this class. "

Although Lin Wei felt a little distressed after hearing his words, she could only hold back. Following his gaze, he saw that a rehabilitation doctor came forward and asked, then helped Lin Lei up, and then began to move slowly again.

In this way, I kept trying to move, kept falling, and kept getting up again. It lasted for about thirty or forty minutes, until the rehabilitation doctor blew the whistle, and Lin Lei slumped down and rolled up the corners of his clothes to wipe his sweat. Then he began to carefully take off the smart bionic electronic prosthetic leg on the residual limb, revealing the white gauze stained with blood.

As everyone knows, all this was seen by Wu Hao and Lin Wei who came forward.

Xiao Lei. Lin Wei had a look of distress on her face and shouted softly to Lin Lei, who was lowering his head and massaging his stump.

Lin Lei's body trembled when he heard this, and then he looked up at Lin Wei and Wu Hao who came to him and said with a smile: "Sister, brother-in-law, why are you here."

Wu Hao smiled and said, "I heard from your sister that you stood up, so let's come over and take a look."

Lin Wei did not answer, but squatted down and looked at his stump wrapped in gauze and the blood stains on the gauze, and couldn't help but feel distressed: "Does it hurt?"

Lin Lei smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't hurt, I'm used to it."

Lin Wei obviously didn't believe it when she saw this, and then poked it with her finger. Lin Lei, who was in pain, grinned and shouted: "Sister, be gentle, be gentle!"

He said it didn't hurt. Lin Wei glared at Lin Lei angrily, and then said: "It's a good thing to train hard, but you can't ruin yourself like this. Come on, let's go to the hospital to bandage it first, and then train again when it's healed."

With that said, Lin Wei was about to help Lin Lei up, but she saw Lin Lei stopping him repeatedly: "Sister, no need, I just had a little skin scratched out, the doctors here have bandaged me, so there is no need to go to the hospital.

You see, a few of them have it too, it's very common here, it's not a big deal. "

Following Lin Lei's gaze, Lin Wei and Wu Hao looked over. Sure enough, several patients over there had also taken off their smart bionic electronic prostheses, and blood-stained gauze leaked out. After sensing their gazes, these patients smiled and waved to them.

What kind of rehabilitation training is this? Can't it be softened and softened a little? It's worn like this. With that said, Lin Wei complained to Wu Hao: "What kind of product is this you developed? Can't you consider the patients and make it more comfortable to wear?"

Well, when Lin Wei suddenly complained to him, Wu Hao showed a helpless look and explained with a wry smile: "Actually, we have fully considered the patient. The prosthetic limb is actually very comfortable to wear. But in order to make the prosthetic limb wear tighter , not easy to take off, so the product wearing space is designed to be tighter, and therefore some softer filling materials are discarded.

Of course, these are also related to their initial adaptation to wearing and irregular use. Once you get used to it, things will get better. "

Hearing Wu Hao's explanation, Lin Wei obviously didn't buy it. She curled her lips and then asked Lin Lei: "Are you done with your training today? I'll pick you up and I'll treat you to a big dinner."

Hearing what Lin Wei said, Lin Lei naturally looked excited. But he quickly thought of something, and then he became depressed again, shook his head and said, "No, sister, go home and eat later, mom has already prepared it."

Wu Hao and Lin Wei naturally saw Lin Lei's reactions. Wu Hao couldn't help but sigh at this, and Lin Wei's eyes turned red again.

Of course Lin Lei wanted to have a big meal, but when he thought of what he looked like, he couldn't help but flinch. Although they persuaded him many times, Lin Lei still couldn't stand the strange looks from others. Especially his missing left leg and his damaged and disfigured face.

No matter what occasion he appeared on, it was inevitable that someone would steal strange glances at him, which made him very uncomfortable. So over time, he became unwilling to meet people and became somewhat autistic.

Lin Wei naturally thought of this, then patted her brother on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I'll ask them to deliver whatever you want to your home, the same thing."

"Thank you, sister." Lin Lei laughed immediately after hearing this, then thought about it and said to Lin Wei: "I want to eat fried chicken, pizza, and I also want to eat burgers and French fries.

At home, my parents wouldn't let me eat them, saying they were unhealthy. Sister, I haven't eaten for a long time, please let me satisfy my craving. "

Looking at Lin Lei's pleading eyes, Lin Wei nodded distressedly: "Okay, I'll have someone buy it for you and eat it on the way back later. But you have to finish it before you get home. Don't let your parents find out, otherwise it will happen again." I’m going to start nagging.”

"Definitely, thank you sister, you are so good to me." Lin Lei looked happy.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, smiled at this and said to Lin Lei: "How are you preparing for your damaged skin repair surgery? When will it start?"

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Lin Lei immediately became excited, smiled at him and said: "I met with the team of doctors and experts and your technical team the day before yesterday, and listened to their plans for repairing the damaged skin on my body.

They will conduct a detailed examination on me next week, and if there is nothing wrong, surgery can be arranged immediately. "

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