Military Technology

Chapter 2270: The ambition is too great, stop it!

As for the international market, we believe there is still much room for growth. You know, we have previously launched several popular online games in China that were very popular abroad. So I think that as long as the plot is good, the graphics are good, and the technology is good, it is not difficult to attract overseas players. Lin Wei smiled at him and said.

Wu Hao did not comment on Lin Wei's answer, but raised his head and said to her: "We are not omniscient and omnipotent. Let's talk about what we need to do first, and I will listen first."

Seeing that Wu Hao didn't buy it, Lin Wei wasn't upset. This was all within her expectations.

So after hearing Wu Hao's words, she smiled and nodded and said: "The key to this game is technology. First of all, we hope to establish large-scale partitions. Ordinary games may have tens of thousands of people online at the same time, and hundreds of thousands of people will be saturated. Any more and there will be lags and other situations.

This time, we hope to expand the number of people in the partition to millions to tens of millions, and require millions of people to be online smoothly and tens of millions of people to be online without lag.

In addition, different zones can transmit to each other through facilities such as teleportation arrays or inns, and can circulate freely without any restrictions.

Third, we require that the entire game must have real-world physical properties, ray tracing, etc. that are comparable to the virtual world. In short, we hope that this online game world is real enough.

The picture quality should reach the 4A stand-alone level, preferably the level of the virtual world. The same goes for in-game fighting, which must be more realistic, more colorful, and more exciting. "

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard this, smiled bitterly and said: "Good guy, each of your requirements is more difficult than the last. To be honest, it is very difficult to solve these problems and requires huge investment.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that this can accommodate millions of people online at the same time. Even if we use our latest cluster array server unit, do you know how big the scale is? "

So, I’m here to find you.

Can't do it. Wu Hao shook his head and objected.

You didn't even think about it seriously and just said it couldn't be done. Lin Wei couldn't help but frowned when she saw his reaction.

You have taken too big a step this time. First of all, I personally reject this kind of online game project. Secondly, it is impossible for me to devote all resources to this project. We also have our own projects.

Third, to be honest, I am not optimistic about your project. With that said, Wu Hao pushed the folder directly in front of Lin Wei.

When Lin Wei saw this, her face couldn't help but look ugly. Lin Wei's entourage, who was sitting not far away from them, couldn't help but look frustrated.

No more thinking about it. Lin Wei looked at him and asked in a deep voice.

Wu Hao leaned back in his chair and shrugged: "Since you put it here, let's just do business. From the perspective of the chairman and CEO of Haoyu Technology and the chairman of Wei Media, I don't support it. your project.

Of course, you are the president of Micro Media. If you want to forcefully start this project, I have no objection. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei was silent for a moment, then picked up the information on the table and looked at it, then said to him: "What would you say if you were at home."

Wu Hao heard Lin Wei's words and smiled: "If I were at home, I would carefully analyze the pros and cons of this game to you in my own name, and explain to you in detail the problems and difficulties involved."

At this time 17B*X*wX**m Zhang Si. Hearing what he said, Lin Wei finally looked better, then she tangled her hair and smiled at Wu Hao and said: "Then if I want to forcefully implement this project, I want you to help me come up with ideas. "

In response, Wu Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this, and then sighed and said: "You are too ambitious in this project. Take it away, and then think about it carefully, and consider the difficulties, risks, pros and cons of this project. List them all and then solve them one by one.

From a technical perspective, we can provide you with some technical guidance and support, but it is impossible for you to occupy a large amount of our resources.

From a business perspective, Micro Media is just a holding company under our company, and we cannot let it affect the development of our company's various businesses. "

"I suggest you accept it." Lin Wei nodded and said to him: "I want to know now, but technically speaking, how much can you achieve."

Facing Lin Wei's gaze, Wu Hao smiled and raised a finger. Lin Wei looked a little embarrassed when she saw this and said: "Ten percent?"

Wu Hao shook his finger slightly and said: "One hundred percent, technically there should be no problem. The key is is it worth our investment in manpower and resources?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei's face immediately revealed a look of joy, and then she said to Wu Hao: "That's enough, I will prove to you that it is worth it."

"I'm looking forward to it very much." Wu Hao responded with a smile, and then said to her: "I have to remind you that although you are the vice chairman and president of Wei Media, you cannot control me as the chairman. Tight. But according to the procedures, you should also convene a board of directors to discuss and vote on such a large project.

You know, Micro Media is neither yours nor mine. There are other people’s shares in it. Although not as many as ours, they are shareholders after all, and we must respect them. "

"Don't worry, I remember all this, but it's not appropriate to convene the board of directors for voting at this stage." Lin Wei said to him: "We need to come up with a set of practical plans before convening the board of directors for discussion and voting. . Before doing it again, it is better not to cause internal disputes."

Speaking of this, Lin Wei said to him: "You can mention this project to Zhang Jun, Yang Fan and others so that they can be prepared.

I'm sure I can't count on you being a lobbyist for me, but I hope you don't add insult to injury. "

"Am I that kind of person?" Wu Hao smiled, then thought for a moment and then said to Lin Wei: "Forget it, I'd better help you.

In this way, I will organize a team of technical experts to go to your company. At that time, you can consult them on some technical issues, and they will also give you more accurate answers based on the current relevant technologies, which you can refer to. "

"Thank you." Lin Wei smiled sweetly at him. It was obvious that she was very satisfied with Wu Hao's answer.

Wu Hao waved his hand and said helplessly: "I'm afraid you'll bother me later, so let's talk about it first. That's all for this project. There's no need to mention it after I get home, and there's no need to harass me with some issues." ah."

Control the big one and control the owl. Besides, I'm too lazy to talk to you. Lin Wei rolled her eyes at this, then glanced at his lower body and said with a strange look: "I don't know who it is, but it comes to harass me first every night."


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