Military Technology

Chapter 2271 Turning carbon emissions into business

After an autumn rain, the temperature in Anxi became even lower. Pedestrians on the street put on coats to protect themselves from the cold.

The autumn rain, accompanied by the autumn wind, knocked down all the leaves from the trees on both sides of the street and scattered them all over the ground.

But inside the glass gallery in the core area of ​​Haoyu Technology, it is as warm as spring, with all kinds of flowers and plants in bloom, and small animals laughing, creating a lively scene.

Many employees were sitting by the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, drinking hot drinks and admiring the scenery outside through the glass.

Wu Hao and Zhang Jun also wore this casual sportswear and were scattered in the glass corridor. Wu Hao wore a black customized sweater, a pair of jeans, and a pair of white shoes, which made him look neater. Zhang Jun was wearing an open red sportswear with a white T-shirt underneath, a pair of sports pants and a pair of brand-name sneakers.

The two of them met for a walk because the weather outside was bad and it was a bit boring to stay in the office.

After walking around the corridor, the two came to a coffee shop and sat down by a window facing the lake. They ordered a hot drink and some snacks, then leaned on the back of the chair to rest. .

Zhang Jun looked at the windy and rainy weather outside and couldn't help but frowned and said: "There is a lot of rainy weather this autumn, and the weather is getting more and more extreme."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "Actually, it's not too much, it's just more than the same period last year. It should be said that there are more and more extreme weather, which is also related to global greenhouse gas emissions. It is directly related to Or indirectly affecting global climate change."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun also nodded, then thought of something and said to him: "Speaking of this, I remembered our company's carbon emission indicators. The relevant authorities have approached us several times before, Hopefully we can further drive down the associated carbon emissions and prepare to achieve our carbon neutrality goal.”

Regarding Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Ignore them for now. Our company's annual carbon emission targets are more than enough and far meet the relevant requirements and standards. What else do they have to say.

Let’s not talk about this first. Let’s talk about how many ecological benefits our ecological farm in Western Xinjiang produces every year. These must be taken into account. In addition, our ecological experimental forest project at the northwest scientific research base must be taken into account.

There are also smart factories and smart waste sorting resource recycling projects being promoted, including our battery project, high-speed wireless remote charging station project, and our large-scale battery energy storage peaking power station project in the northwest, etc. These and other If you are concerned about environmental protection, you are not contributing to carbon neutrality.

Reducing emissions is what we have to do, but we can't do it so recklessly. If you want to reduce emissions, simply shut down everything. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said to Zhang Jun: "In this way, you can communicate more with the local authorities on this aspect later, and don't let these things affect the normal operation of our company."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have communicated with them several times.

Isn't this because we are a large technology company, so the relevant departments hope that we can set an example and take the lead. I will continue to communicate with them in the future to make sure there are no problems. "

Well, Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, thought for a while and then said: "Let's do this. Regarding the company's carbon emissions, I suggest that a department be set up to be responsible. They are responsible for monitoring and calculating the company's carbon emissions, and are responsible for The sale and purchase of the company's carbon emission indicators, turning carbon emissions into business.

You know, this is also a big business, especially as the scale of our ecological experimental farm project in the northwest is getting larger and larger, and we are generating more and more benefits in this regard. These projects add up to a very considerable amount of income. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun nodded with great approval and said, "Indeed, there should be such a department. In the past, we paid too little attention to this area and wasted a lot of things."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun thought for a moment and then said: "Let's see, there are several people in the company who specialize in this area. I will gather them together and then set up a working group to discuss the company's matters in this area." Rinse and establish everything, and then come up with a feasible plan, and then we will discuss it at the next meeting."

Okay, I’ll give you three months. I want to see this plan before the Lunar New Year. Wu Hao nodded with a smile and took the opportunity to assign the task.

Hearing the short time limit given by Wu Hao, Zhang Jun couldn't help but smile bitterly. It seemed that this project needed to be tightened up. But for him, this is not too heavy a task. So he just smiled bitterly, and then led the topic elsewhere.

By the way, what was going on with Lin Wei's super online game project you told me last time? Zhang Jun said curiously.

Seeing Zhang Jun raise this question, Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "I'm not too sure. I just heard that they have come up with a feasible plan and are preparing to send it to the board of directors for study and voting."

"Oh, what kind of voting? It's just a formality." It's you who really determines the cost of this project. What do you think? Zhang Jun looked at him and asked. Obviously, he had heard a lot about this project, but he wanted to know Wu Hao's true thoughts before making a statement.

Generally speaking, as long as Wu Hao expresses his position, Zhang Jun and others will obey Wu Hao's wishes in most cases, except in rare cases. Therefore, his attitude is naturally more important to Zhang Jun and others. Everyone is watching his reaction.

Wu Hao naturally knew this, so he smiled and shook his head and said: "To be honest, I really haven't thought about this project yet. You know, I don't want to put resources and experience into this kind of project. "

"So what are you struggling with?" Zhang Jun naturally knew this, but he couldn't figure it out. If this was the case, why he was still struggling and why he didn't just veto the project without thinking about it.

Wu Hao naturally saw this idea in his eyes, and then said with a wry smile: "First of all, this is not only a project of Micro Media, but also a project of Lin Wei. I not only have to consider the interests of the company, but also the interests of the company. Personal emotions.

As for the distinction between public and private, this is impossible. I don't believe that anyone can completely separate the two. There will definitely be some influence.

Secondly, this project can make money, and it can make a lot of money. "

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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