Military Technology

Chapter 2272 This project can make a lot of money

Wu Hao naturally saw this idea in his eyes, and then said with a wry smile: "First of all, this is not only a project of Micro Media, but also a project of Lin Wei. I not only have to consider the interests of the company, but also the interests of the company. Personal emotions.

As for the distinction between public and private, this is impossible. I don't believe that anyone can completely separate the two. There will definitely be some influence.

Secondly, this project can make money, and it can make a lot of money. "

Can you make a lot of money?

Zhang Jun's eyes couldn't help but shine, and then he asked impatiently: "Can you really make money?"

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "The ability of a successful online game to make money is very amazing. The revenue of that online game is no longer more than a few billion dollars compared to the most successful online games in our country. There are even tens of billions of dollars. With such a rate of return, I wonder what other industry can compare with it.”

"I don't quite understand why you are still hesitating since this is a project that can make a lot of money." Zhang Jun said with some confusion. Obviously Zhang Jun is not the kind of person who has no interest in money, but he is very pragmatic. Especially at this stage, various projects of Haoyu Technology are blooming everywhere, and they are all big spenders. Therefore, they naturally accept all projects that make money. It is certainly impossible for them to have any idea of ​​being arrogant or making money.

As long as it complies with laws and regulations, that's all.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly and said: "It is true that this is a money-making project, but not all online games can make money, and not all good netizens can make money. In the past, there have been many online games that were well received but not popular. This Such examples are common.

This is just like the movie industry. Everyone deserves to make money in the movie industry, but not every movie can make money. For many movies, you never know whether you will make a profit or a loss until the moment they are released.

This has nothing to do with strength. Many famous companies, famous directors, and famous actors join in to make movies that are bad or bad. Many little-known directors and actors from small studios may become famous because of one movie. Just like the military action movie superstar, who was previously unknown and almost obsolete, suddenly rose up because of one movie and became a representative of domestic actors and directors.

The same goes for games. Many successful hit games are produced by many small game companies and game studios. This is not much different from whether they are large companies.

So I also want Lin Wei and the planners of his company to calm down and not think that they are invincible if they have the funds, channels, and technology.

The information I saw before, including Lin Wei's account, was actually not mature. I wanted to see a more mature feasibility report and project plan. "

I see. Zhang Jun showed a surprised expression, and then complained: "Good guy, you really have good intentions for your wife."

In response, Wu Hao smiled and said: "This is not all for her, but also for the company and for everyone's consideration. After all, we hold shares in Micro Media. If it loses money, it is also a loss of our own money."

That's right. Zhang Jun nodded with a smile, then looked at him and asked: "Then what to do next? Should we continue to let them improve the plan, or should we go along with the situation at the voting meeting and agree directly."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "This is not a matter of time, but it depends on how perfect their plan is.

In this way, you can go back and invite several experts in this field to form an expert group to conduct professional research on the relevant plans and plans they submitted. I need to get a more professional industry analysis report.

As for the technical side, I have also sent a technical team there. With them there, there will be no problems for the time being. "

"What about the server? How to solve this aspect of the server? You know, to realize that so many people are online at the same time, this will have very high requirements on the quantity and quality of the server cluster." Zhang Jun asked his own question.

Wu Hao waved his hands when he heard this and said: "In the early stage, we will mainly focus on leasing. After the game is launched, we will increase the server cluster according to the number of players. If the number of players exceeds the expected number, we can use part of the funds returned from the game revenue to acquire or build server clusters." Group.

Of course, there is no need to worry about this aspect. There are very large server clouds in China. We can rent these things, which can save us a lot of money and greatly reduce risks. "

After Zhang Jun heard what he said, he thought for a moment, and then said to Wu Hao: "Developing such a large-scale online game will undoubtedly take a long time, and it may not be possible to come out in three to five years, and the investment is huge.

I am now a little worried that they will lose more than they gain because this project will affect the operation of the virtual world and the virtual reality mobile network platform. And we don’t know whether the future construction and docking of this online game entrance will cause some users to get trapped in the game and become unable to extricate themselves, bringing a crisis to our virtual world and virtual reality mobile network platform. "

Your concerns are justified. Wu Hao nodded slightly and said: "So there must be a difference in form, and there must be a difference in technology. We can't sacrifice the virtual world and virtual reality mobile network platform we finally built for a game. In this case It’s not worth the gain.

Therefore, this degree must be grasped well. This is also the work we must focus on in the future, especially you, who must do a good job in overall control. When it comes to work, don't worry about your personal face. Just do what you should do and don't compromise.

You also know my relationship with Lin Wei. There are some things I can't say, so you still have to play the villain. "

Okay, just let me be the one to show off. Zhang Jun rolled his eyes, then sighed and responded: "Don't worry, when it comes to work, one is one, two is two. I won't give in easily just because she is your wife. I can still handle this." Clear."

Um. Wu Hao showed a satisfied look when he heard this, then picked up the hot drink and continued to drink. Suddenly something occurred to him, and then he asked Zhang Jun: "How are the preparations for Yang Fan's wedding going?"

When Wu Hao asked about this matter, Zhang Jun said with a smile: "I'm not too sure. I rarely meet him recently. I heard he is busy with wedding matters. It's not like you don't know Zhao Xi well. In addition, Yang Fan is pregnant now, which is enough for Yang Fan to drink a pot."

Haha, this is his own fault. Who made this kid's marksmanship so accurate? Wu Hao said with a smile.

Yes, it's your own fault. Zhang Jun also responded: "I just got her pregnant without saying a word. This kid is better than us."

How do you know you are stronger than us? Maybe Zhao Xi is stronger. Wu Hao showed a wicked smile.

Well, you are still knowledgeable. Zhang Jun gave him a thumbs up and praised him.

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