Military Technology

Chapter 2279 I can rest assured that the company has him!

Amidst the exciting and joyful wedding march, Zhou Xi's father appeared from the end of the red carpet holding Zhou Xi's hand, and then slowly walked towards the stage.

There were relatives and friends on both sides of the red carpet, spraying colorful ribbons one after another. The colorful ribbons and fireworks flying in the sky fell on Zhou Xi's white wedding dress.

Looking at Zhou Xi's wedding dress, Lin Wei showed an envious look. Not just Lin Wei, everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Wei at this moment. The man was marveling at how beautiful Zhou Xi looked today. As for women, they are envious of the wedding dress Zhou Xi is wearing. This should be said to be a woman's dream.

Zhou Xi's father slowly walked onto the stage holding Zhou Xi's hand, glanced at Yang Fan who was waiting on the stage with a complicated expression, and then put Zhou Xi's hand into Yang Fan's.

At this time, the two men on the stage completed the most important handover ceremony in their lives. Zhou Xi's father handed Zhou Xi, who had been guarding him for decades, into the hands of Yang Fan, which meant that Zhou Xi's life would be protected by Yang Fan.

Listening to Zhou Xi's father's affectionate words, countless people in the audience were moved. One can imagine how anyone would feel if his daughter, whom he had loved for decades, was handed over to someone else.

As for Yang Fan, he also gave Zhou Xi's father a very positive and confident answer. His words are not very gorgeous, or even very pleasant to listen to, but they are very simple and can make people feel his sincerity.

The wedding continued under the auspices of the emcee. After completing a series of procedures, it was Wu Hao and Lin Wei's turn. Naturally, Lin Wei was the first to take the stage. As the introducer, she had to speak first.

Lin Wei, who was wearing a pale dress, was not as gorgeously dressed as Zhou Xi, but she was still very beautiful, especially her delicate face, her radiant skin, and her graceful and stylish figure, although not that white. Her appearance has attracted the attention of countless people.

Faced with this occasion, Lin Wei was not as restrained and panicked as No. 4. For a female president who manages tens of thousands of employees, this was just a small scene, so she dealt with it very easily. After a relatively grand opening, , and then introduced the process of how Zhou Xi and Yang Fan met and fell in love. Two jokes were also interspersed during the period, which caused laughter in the scene and the atmosphere also increased a lot. The last part is the summary and instructions.

After finishing, Lin Wei and Zhou Xi hugged each other, and then slowly walked off the stage amidst the applause of everyone.

The emcee continued to preside over the ceremony. This time, the emcee was also hired as a professional emcee, so he had quick thinking, knowledge, and a very good grasp of the entire wedding rhythm.

Next, let us applaud Mr. Wu Hao, the witness of the wedding of Mr. Yang Fan and Ms. Zhou Xi, the chairman and CEO of Haoyu Technology, and our friend of the two newlyweds, to read out the marriage certificate and deliver a speech to the two newlyweds.

Bang bang bang bang...

Amid a burst of warm applause, Wu Hao walked onto the stage, took the microphone from the emcee, and stood on the stage.

After glancing at the two newcomers, Wu Hao picked up the two red certificates from the tray brought by the staff, opened them, and then read them loudly to everyone in the audience.

"The certificate holders, Yang Fan and Zhou Xi, have been reviewed to comply with the "Marriage Law of China" and the provisions on marriage. Registration is allowed and this certificate is issued."

The marriage is hereby solemnized!

As he said that, Wu Hao held up two marriage certificates and showed them to everyone, showing everyone that the marriage of these two people complied with the law and was recognized by the country.

Everyone at the scene also gave them very warm applause and sent their blessings to the newlyweds again.

As for Wu Hao, he also placed the two marriage certificates on the tray brought by the staff, then moved towards the two of them, leading Yang Fan and Zhou Xi to them.

He glanced at the two, then smiled at everyone in the audience and said: "I am very happy that as a friend of the two newlyweds, I can play the role of a witness and attend the wedding. As a friend of the two newlyweds, I can be regarded as a witness all the way. They went from getting to know each other, to falling in love and establishing a relationship, to getting married.

It should be said that I am the most suitable and qualified to be this introducer.

But no matter what, I can't beat her, so I can only let Xian be the witness. "

Ha ha ha ha……

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone burst into laughter on and off the stage. Everyone applauded and looked at Lin Wei.

As for Lin Wei, she rolled her eyes at Wu Hao on the stage, smiled and made a "you wait" "ferocious" expression.

Wu Hao, who was on the stage, showed a helpless expression, and then smiled at everyone: "However, I am still happy for them to have the opportunity to witness their happy moments, no matter what position they are in." , I am also happy from the bottom of my heart.

The groom and I have known each other for a long time, and we worked our way out of school. During those days of hard work, the groom made a great contribution.

It should be said that Yang Fan is an indispensable role in the growth of Haoyu Technology. Without him, there might not have been our original entrepreneurial quartet, let alone the subsequent Haoyu Technology.

He may not talk that much, but he is very serious about what he does, and he can make people feel at ease when important work is entrusted to his hands. No matter how difficult the task is, he always completes the tasks assigned to him on time and in sufficient quantity.

I still remember that in the days before we went to Hangzhou to participate in the exhibition, we stayed up several nights in a row in order to complete the test of the drone cluster array. During this period, we still had the opportunity to squint for a while, but he who was in charge of hardware testing did not sleep at all and resisted for several days.

In the end, with our hard work, we finally finished it before departure. And because he stayed up late for a long time, he was in very bad condition for several days. But even so, he still accompanied us throughout the entire exhibition trip and successfully obtained the first order. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Yang Fan, and then continued: "After the establishment of Haoyu Technology, he was willing to stay behind the scenes and silently do the most arduous and boring work.

Behind every press conference we hold that amazes people and shocks the world, there is his silent hard work. He is the ballast of our company and the source of our confidence.

It should be said that just because the company has him, I feel relieved! "

Wu Hao has never said anything like this. Today, following the wedding, what he said was actually a complete summary of Yang Fan's past work and contributions. And these words also added a lot of color to Yang Fan. This figure who has always been hidden behind the scenes, hidden in the light of Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, was finally grandly introduced to the world by Wu Hao today.

At the same time, Wu Hao was also telling Yang Fan. Tell him that he has never forgotten anything he did.

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