Military Technology

Chapter 2280 Give birth to 10 children and buy Manchester United!


Looking at the two of them again, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Being together for such a long time has also allowed us to form a deep friendship. The relationship between us is not only superior and subordinate, not only friends, but also brothers.

Yes, in my opinion, the relationship between us has long gone beyond interests, partners, and friends, but has become brothers who live together for a lifetime.

Therefore, I am truly happy to see our best brother find his beloved partner and successfully get married.

Here, I hope that you can support each other, encourage each other, care for each other, and take care of each other in the days to come. Honor both parents well and run your own family well. I wish you good luck and love, may you raise your eyebrows together, grow old together, and be united forever.

The most important thing, the most important thing, is to have a son early. As an uncle, I have prepared a big red envelope. I will give you as much as you want! "

"Ten births!"

Someone in the audience laughed and shouted

Ha ha ha ha……

Hearing the booing from the audience, everyone burst into laughter.

Wu Hao, who was on the stage, smiled and nodded and responded cheerfully: "No problem, as long as you dare to give birth, I dare to give it! In the worst case, I will buy Manchester United, and we can just form a football team to play!"

Ha ha ha ha……

A burst of joyful laughter erupted from the audience. In the eyes of everyone, who would tell such a joke? Others would definitely not be so funny. But Wu Hao said it was different, because he really had the strength to fulfill this wish.

As for the two newcomers on the stage, Yang Fan was giggling. Although Zhou Xi was very tough, he was also blushing.

Amidst a burst of cheers and applause, Wu Hao walked off the stage, then came to the front and sat down next to Lin Wei. He smiled and asked in a low voice: "How was it?"

"So-so!" Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him, and then continued to look at the stage.

The wedding continued, with the two chatting quietly while looking at the two newlyweds on the stage. Soon it was time to throw the bouquet, but something unexpected happened. Zhou Xi did not prepare to throw it away, but looked at Lin Wei with the microphone.

"...Please allow me to be willful for once, because I really want to pass on my happiness to my best friend, Weiwei, please accept my blessing!"

Zhou Xi was a little confused by this scene, but after Wu Hao's reminder, Lin Wei came to her senses and was moved. She hurriedly came to the stage, and then took the bouquet from Zhou Xi's hand.

Bang bang bang... the applause rang out again. Wu Hao's figure appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage.


At this time, Wu Hao discovered that the camera at the scene had been pointed at him at some point. This made him a little embarrassed, so he smiled and clapped.

After hugging Zhou Xi for a while, Lin Wei slowly walked off the stage.

Then he looked at the bouquet in his hand with a look of joy, then gave Wu Hao a disapproving look, and then stopped talking to him. Wu Hao knew that Lin Wei was not easy to provoke at this time, so he decisively stopped saying anything.

After the wedding, most of the guests began to move to the banquet hall, while some stayed on the lawn to take photos.

Wu Hao, who was dealing with two guests who came up to talk to him, heard the call from Zhou Xi and Yang Fan, and then excused himself and walked over.

"Haozi, hurry up, I'm waiting for you." Zhang Jun, who was standing beside him, urged him.

"Here we come." Wu Hao showed an apologetic smile to everyone, then walked to stand next to Lin Wei, and then everyone showed bright smiles to the camera.

Then they took a few more photos of each other, and everyone started walking towards the banquet hall. As for Zhou Xi and Yang Fan, they have to go back to the hotel room to change clothes. Her wedding dress was too heavy and obviously not suitable for banquets, so she needed to change into a simpler toast outfit.

Wu Hao and the others did not have so much trouble, and then several people came to the banquet hall chatting and laughing.

At this time, many people had gathered in the banquet hall, and Wu Hao and Lin Wei were seated at the upper table. Logically speaking, this table should be arranged for the mother's family. But who made everyone feel that they had a distinguished status and arranged for them to sit here. On the one hand, it is of course to show respect, and on the other hand, it is also to greet the woman's family members on behalf of the man.

Of course, the two of them alone are definitely not enough. Also sitting together is Yang Fan's uncle. This is the real in-laws' family.

As for Zhang Jun and the others, they were seated at the second table. Initially, everyone thought they were sitting together, but they didn't expect to be separated like this. Although it is a bit helpless, you still have to respect and recognize other people's customs. Guests can do as they please.

As Yang Fan put on a white shirt and Zhou Xi in a red skirt appeared on the scene, the wedding banquet started to get lively. But, these people here are considered Wu Hao's elders, so most of the time, they are the ones asking and they are the ones answering.

All they talked about were social talk. Although they were familiar with Zhou Xi, they were not very familiar with Zhou Xi's family members. Fortunately, Lin Wei knew Zhou Xi's parents. Wu Hao really didn't know anyone here, and they just said hello today.

But everything was fine, and the atmosphere of the entire banquet was still relatively good. As for Wu Hao and Lin Wei, they also became the targets of everyone's toast. Whether it was because of their status or because they were the introducers and witnesses of Yang Fan and Zhou Xi, they deserved special care.

Lin Wei drank red wine, so she could still cope. Wu Hao's side was a bit too strong. Wu Hao probably drank more than one bottle of the 53-year-old Moutai. This made him, who didn't drink much and didn't have much capacity for alcohol, almost roll off the table.

Fortunately, Lin Wei was there to take care of him, so he wouldn't make a fool of himself. In fact, he didn't say that it was a complete short film. His consciousness was still very clear, but he drank a little too much, so his body was a little out of control.

So after the banquet, Wu Hao skipped other social activities and was sent directly to the room by Lin Wei. Then he fell on the bed and fell asleep directly.

I slept until I woke up at noon the next day, and the sun was shining brightly outside.

Wu Hao turned over and looked around him. There was no sign of Lin Wei. She probably didn't sleep here last night. Rubbing his head, he stood up and took a sip of water, then hurried to the toilet.

After taking a shower and putting on clean clothes, Wu Hao dialed Lin Wei's number.

In the video, Lin Wei is wearing sportswear and playing bowling with several girls.

"woke up?"

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "I just woke up not long ago, where are you?"

"Go to the bowling alley over at the hotel and have something to eat first. You were so drunk here yesterday that you didn't eat anything at all." Lin Wei told him.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Okay, you guys play, I'll go find a few of them."

Some of them are more drunk than you, and they are probably still asleep. Lin Wei showed a contemptuous smile after hearing this, which made Wu Hao angry and helpless. There is no way, who made them embarrassed at the wine table.

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