Military Technology

Chapter 2281 A reasonable

Sure enough, when Wu Hao went to find Zhang Jun and Zou Xiaodong, both of them were still sleeping.

Zhang Jun was completely drunk. After Wu Hao got drunk yesterday, Zhang Jun became the target of many people's toasts, so much so that the guy behind him was directly cut off and helped into the room.

Zou Xiaodong, on the other hand, was more cunning and didn't drink so much. But I heard that the party last night was too crazy, so I slept until now.

Seeing this, Wu Hao had no choice but to come to the restaurant to eat alone. Although he was a little hungry, he had no appetite. This might be the aftereffect of being drunk yesterday.

After looking at it, he finally ordered a bowl of beef ramen, and then ordered a crab roe dumplings and a few side dishes, and then sat there and ate slowly.

Not long after, Zhang Jun came over and sat down. Compared to Wu Hao, who was still energetic, Zhang Jun looked very depressed at the moment. Apparently he drank so much yesterday that he still hasn't fully recovered yet.

What to eat? Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Zhang Jun shook his head, then stared at the things Wu Hao ordered, then reached out and picked up a small steamed bun, and then ate it in one bite. As he chewed in his mouth, there was a look on his face, and then he nodded slightly and stood up.

Wu Hao glanced at this guy, and then continued to drink the soup slowly. He likes to eat a bowl of noodles, and then slowly drink the hot soup, enjoying the full feeling of happiness in his stomach after the meal.

As for Zhang Jun, he came over with a portion of rice noodles and a portion of pancakes, and then started eating by himself. It can be seen that this guy has been hungry for a long time.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, and then swiped the transparent folding screen while drinking soup.

After finishing the whole pancake, Zhang Jun felt a little energetic and asked him, "Where are Yang Fan and the others?"

The couple must have gone home during their bridal night, but I heard they will be coming to see off guests later. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Zhang Jun nodded when he heard this, and then said to him: "How did you arrange his wedding leave? I heard from Xiaoya that Zhou Xi and the others have already started to pack their things and prepare for their honeymoon trip."

Wu Hao thought for a moment after hearing this, then nodded and said, "I'll talk to them when they come later."

Zhang Jun nodded when he heard this, and then continued to eat rice noodles.

At this time, Zou Xiaodong walked in with a somewhat frivolous pace, glanced at them, and walked straight to the dining table.

Zhang Jun twitched Zou Xiaodong's walking posture, and couldn't help but smile and joke: "Hey, look, the soft-legged shrimp is here. I don't know if it was squeezed dry last night. Look, those legs are almost soft like noodles."

Haha, you, keep some virtue in your mouth and save some face for him. Wu Hao smiled and then warned Zhang Jun.

Knowing that, Zhang Jun waved his hand and gave him a reassuring look: "Don't worry, I will definitely not say that in front of outsiders and him."

It's weird if I believe you. Wu Hao glared at this guy angrily, and then picked up the transparent folding tablet himself. There is still news about Yang Fan's marriage on the Internet. Although the impact is not big, there are still some reports. For example, the dazzling welcome vehicle, as well as the exclusive hotel that outsiders cannot enter, etc.

Occasionally, there will be a few photos of the wedding scene, which should have been taken by the guest's mobile phone or his own device. It’s just that it’s not a professional device after all, so I took it and compressed it before sending it online, so the photos became very muffled.

There was nothing behind him. It could be seen that someone had blocked him from behind.

At this time, Zou Xiaodong came over with breakfast and sat down. This guy's breakfast is richer than the two of them, a bowl of seafood porridge with two boiled eggs, an omelette, ham and the like. It can be seen that he intends to make up for it.

"Oh, it's so rich. It seems that you put in a lot of effort last night." Zhang Jun looked at Zou Xiaodong's meal and teased, then looked at his face and continued: "Well, it's time to make up for it."

You are purely envious, jealous, and sour grapes! Zou Xiaodong retorted angrily.

cut. I will envy you. Zhang Jun rolled his eyes at the other person and then said angrily, but what was revealed in his eyes said everything.

Wu Hao and Zou Xiaodong both laughed at the words that were so against their will.

Wu Hao turned to Zou Xiaodong and said, "Take it easy, if you continue like this, you will soon be as skinny as a stick."

It's okay, it's okay, I'm in good health. As he spoke, Zou Xiaodong also raised his arms, showing off his slightly bulging biceps. It's just that there are so many muscles on those slender arms.

In addition, the most noticeable thing is his dull skin, thick dark circles under his eyes, and deep sunken eye sockets. It seems that he did not sleep hard last night.

Being looked at by Wu Hao like this made Zou Xiaodong a little unbearable, and then he waved his hands to the two of them and said: "Okay, okay, I'll just be more careful in the future. Don't look at me like that, it makes me uncomfortable."

cut. Zhang Jun picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, then said to Zou Xiaodong who was eating like crazy: "Let me tell you something, Yang Fan and the others are going on their honeymoon."

After hearing Zhang Jun's words, Zou Xiaodong stopped immediately, looked at Zhang Jun with wide eyes and surprise, and then looked at Wu Hao. After a pause, he swallowed what was in his mouth and said hurriedly: "No, why? Didn't we all agree that we would come back and take over after we get married? Why have we changed our minds now?"

"It's not like you don't know about that woman Zhou Xi. Yang Fan was held captive by her, so of course Yang Fan didn't listen to anything." Zhang Jun teased unhappily, obviously a little angry about such a turn of events.

Okay, Wu Hao waved his hand to stop the two from continuing: "Don't talk about people behind their backs. I'll talk to them first and ask about the situation.

This kind of thing is something we are at fault for. How can we let someone come back to work right after getting married, so it is understandable that Zhou Xi has opinions. In this case, I will talk to them first. If it doesn't work, then just forget it. As for work, we must also be prepared for the worst, and the burden on your shoulders cannot be relaxed. "

"Yes, but I also have a lot of things on my hands. Especially since it's almost the end of the year and all kinds of things are going on, I'm really at a loss for what to do now." Zou Xiaodong cried to the two of them with a grimace.

Don’t worry, we all know this and we won’t let you bear it alone. Wu Hao smiled and comforted, and then said: "Besides, Yang Fan is not that kind of person. Maybe we are overthinking."

Hope so. Zhang Jun sighed, obviously he was not optimistic about this matter.

Zou Xiaodong, on the other hand, opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. However, his face was already elongated at this time. Combined with his dull skin color and deep-set eye sockets, he looked very much like a funny man. Donkey face!

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