Military Technology

Chapter 2294 Eyes see 6 ways, ears listen 8 directions

After speaking, at Wu Hao's signal, the model breathed heat into the smart AR glasses in her hands, but it seemed that the smart AR glasses were not affected and were still very transparent and bright.

An expert with glasses next to him didn't quite believe it. He took off his myopia glasses and took a breath of heat, only to see that both lenses couldn't help but fog up.

The expert showed an embarrassed expression when he saw this. He smiled and took out the handkerchief in his pocket and gently wiped his glasses.

Instructing the model to put on the smart AR glasses, Wu Hao went on to introduce: "On the frame of this military-grade smart AR glasses, we have arranged several high-definition compound eye lenses for different purposes, which can shoot very clear and smooth photos." pictures and videos.

However, this kind of clear and smooth pictures and videos is far from meeting the needs of battlefield operations, so we can attach some other additional sensors to it to give it a more powerful battlefield environment perception capability. "

"Please see, we are equipped with a lot of equipment on this tactical high-cut helmet. The first is the big lens in the middle of the forehead, which is actually an infrared low-light night vision device.

Because there is no screen imaging module, we can make the night vision device very small. Through the data cable, it can be connected to the smart AR glasses worn on the model's eyes, so that our wearers can choose to activate the night vision function at any time to observe the battlefield environment. And the night vision picture and the real scene picture can be seamlessly switched, and there will be no blind spots in the field of vision.

In addition, we also installed a micro wide-angle lens on both sides and back of this helmet to achieve a 360-degree panoramic view, allowing the wearer to perceive the environment on the sides and behind without turning his head, so as to respond in time. .

The images on both sides will be displayed simultaneously on both sides of our visual field, just like the rearview mirrors on both sides of the vehicle. The lens image directly behind is displayed directly above the eyes, which ensures that the wearer can observe the environment behind him at any time without affecting the front view.

If necessary, we can also install an eagle eye warning lens on the helmet to sense changes in the surrounding environment and issue timely warnings to remind the wearer of the angle of the threat, etc., helping the wearer to detect threats as quickly as possible and respond in a timely manner. "

"With so many devices, will it be very troublesome to wear them?" Luo Kai asked after seeing this.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, then motioned for the model to turn around, then pointed to a small device on the side of his neck, and then introduced with a smile to everyone: "This is a hot-plug hub, which can be used to connect heads. various devices worn on the device. In this way, we only need to connect it when wearing it, which is very convenient."

Why not go wireless and stick with a wired connection? An officer at the scene asked him.

Hearing this question, everyone laughed. This was not a question at all, but Wu Hao still answered very patiently: "Of course it is for stability, reliability, and safety.

The battlefield environment is very complex. In a strong electromagnetic environment, wireless connections are far less stable than cable connections. Moreover, cable connections are more adaptable to various environments, such as underwater combat environments, while wireless connections are very unstable.

In addition, so many wireless transmitters are scattered around the brain, which will also bring certain problems to the health of the wearer, so using cable connection is the best way.

More importantly, we can use cables to continuously power these devices, allowing them to run longer. This is also the reason why our military-grade smart AR glasses abandon wireless connections and instead use cables to connect to the host. "

After answering this question, everyone at the scene nodded in approval. Wu Hao smiled and then continued to introduce: "On the left wrist of our model, there is a smart watch, or a smart bracelet. It can be used to view some data information, and can also be used to control some device data information. .For example, if the matching micro reconnaissance or attack drone is used, this smart bracelet can be used as a remote control to control the micro drone to perform various tasks.

In addition to these body-worn devices, our field data information personal terminal system is connected to some external devices, such as thermal imagers, battlefield monitoring and reconnaissance equipment, air defense and anti-tank missile launch control systems, etc.

It can even connect with our infantry combat vehicles, tanks, unmanned combat vehicles, drones and other weapons and equipment, share their real-time data and so on. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao pointed to the model's backpack, then led everyone to a nearby booth, pointing to a black equipment punch on the booth that was about 256 cm long, about ten centimeters in size, and seven or eight centimeters thick. Everyone introduced: "This is the host of our field data information personal terminal system. It is much larger than the host of our civilian smart AR glasses, but its performance has also been improved a lot.

The reason why it is so big is of course to increase its battery capacity, thereby increasing the usage time of our field data information personal terminal system and related accessories. On the other hand, it is also to avoid more complex electronic components.

It can be said that this is a personal computer terminal that can independently calculate some complex problems. For example, many data that required human or computer calculations in the past can be completed by this system in real time.

In addition to eating, it is also a battlefield information terminal and a battlefield information node. Through the built-in cluster control system, it can connect and integrate other data information personal terminal systems to form a huge cluster network.

Within this cluster network, all intelligent data information personal terminal systems can share data in real time.

For example, when a soldier discovers an enemy situation, soldiers in other areas can simultaneously see the soldier's perspective in their respective smart AR glasses without moving.

This is our legendary vision of seeing in six directions and hearing in all directions. We even watched more than six channels, there were many channels.

Similarly, the command center on the battlefield and the command center in the rear can monitor the dynamic data information on the battlefield in real time through this intelligent data information personal terminal system, and carry out targeted command and deployment.

It can be said that what the soldiers see on the battlefield can be seen by the commander in the command center, which helps the commander to assess the battlefield situation in real time and make correct commands.

At the same time, soldiers can also understand and understand various orders issued by the headquarters and rear command center through this intelligent data information personal terminal system, so as to conduct more targeted operations. "

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