Military Technology

Chapter 2295 Self-destruct device

"At the same time, every soldier wearing a personal terminal system for battlefield data information can share relevant intelligence data transmitted back by other units in real time on his or her own smart AR glasses.

For example, the latest satellite maps, drone reconnaissance remote sensing maps, or real-time images, radar detection screens and other data information. In this way, we can know ourselves and our enemies, and fight without danger. "

After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, Li Weiguo and others nodded, but a new question was raised.

In this way, will there be a risk of leakage of this personal terminal system of battlefield data information? For example, if this set of equipment is picked up or seized by the enemy, wouldn't all the intelligence data be exposed to the enemy?

Also, since this battlefield data information personal terminal system is connected to many other weapon and equipment systems, once the enemy uses this system as an interface springboard to attack our weapons and equipment and related combat systems, wouldn't it be worth the loss? Tasteless.

Hearing these two questions, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Actually, we have thought of these two questions a long time ago, and have carried out relevant research and technical breakthroughs to ensure that this set of battlefield data can be guaranteed to a great extent. Security of information personal terminal systems.

First of all, I can tell you very clearly that even if the enemy obtains this personal terminal system for battlefield data information, it will not be able to use it. Because there is a human eye iris recognition lens on the inner frame of our smart AR glasses.

Every soldier wearing this battlefield data information personal terminal system must undergo iris identity authentication. In this way, no one except the soldier himself can use this device.

And this pair of glasses cannot be handed over to others for use after verification. This is not the case. During use, this iris identification lens will also constantly identify and verify the iris data information of our human eyes. When it is found that the iris is incomparable. When paired, the system will automatically lock and wait for re-verification to unlock.

If several verifications fail, the system will be automatically locked unless a higher authority password is used to unlock it.

The smart AR glasses and the host computer of each of our battlefield data information personal terminal systems are bound together. This also means that even if the enemy wants to bypass the biometric iris recognition mechanism of the smart AR glasses, they cannot connect to the system. , obtain the data information inside.

As for the enemy trying to use this device as an interface and springboard to invade our data information system and combat command system, this is also impossible. First of all, our battlefield data information personal terminal system itself has a very powerful firewall. If the enemy wants to crack and conquer this system, it is basically impossible to achieve it in a short time.

Secondly, the rear system command and control center will detect all battlefield data information personal terminal systems in real time, scan the operation status of all battlefield data information personal terminal systems and the exchange of related data information. When an abnormality is detected in a single piece of equipment, the command and control system at the rear will automatically isolate and cut off these abnormal systems. Only after relevant abnormalities are eliminated can these devices be reconnected to the entire network.

Finally, there is the design of personal permissions for battlefield data information personal terminal systems. Which data information can be accessed by those people and those positions, and these can be set. Therefore, even if the other party picks up this battlefield data information personal terminal system device and is lucky enough to crack it, the data information they have will be very limited.

Because the data information in this set of battlefield data personal terminal systems is only about the owner of this set of equipment and the unit to which he belongs. They cannot obtain the data information of other units unless they obtain the corresponding permissions.

Such a setting can greatly avoid the leakage of data information from a single device, which may lead to data leakage and huge losses. "

At this point, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then softened his tone and said: "Actually, there is another insurance, which is the self-destruct device.

When someone without authorization wants to dismantle these devices for huge profits, the self-destruction device in the device will be activated to burn the electronic components inside, thereby avoiding being studied and exploited by the enemy.

Secondly, when soldiers encounter danger and in an emergency, they can also manually clear all data in the equipment, or even activate the self-destruction device. "

After saying that, Wu Hao looked at everyone at the scene and spread their hands and said with a smile: "However, there is still some controversy about whether to install a self-destruct device in the equipment. So we decided to come up with two sets of plans, and specifically decided to let users Make your own choice.”

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present nodded to express their understanding.

Li Weiguo nodded at him and said: "Generally speaking, we do not have requirements or regulations in this regard. However, specific issues will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. In some cases, the self-destruction device will definitely play a very important role."

"The key is to see the safety of this self-destruction device. If it is safe and reliable enough, then it is definitely good to have it." Luo Kai analyzed from his perspective.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded in response: "Don't worry about this, this self-destruction device is safe and reliable enough. First of all, it is not a bomb and will not explode violently. It is actually equipped with a small explosive device. Dots, and some other solutions. When the self-destruct device is activated, the explosive dots explode, and the solution inside flows to the precision electronic components, corroding and burning the circuit boards on these electronic components, resulting in short circuits and other situations.

During this process, personnel are safe enough and no harm will be caused to them. "

After hearing his explanation, everyone understood and couldn't help but praise their design.

Compared to others who were talking about the technology and performance of this system, Meng Changbo was obviously more concerned about the price of such a system and immediately asked about it. In his opinion, the performance of this system is definitely not good, but if the price is too expensive, it will definitely not be equipped on a large scale. In this case, the practical value of this battlefield data information personal terminal system will be greatly reduced.

Hearing Meng Changbo's inquiry, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "The overall cost is not expensive. In fact, it is much lower than the cost of some equipment currently under development. This is mainly due to our very mature The production process, as well as the stable and cheap supply of raw materials, so if we can produce it on a large scale, then we can control the price of a single battlefield data information personal terminal system to a very low range."

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