Military Technology

Chapter 2305: Outdated weapons and equipment will decline like the cavalry

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but sigh. Yes, with the development of artificial intelligence, more and more activities are becoming automated and intelligent, and they are gradually surpassing humans.

There are not many in the civilian field. Take the military field as an example. More and more intelligent weapons and equipment have appeared, and they are gradually replacing personnel to perform some dangerous tasks.

For example, drones, in the past, aerial reconnaissance intelligence relied on aircraft or satellites in the sky. With the development of drone technology, aerial reconnaissance has now been replaced by drones. Reconnaissance aircraft, which were originally a major type of military aircraft, are also gradually declining, being replaced by drones, and eventually disappearing.

Compared with manned reconnaissance aircraft, the use of drones for battlefield reconnaissance is simply a great military change. From now on, pilots no longer need to brave the hail of bullets to conduct reconnaissance deep into the enemy's defense lines.

Nowadays, various drones are flying in the sky, basically able to take in every move on the battlefield. Even if it is discovered and shot down by the enemy, there will be no casualties, and its strategic and tactical value is very great.

With the continuous development and progress of drone technology, drones have also begun to be equipped with weapons and equipment and started to fight. From the beginning, they simply performed ground strike missions, to later combat drones, which can be used to perform some air combat missions. .

Among them, Wu Hao and others developed swarm attack drones based on swarm control technology, as well as a series of reconnaissance attack drone products. Not to mention the top-notch existence among combat drones, the 嫇徯 intelligent attack drone.

At present, this Fujia intelligent attack drone has been used against advanced fighter jets in various air combat exercises, and has achieved very good results. Defeating excellent pilots is no longer empty talk.

This has also caused anxiety and even panic in many people. Is it possible that one day, these combat aircraft will no longer need human pilots and will all be unmanned?

Although everyone knows that this is a trend in future technological development, no one expected that this day would come so quickly and be caught so unprepared that everyone felt like they were shot to death on the beach.

In addition, the intelligent mechanical exoskeleton products developed by Wu Hao and others also include the intelligent mecha code-named "Xingtian" and the intelligent unmanned combat mecha. These exoskeletons and mechas are also beginning to gradually replace traditional infantry and even some light units. Their combat power is even more powerful. In front of them, the firepower and combat power of traditional infantry are not worth mentioning at all.

This gap is like many new armies holding machine guns fighting against feudal dynasty armies holding spears and bows, crushing everything.

Now, Wu Hao and the others have developed a military-grade autonomous driving system and a medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle that has not yet been demonstrated. The former seems to be preparing to replace the traditional support vehicle units in the army, while the latter seems to be trying to replace some armored combat vehicles and units.

Thinking of this, many of the leaders present were happy, but also felt a sense of fear and confusion in their hearts.

They are happy because this is an advanced weapon and equipment developed in China, and they can use it directly as long as they are willing, doubling the combat effectiveness of their troops. Yes, everyone can see that once this military-grade intelligent autonomous driving system is equipped with troops, it can greatly improve the logistics support capabilities of the troops, thus improving the overall combat capabilities of the troops.

The appearance of the medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle that has not yet been unveiled means that it can replace some light armored assault troops to perform some high-risk combat missions, so there is no need to worry about casualties.

However, this also means that if these two technologies continue to develop and grow, some units and units with backward technology will inevitably be eliminated.

This is inevitable, and it is also the most painful thing for them.

Everyone is helpless and it is difficult to accept this, but as command and decision-makers, they must face all this. Just like the cavalry, the most important arm in history, when the time comes, the cavalry, an ancient arm that has been galloping for thousands of years, will also have to bow out from the stage of history, leaving only legends and imagination.

They are afraid and confused because if this era really comes, is it really necessary for people like them to exist? Where should they go at that time?

While everyone was thinking, the vehicle had entered a new terrain area. This was a forest land with lush trees and vegetation. The Warrior assault vehicle was huge, so how to travel through the forest land was also a test. This is a big problem for military-grade intelligent driving systems.

When traveling through this woodland, the military-grade intelligent driving system needs to plan the vehicle's route in advance and take into account all obstacles along the way, which places must be detoured and which places can be crossed. Those trees cannot be crossed, those trees can be directly pressed over, etc.

The drone hovered over the forest land, and only the silhouette of the vehicle below could be seen through the gaps. At this time, those ground mobile unmanned vehicles can easily shuttle through the forest and take pictures of the movement of surveillance vehicles.

The sensors and lenses on the Warrior assault vehicle more intuitively display the environment in front and around the vehicle as it travels.

In order to give everyone at the scene a more intuitive and three-dimensional viewing experience, the on-site technicians directly switched to the background image algorithm screen for everyone. I saw that the outlines of all the grass and trees in the picture were marked with red lines, and then some small trees were marked in orange, and some passable grass and trees were marked in green.

At this time, Wu Hao also acted as a commentator and introduced to everyone: "Please see, different colors in the picture represent different obstacles. Red is an absolute obstacle and is necessary to pass. The existence to be circumvented.

The orange ones are obstacles that can be crushed through, but it is recommended to go around them, while the green ones are obstacles that can be walked directly. Our military-grade intelligent driving system will automatically plan and generate a route based on information about obstacles ahead, giving priority to green obstacles or areas with flat terrain without obstacles that can be passed through.

If there are no green areas or barrier-free areas for vehicles to pass, the system will select those light orange and orange obstacles and then crush them to pass.

This does not mean that circumventing all obstacles is not the case. The system will evaluate the obstacles, and if it feels they can be passed, they will be included in the alternative plan. If there is no better choice, then it will choose these alternative plans for execution. "

"What if there are no orange obstacles but all red obstacles?" At this time, a leader asked his question. Everyone looked at Wu Hao after hearing this, waiting for his answer.

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