Military Technology

Chapter 2306: Strike first and predict the enemy’s victory

Then we can only change direction and find another way. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Seeing everyone smiling, he continued: "Actually, this situation does not usually happen. Our military-grade intelligent autonomous driving system can detect a few hundred meters ahead. Although the detection distance increases as the distance increases, The accuracy will be reduced, but the detection will be approximate. There will not be a situation where you drive all the way in front of an obstacle, or enter a dead end, cannot pass and then go back again. "

Following Wu Hao's introduction, the vehicle had successfully driven out of the forest area and started speeding on an open grassland at a very fast speed. Until we drove out of this meadow, we started to climb up the mountain. These were several consecutive hills that were not very high. This warrior assault vehicle climbed to the top of the hill as soon as it refueled, and then slowly drove down the hill. After climbing several hills in succession, the car passed through a training ground and then stopped in front of the rostrum.


Under the leadership of the leaders, everyone at the scene started to work enthusiastically. Obviously, today's demonstration session of the military-grade intelligent autonomous driving system was a success, at least it left a profound impact on the hearts of those present.

Taking advantage of the gap in between, the leaders also chatted while resting.

Several leaders were obviously not satisfied with the demonstration just now, so they pulled Wu Hao over and asked him carefully. Seeing this scene, many leaders and guests also stopped chatting and listened carefully to their exchanges.

Xiao Wu, when will this military-grade intelligent autonomous driving system be equipped with troops and put into actual combat?

Obviously, this issue is of great concern to everyone. Naturally, everyone hopes to use such a good technology as soon as possible. Don't show off any concept products. You don't know how long it will take to be practical.

There are many such examples at the exhibition. Many companies and scientific research units come with models and PPTs, just to try their luck. Maybe they will be selected, but their scientific research expenses will not be covered.

However, customers are not stupid. Unless they are really capable, no one will just pay money and sign a contract with just a few broken models and PPT.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and replied to everyone: "The current technical completion of this military-grade intelligent autonomous driving system has actually met the relevant requirements of the trial installation troops.

So if possible, we can discuss matters related to the trial installation of this technology.

In addition, this is just a system and requires vehicles to cooperate. At present, we have perfectly matched this generation of Warrior assault vehicles. However, if you want to match and cover more models, this requires the cooperation of car companies and the military.

We know that the specifications and sizes of different vehicles, including power performance, are different, so we need to adapt in a targeted manner, and the relevant data also needs to be updated and covered. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Leader Meng thought for a moment, and then said to Wu Hao and several other leaders: "Well, let's talk about this technology next with you, the car companies, and the relevant troops. The four-party talks will discuss the trial installation of this technology, as well as subsequent joint development and other related matters."

Having said this, Leader Meng turned to look at Wu Hao and asked with a smile: "You don't have any problems here, right?"

No problem, we can start at any time. Wu Hao answered with a smile.

Hearing his answer, Leader Meng nodded, then looked at his watch, and then waved his hand: "Okay, time is limited, let's get started."

After hearing this, everyone nodded and took their seats, and the presentation session began.

The next step is the live-fire display of the medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle. Since it is a live-fire and this time it is an unmanned display, for the sake of safety, the live-fire test display site is some distance away from the rostrum. It can only be seen with the help of a telescope. But this is not important, because under the tracking of aerial drones and ground unmanned vehicle cameras, every move on the test field will be clearly displayed on these high-definition screens at the scene, so as to make everyone more real and intuitive. to see the demonstration process of these weapons and equipment.

Is it live ammunition? A leader sitting next to him asked Wu Hao, with worry and nervousness on his brow.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "It's live ammunition, but don't worry, this exercise is absolutely safe.

Although this live fire shooting was all controlled by the intelligent combat system on this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle, these vehicles are connected to the on-site command and control center. We will always pay attention to the dynamics of the vehicle. When it appears Before abnormal or unsafe actions occur, we will stop it remotely. The entire process will be completed within a few milliseconds and will not cause any danger.

Secondly, the angle and direction of the live ammunition firing are also strictly designed. The muzzle of the gun will be limited to a certain range and will not turn to the rear, so please feel free to watch. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone at the scene secretly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. We are all people who have experienced ups and downs, so logically there should be no problems. But this time, this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle selected its own targets and fired them with live ammunition, which made them somewhat frightened.

It’s not that I can’t trust Wu Hao and the others, but I can’t trust machines and artificial intelligence programs.

When Wu Hao saw this, he continued to introduce: "Due to limitations of the venue and safety factors, we cannot fully demonstrate the full performance of this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle. However, we have relevant information from previous live-fire testing Record the video data. If you are interested, you can contact us later to request it.

This time we mainly demonstrate two performances or functions of this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle, one is the ability to search and attack battlefield targets, and the other is the ability to independently defend against incoming threats.

First of all, we will demonstrate to you the more thrilling search and attack capabilities on battlefield targets. One of our medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicles will start and then advance forward. During this advance, many targets will be erected, which requires our medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicles to detect them quickly and accurately. target, then lock on to the target and attack.

This is mainly to test the rapid reaction ability of our medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle on the battlefield. Everyone knows that every second on the battlefield is a matter of life and death. The shorter the reaction time, the more likely it is to predict the enemy's victory and attack first before the opponent launches an attack. The other party, eliminate the threat. "

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