Military Technology

Chapter 2307 Performance display of sealed combat power

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone at the scene nodded in agreement.

Discovering the enemy first and defeating the enemy first are the perfect tactics that the armies of all countries have been pursuing. However, how to quickly discover the target, attack the enemy first and eliminate the threat is what all the armies of all countries have been studying.

The battlefield environment is ever-changing, and there is an upper limit to human reaction speed, let alone active ground armored vehicles. The tank's battlefield environment observation and perception system is very weak and its field of vision is limited, making it impossible to achieve this goal.

Therefore, generally on the battlefield, these armored vehicles and tanks require infantry to provide cover around them, so as not to be attacked by the enemy and used as targets.

But in this way, these covering infantry have become priority targets for the enemy to attack, often causing heavy casualties. Maybe the enemy had already evacuated and fled after a successful attack. At this time, the armored vehicles and tanks reacted and launched a counterattack, but it was already too late.

Even if the enemy is eliminated, it cannot change the situation of our infantry personnel being attacked and injured.

Now, with this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle, it can largely replace the related functions of armored combat vehicles, tanks, and infantry cover, and appear in various dangerous battlefield environments.

They can replace armored combat vehicles and tanks to launch independent attacks on the enemy. They can also cooperate with our armored combat vehicles and tanks in combat, replacing infantry to complete security and cover tasks and assist in combat operations.

Therefore, everyone is full of expectations for the live-fire demonstration of this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle.

At the beginning of the live ammunition demonstration, this medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle began to drive forward and continued to accelerate. At the same time, various targets continued to rise in front, including tanks and armored vehicles, enemy personnel, bunker fortifications, etc.

Da da da!

The 14.5-inch large-caliber triple rotary machine gun equipped on the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle fired regularly, tearing apart the targets raised on the scene.

The whole process from raising the target to locking fire and destroying it takes only about a second. Don't underestimate a second. Not many people on the battlefield can do it. Although we can find the target and shoot in a few tenths of a second on the training ground, that is on the training ground. The environment on the battlefield is more complex, and it is difficult to detect and confirm locked shots in such a short period of time.

And you have to know that this is continuous, and the longest time is about one second, and there are shorter ones. I saw the entire turret rapidly turning left and right, aiming at those targets and firing, each time a series of bursts.

In order to increase the viewing effect and make it easier for everyone to see the ballistics when shooting, a lot of tracer bullets are installed in the bullet chain. You can clearly see the ballistics flashing when shooting, which is very spectacular.

As for Wu Hao, during the demonstration of the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle, he also introduced it with a smile to the leaders present.

"Currently, the turret of our medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle can be equipped with weapons of multiple calibers to cope with various battlefield environments. In addition to the 14.5-caliber heavy-duty weapon on this medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle demonstrated to you today, In addition to the three-barreled rotary machine gun, it can also be equipped with smaller caliber 12.7 and 7.62 mm machine guns, or it can be equipped with 20 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mm cannons for fire suppression on the battlefield and against light armored targets. Attack damage.

In addition, it can also be equipped with a 40mm automatic grenade launcher, which can be used to attack targets behind some bunkers or conduct fire suppression strikes against enemy forces.

On both sides of the turret of this medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle, there is a two-unit universal anti-armor missile. It can be used to attack some light and medium armor targets on the battlefield, and can also be used to attack some targets in the air. Low-altitude targets, such as helicopters, drones, ground-skimming fighter jets, and even cruise missiles, etc.

Of course, if necessary, we can also replace these two general-purpose anti-armor missiles with heavy-duty anti-tank missiles, which are specially used to attack heavy armor targets on the battlefield, as well as fortifications and other targets. "

"In addition to this medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle, we also have many variants such as fire support vehicles, battlefield reconnaissance vehicles, and combat rescue vehicles. These medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicles can be used individually or in groups. They can also be used in groups. Can be used in conjunction with other ground combat units.

If necessary, we can also modify it on this basis, such as converting it into an unmanned mine-sweeper vehicle, a battlefield relay communication vehicle, and other unmanned vehicles for other purposes.

Or we can further upgrade its weapon system and add larger-caliber weapons or missile drones, etc., to enhance its combat capabilities. "

While Wu Hao was introducing, the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle on the test field had already traveled a distance of two to three hundred meters, tearing apart dozens of various moving targets. When it reached the edge of the test field, This test is over. The machine gun on the turret was raised and locked, and the vehicle turned and drove back to the starting point before the test.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, continued to introduce it to everyone during this gap: "Actually, the demonstration just now only showed part of its performance. Due to site and safety considerations, we were unable to release its full combat power.

In addition, the site environment is too simple. In fact, the more complex the terrain environment, the more excellent performance it can show.

For example, in urban street fighting where armored targets are extremely weak, our medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle can exert strong combat effectiveness. With its keen battlefield environment perception, it can quickly and accurately find enemies hiding in various buildings. As long as they dare to show up, our medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle will be able to detect it immediately and launch an attack to prevent the other party from launching a surprise attack. "

What if you are surrounded by enemies from all sides? Can this car handle it? An expert present asked him a very targeted and even trouble-making question.

After hearing this question, everyone was curious but also a little dissatisfied. It was obvious that everyone felt that such a question was a bit excessive.

Regarding this, Wu Hao was not angry, but smiled and spread his hands and said: "If we really encounter that extreme situation, then there are only two ways. One is to simply give up. Anyway, such a car The medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle is not worth much, and there is no loss of personnel.

The other way is to escape. This car is equipped with rich smoke-generating devices that can launch smoke bombs to cover the retreat. "

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