Military Technology

Chapter 2314 Interception time, 10 seconds!

Regarding Wu Hao's answer, everyone was somewhat speechless. Is this ridiculous? It seems like tens of millions is like a drop of money to them. It really means that the family is big and the business is big.

But now that Wu Hao has said this, everyone naturally has no objections and feels more at ease, waiting to see what happens.

The preparations here were ready. After receiving the news, Wu Hao immediately ordered the test to start.

Immediately, seven suicide attack drones were seen flying into the air with priority and began to hover in the high altitude in the distance. They are waiting for the order to attack.

Here, four anti-tank missiles have also been set up. For safety reasons, these anti-tank missiles are launched by unmanned remote control.

Fortunately, it is a fixed target, so you only need to debug and aim it in advance, and then launch it remotely.

As the order was issued, the seven suicide attack drones swooped down and began to attack the laser defense medium-sized intelligent unmanned vehicle from all angles.

At the same time, anti-tank missiles hundreds of meters away were also fired one after another.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene was excited and excited, but they couldn't help but sweat for this laser defense medium-sized intelligent unmanned vehicle, and for Wu Hao and the others.

On a real battlefield, there is no ground armored vehicle or target that is worthy of so many weapons attacking it at the same time.

Therefore, this test should be said to be very unrealistic and completely based on Wu Hao's whim. However, there is nothing wrong with it. If you can even deal with such an attack, then what can you not deal with on the battlefield?


The laser defense medium-sized intelligent unmanned vehicle started to move quickly. At the same time, the vehicle-mounted laser cannon also turned its angle to target the fast-flying anti-tank missile.

Beep beep beep...

As a buzzer sounded, two anti-tank missiles were seen falling one after another.

Immediately afterwards, this laser defense medium-sized intelligent unmanned vehicle began to turn its laser cannon and aimed at two other anti-tank missiles. Similarly, with a rapid beeping sound, the two anti-tank missiles, one Just like before, they fell down one after another. As for the other missile, it smoked and flew out of control in the air, and finally set off fireworks.

The interception was not over yet, and the laser cannon began to change direction and attack the seven suicide attack drones that were attacking from the air.

There was still a rapid buzzing sound, and I saw the high-speed incoming drones in the sky burst into flames and smoke one after another, and then lost control, either flying around or falling down.

The entire interception process was very short. In less than ten seconds, all seven suicide attack drones and four anti-tank missiles had been intercepted. This interception efficiency is not bad.

Quiet, the scene is silent!

Everyone was open-mouthed, obviously not expecting such a result. It was too fast, too accurate, and too smooth.

Originally, everyone had prepared for the worst outcome, but this laser defense medium-sized intelligent unmanned vehicle slapped everyone in the face with its performance.

No wonder Wu Hao was sitting there feeling confident and saying that if he failed, he would fail. This kid obviously had bad intentions and was just waiting to see their jokes.

Finally, after about ten seconds of silence, the scene erupted into warm applause and cheers. Undoubtedly, this wonderful performance conquered everyone present.

While everyone was cheering and applauding, they were also talking and sharing what they had just seen. It was so fast that before they could even react, the interception was over.

The same goes for the many leaders sitting on the rostrum. While they were excited, they all discussed and shared what they saw and thought.

Because the speed was so fast, everyone only had a rough look, and many people even showed signs of regret.

At this time, Wu Hao spoke.

"The interception process just now was too short, and maybe you didn't see it clearly. Next, we will show you the slow-motion footage just now, so you can take a look."

With that said, the interception process just started to be played on the big screen. The entire big screen was divided into several parts, namely the perspective from a high altitude, the ground perspective, and the first perspective from the laser defense medium-sized intelligent unmanned vehicle. The first perspective of the suicide attack drone and the system interface perspective show the interception process just now.

The speed was directly increased to double speed. In the picture, the laser cannon of this laser defense medium-sized intelligent unmanned vehicle immediately turned its direction and aimed at the two anti-tank missiles that were the closest and most threatening and launched an attack.

From the system interface perspective, you can clearly see the beam emitted by the laser cannon. It's better to say irradiation than emission. Moreover, it can also be seen from the demonstration screen that the laser cannon's irradiation beam is not continuous and uniform, but short beams with very short intervals. However, because the laser speed is too fast and the interval time is too short, it is basically invisible. .

When the beam of light illuminated the missile, the guidance head at the front of the missile quickly burned black, then burst into flames and smoke. Then the missile lost control, and then it fell down.

Wu Hao also introduced with a smile at this time: "Everyone knows that the guidance part of the missile is at the front end. It is the brain of the missile and controls the flight of the missile.

As for laser weapons, they do not have the powerful penetrating power and destructive power of traditional bullets. Its attack method is actually to irradiate high-energy laser beams to burn the missiles, thereby destroying the missiles through high temperatures.

Compared with other parts of the missile, the guidance head, especially the optical guidance head, is the most vulnerable. When the powerful high-energy beam of the laser cannon shines over, the optical imaging equipment in the guidance head will be directly destroyed by the strong light.

This is like many cameras that suffer lens damage after being irradiated by a laser pointer. This is because the laser beam destroys the CMOS sensor in the camera.

In addition, the high temperature irradiated by the high-energy laser beam can also instantly fuse the guidance head and the electronic components inside, causing the entire thing to lose control and fall directly or deviate from the target.

So everyone saw that these four anti-tank missiles did not explode in the air, but had their guidance heads destroyed, causing them to crash out of control. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then smiled at everyone and said: "The same goes for these suicide attack drones. The high-energy laser beam irradiates the synthetic aperture optical sensor of their image recognition system, as well as the drone The electronic components inside caused the entire suicide attack drone to be blinded, damaged and out of control, and ultimately achieved the function of interception."

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