Military Technology

Chapter 2315 Laser self-defense interception pod and large laser attack pod

【Military Technology】 【】

Everyone also saw in the video that just as Wu Hao said, these anti-tank missiles and suicide attack drones were all burned, blackened and smoky, and eventually lost control.

Although Wu Hao said it was so simple, in the eyes of everyone, it was still too exaggerated. It's not like they haven't seen laser weapons before. They are far less sharp than the results shown by the laser defense medium-sized intelligent unmanned vehicle in front of them. This is simply too fast.

Up to now, many people still don't believe it, and some even doubt whether Wu Hao and the others are committing fraud.

However, after watching the entire interception process in slow motion, everyone shook their heads and recognized the result of this interception with great difficulty. There was no fraud at all. At least from their visual perspective, all anti-tank missiles and drones had been burned by radiation, which could not be faked.

Moreover, the anti-tank missiles and suicide attack drones used are standard equipment installed, and there is no fraud.

While everyone was discussing, Wu Hao's voice rang again.

In fact, we have launched this random laser cannon or laser air defense interception system a long time ago, including road-based models, sea-based models and air-based models.

At present, a small amount of these laser interception systems have been equipped in some troops for trial use. Judging from the current feedback, these weapons are still very popular among the troops.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone started to speak up. They had heard and seen weapons introduction briefings or internal reference materials in this area before, but they were frightened by the results of the demonstration for a while and didn't think about it.

There are many people who have never heard of it at all. However, after comparing the performance of the laser defense medium-sized intelligent unmanned vehicle at the scene, they also had a general understanding and understanding of its road-based and sea-based laser air defense interception systems. However, what this air-based model is, this made everyone I couldn't help but become curious.

In response, Wu Hao smiled and introduced to everyone: "At present, our space-based laser interception systems are mainly divided into two categories.

One is the suspended laser self-defense interception system pod, which is used to hang on some fighter jets, drones, transport aircraft, and bombers. It is specially used to intercept air-to-air missiles and low-altitude missiles launched by enemy fighters or ground air defense systems, thereby Protect the security of this machine.

In the past, when our fighter planes encountered local missile attacks, they often required high maneuverability to evade, dodge, and fire decoy bombs. The response was very passive. With the continuous development of missile technology, once it is bitten and locked, it will be difficult for fighters to escape.

But now, with this laser self-defense interception pod, you can intercept incoming enemy missiles very calmly. There is no need to perform high-speed maneuvers to avoid, use decoy bombs, etc. The interception success rate is higher than the previous response method. Dozens of times.

In addition, this laser self-defense interception pod can also be used to attack some enemy fighters. For example, there are enemy fighter planes following behind and killing our fighters. Under normal circumstances, this requires high maneuverability to escape.

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【Military Technology】 【】

And when encountering experienced enemy ace pilots, it is basically difficult to get rid of them. Now with this laser self-defense interception pod, we can use laser beams to attack the enemy fighters following behind, burn the fighters, burn the pilots in the cockpit, etc., thereby getting rid of the enemy fighters, or It is to directly shoot down the enemy's trailing fighter plane. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused briefly, giving everyone time to digest, and then continued: "In addition to this laser self-defense interception pod, we have also developed a laser attack pod, which is also hung on the fighter plane. Under the belly of the fuselage.

This kind of laser attack pod is mainly used to attack some enemy fighters. For example, during aerial combat, this kind of laser attack pod can be used to actively attack enemy targets, thereby assisting the fighters in fierce short-range or medium-range combat. Distance air combat.

In addition, this laser attack pod can also be used to intercept cruise missiles, cruise missiles, and even ballistic missiles launched by the enemy.

It can be used as an air-based interception system to participate in strategic air defense missions in the entire region and even the entire theater.

Finally, this laser attack pod can also be used to attack some ground targets. For example, during ground attacks, this laser attack pod can be used to prioritize attack and suppress the enemy's air defense firepower, detection radar, or Some other facilities.

Of course, you can also use it to carry out separate attacks, attacking exposed ammunition or high-value targets, which can also achieve very good damage effects. "

Have these two laser pods been shipped to the exhibition? A leader of the Air Force asked immediately. Obviously, after hearing his introduction, he and the leaders of the Air Force were full of interest in these two laser pods.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said: "This time, due to other issues such as time and environment, the two pods were not shipped together. However, the laser self-defense interception pod has been trial-installed in some air force units.

If leaders want to know more details, they can ask the trial troops about their experience, so that they can obtain more detailed, true and reliable first-hand information. "

Seeing these leaders nodding, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "As for this large laser attack pod, it is still in the experimental stage. Judging from several tests, the performance of this weapon and equipment is still very powerful.

Regarding this aspect, if you are interested, you can consult our professionals later. "

Everyone at the scene nodded slightly when they heard this. Leader Meng asked Wu Hao: "According to what you said, can this laser pod also be equipped on a helicopter?"

"Yes." Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this, and then said: "We have even developed a small laser self-defense interceptor specially designed for the helicopter's low-altitude complex combat environment. system.

Its main purpose is to intercept air defense missiles on the ground, especially attacks by individual air defense missiles like the Stinger.

This laser self-defense interception system does not require distracted control by the pilot, and it can completely realize intelligent and autonomous interception. When the system detects an incoming air defense missile, the laser self-defense interception system mounted on the helicopter will automatically activate and actively intercept these incoming air defense missiles.

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【Military Technology】 【】

Of course, the co-pilot can also use head-mounted devices or smart AR glasses to control, intercept and attack some incoming targets, or air and ground targets. "

Please: m.ddyueshu

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