Military Technology

Chapter 2316 This weapon is too buggy

Although the demonstration of this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle has ended, everyone at the scene was still excited. Wu Hao had no choice but to announce a ten-minute break, waiting for the audience to calm down a little.

Taking advantage of this gap, Wu Hao also picked up his water glass and drank. The introduction just now made his throat dry and smokey. Now I finally have some free time to take a short break and drink water to nourish my throat.

After checking the time, I saw that all the leaders on the scene had returned to their seats. At Wu Hao's signal, the host announced that the demonstration would continue.

Seeing this, Wu Hao could only continue to introduce with a smile to everyone.

Next, we will demonstrate to you another latest masterpiece we brought to this military system internal weapons and equipment technology promotion conference, the smart landmine family.

Regarding this smart landmine, all leaders also learned about it during yesterday's display. Here I will briefly introduce it to you.

“At present, our smart landmine series are mainly divided into two types, one is the movable smart landmine series, and the other is the fixed smart landmine series.

According to different classifications of size, volume, function and combat objectives, these mines can be divided into several categories such as anti-infantry mines, anti-tank mines, arson mines, and anti-aircraft mines.

The control core of these mines is equipped with our newly developed intelligent autonomous attack system. This name should be familiar to everyone. It actually comes from the active attack system used on our suicide drones. But on this basis, we combined the attack characteristics of landmines and conducted relevant research and upgrades to make them more suitable for ground combat.

Each smart landmine is equipped with an intelligent autonomous attack system. This system will detect environmental information around the mine in real time through sensors and monitor dynamic changes in the surroundings.

When enemy personnel and armored vehicles approach, the system will immediately detect the abnormal movement through the sensor, and then conduct tracking and monitoring. At the same time, the system will automatically identify and identify. If it is our own troops, it will continue to be silent. If it is an enemy force, there will be a targeted attack.

If this is a minefield arranged with smart mines, and there are multiple smart mines distributed in it, then they can also form a cluster control array to coordinate attacks through the cluster control system, allowing multiple mines to attack a single mine at the same time. Targets can also be used to implement tactics such as multiple mines attacking multiple targets at the same time.

Currently, there are many styles of smart landmines launched by various countries. They are not as good as our smart landmine product, but they are far behind. The biggest advantage of our smart landmine compared to other similar models is that it is smart. It can identify the target's identity information, such as through the target's clothing, even appearance, speaking language, or through the model of armored vehicles and tanks. , painting, logos, identification friend or foe system and many other ways to identify the identity of both the enemy and the enemy.

In addition, we have also equipped this smart mine with our latest super solid-state battery, which can provide sufficient power energy for this smart land mine, thereby supporting this smart land mine to work for a long time.

Coupled with the standby detection system we developed for its long-term standby deployment, under normal circumstances, the entire smart landmine is in a standby sleep state, with only a small number of electronic components and some sensors activated. When the system detects a strange noise, the intelligent autonomous attack system of the smart landmine will emerge from sleep and start working.

Therefore, our smart landmine’s super solid-state battery and standby detection technology can enable this smart landmine to be deployed in the wild environment for up to half a year or even a year, and can also be recycled and reused.

In addition, in order to ensure that the smart landmine has sufficient power during attack, we equipped the smart landmine with a chemical battery. When a smart landmine launches an attack, a chemical reaction will quickly occur in the chemical battery, thereby instantly releasing a large amount of electricity, providing sufficient power for the entire mine's power system, driving it to quickly rush to the target and launch an attack.

This is the relevant technical principle of our smart landmines. This system can be used on various mines, such as mobile mines, fixed mines, anti-infantry mines, anti-tank mines, even arson mines, anti-aircraft mines, etc.

In addition, this system can also be combined with anti-tank missiles and individual air defense missiles to form a long-range mine. This system is used to autonomously control the launch attacks of anti-tank missiles and individual air defense missiles. "

After saying this, Wu Hao took a breath and then continued: "In fact, during our previous anti-missile interception demonstration, our long-range mines were already unveiled and a live-fire attack demonstration was conducted."

"You mean, those anti-tank missiles just now are all your smart landmines?" A leader at the scene asked in surprise.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, these anti-tank missiles are equipped with the intelligent autonomous attack system we equipped on the smart mines, forming our long-range mine unit.

Although the attacks of this long-range mine were intercepted by our active defense system, its performance is still very impressive. "

After hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone nodded in approval. Indeed, the performance of these anti-tank missiles just now is indeed very exciting. Although it is a pity that all of them were intercepted by the active defense system, it does not mean that it is not powerful enough.

On the contrary, it can only be said that this active defense system is too buggy. If it were any other ordinary armored target, it would have been destroyed eight hundred times.

"So regarding this long-range anti-tank mine, I won't demonstrate it to you here, mainly because the previous test has been completed." Wu Hao said with a smile,

After hearing his words, everyone also laughed. It was really fun just now, but I didn't expect that there would be a test session later. Wu Hao made a miscalculation.

But upon closer inspection, was it really a miscalculation and forgetfulness? Many people secretly shook their heads and gave thumbs up to praise Wu Hao's marketing strategy. Instead of giving a strict demonstration now, it is better to put it in quietly first, and then release a big bomb now. This will give people a much deeper feeling than a strict introduction.

“So next we will demonstrate to you our three mine products: mobile smart mines, fixed mines, and our smart anti-aircraft mines.

First of all, we will demonstrate to you the live-fire demonstration process of several mobile smart landmines. For this test, we specially consigned several scrap cars from the scrap car market to serve as attack targets for our smart landmines.


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