Military Technology

Chapter 2322 The live ammunition demonstration ended perfectly

【Corrected version】

The demonstration of the intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system was actually not fully prepared. It was originally a temporary additional demonstration project, so after the hasty preparation, I could only perform some simple demonstrations.

Several testers wearing different mechanical exoskeleton systems came on stage to show everyone the intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system they were wearing.

The entire display session focused more on maneuverability, flexibility and strength, but there was no time to prepare for other aspects. For example, the live-fire shooting demonstration that everyone was most looking forward to was not carried out.

But even so, it caused bursts of exclamations from everyone present. Especially when several testers wore the intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system and began to walk on flat ground in some complex terrains, bursts of exclamations and admiration broke out at the scene.

The seven- to eight-meter-wide ditch was easily passed over, and the four- to five-meter-high wall obstacle was jumped over in a single jump.

Not to mention passing other obstacles, it's a piece of cake. What’s even more surprising is the flexibility of this smart mechanical exoskeleton. Just like the clothes worn on the body, it can very flexibly match the wearer’s body movements without affecting its flexibility. A hint of clumsiness.

"Have these exoskeletons been deployed in the army?" Leader Meng watched for a while, then turned to Wu Hao and asked.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "We have only tried them on some troops and are still conducting practical tests. Judging from the current feedback from the troops, the practical performance of these exoskeletons is still very good.

The next step is to conduct targeted research and optimization corrections based on some of the problems fed back by these fashion troops, so that it can exert greater combat effectiveness.

At the same time, we are also actively seeking cooperation and involving more researchers from units and companies to jointly optimize innovation and provide the troops with weapons and equipment with more powerful performance. "

"When will it be installed on a large scale?" A leader at the scene asked immediately after hearing this.

Wu Hao shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "We don't know this yet. It depends on the relevant arrangements of the military."

In response to Wu Hao's answer, Leader Meng smiled and said: "Okay, I will go back and look into this matter myself. Such a good thing cannot be left to gather dust."

After hearing Leader Meng's words, everyone present nodded, and Wu Hao even smiled on his face. This was indeed the result he wanted. Promoting these weapons and equipment to be installed into the troops as soon as possible is also one of their mission goals this time.

At this point, Wu Hao and the others have completed the display of their relevant weapons and equipment, which also made him breathe a sigh of relief. This was a live-fire demonstration, and there couldn't be any mistakes. Therefore, Wu Hao's heart was actually in suspense during the demonstration. Now that the demonstration session has finally come to a successful conclusion, this naturally makes him feel more relaxed.

Their demonstration session has ended, but the on-site weapon and equipment demonstration session is still continuing, and then these manufacturers have come up with their latest masterpieces. For example, a certain automobile company has launched a military off-road commuter vehicle. Compared with the old-fashioned Warrior and some other joint-venture foreign-invested commuter vehicles, all the technology and components of this military commuter vehicle come from China and are completely made domestically. There will be no leaks or problems.

The entire body line of this car is relatively heroic, but it is not too resolute like the Wrangler off-road vehicle. Instead, it combines the two to achieve a more perfect balance, a bit like the Cavalier Fifteen.

The size of the entire vehicle is relatively large, and it belongs to the level of a large off-road SUV for civilian use. The body material is also made of steel plates, and the window glass is also bulletproof glass, which can withstand light weapons attacks from a certain distance.

The interior of the car is more business-like, highlighting luxury in a low-key manner without being eye-catching. And the entire ride comfort, including the ride environment, is very comfortable. It should be said that it is the most comfortable among all current military commuter vehicles.

The entire military off-road commuter vehicle has the strong off-road capabilities of an off-road vehicle and can adapt to most complex road sections. Its power system is divided into three types, one is a pure gasoline version, one is a pure diesel version, and the other is a hybrid mode.

Generally speaking, hybrid technology is basically useless for military vehicles, because military vehicles don't care about fuel economy or emissions, but are more concerned with their power and reliability.

However, there are some circumstances where hybrid vehicles have relatively more advantages. Especially for units and agencies in big cities, although they are special, they still have to cope with some of the things in big cities, so the hybrid model may be relatively more suitable for commuting by units and military leaders in these cities.

In the actual test, this car also performed well. It showed strong maneuverability and passing performance on the training ground, which made Wu Hao feel a little itchy.

"This car is pretty good. I'll buy a few more later, but I don't know if they will be sold outside or not."

A leader next to him smiled at him and said: "Since this car has been built, it will definitely be sold. Besides, even if it is not sold to the outside world, with your ability, Xiao Wu, you still can't get a few cars." Well."

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Forget it, I'd better not break the rules and let's see what the manufacturer does next."

Wu Hao likes this car better. What he wants is very simple, just one sentence. With his current influence, the manufacturer would be extremely happy to comply with this small request. But he wasn't going to break some rules or anything because of this car and let him use his connections to get through the back door. This was definitely not possible, and it wouldn't have come to this point.

Although Wu Hao just said this, he didn't expect that this word would reach the ears of the manufacturer somehow. The boss of the manufacturer came directly to Wu Hao and offered to send Wu Hao a car. Of course, Wu Hao couldn't accept this and refused repeatedly. Finally, after some courtesy, everyone gave in. He also ordered fifty vehicles at the car manufacturer's internal cost price.

Why order so many? Because in addition to the need for use in Anxi, Wu Hao also plans to give this car to the Northwest R\u0026D Center, including several branches and research centers, so in this way, these fifty cars are not counted. too much.

For manufacturers, this order is undoubtedly a good start and can be regarded as creating sales. And with Haoyu Technology using it for publicity, this car will attract the attention of other people and companies, so that they can take advantage of the trend to win this market.

Wu Hao naturally knew what the manufacturer owner had in mind, but it was nothing, just a favor.

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