Military Technology

Chapter 2323 Zhajiang Noodle House

【Corrected version】

With the conclusion of the hasty demonstration of the last weapon and equipment, the entire field demonstration event of weapons and equipment came to a successful conclusion. After seeing off the leaders, Wu Hao and the others were also preparing to leave.

However, he could not leave because Li Weiguo and Luo Kai held him back. Of course Wu Hao knew the purpose of these people's visit, but he would definitely not take the initiative to tell them.

The few people didn't say anything in a hurry, but smiled and got into Wu Hao's official car. Li Weiguo directly reported an address to the driver, then turned to Wu Hao and the others and explained with a smile: "It's already this time, let's go, I'll treat you to dinner. There is a good miscellaneous noodle restaurant not far from here. , when I used to work here, I often ate there, and the taste was very authentic.”

Oh, everyone laughed when they heard that it was a treat to eat mixed noodles. Luo Kai couldn't help but smile at Li Weiguo and joked: "I say Li Suo, you are also a big leader after all, so just inviting us to eat mixed noodles is too shabby."

"What's wrong with miscellaneous sauce noodles? Aren't miscellaneous sauce noodles a delicacy? There is no distinction between high and low food, it's just different people who like it." Li Weiguo first retorted to Luo Kai, then smiled at everyone and said: "Besides, the old restaurant I took you to is the kind of small restaurant that only people in the old capital know about, and ordinary people really can't find it.


Li Weiguo looked at Wu Hao, and then said to Luo Kai: "I'm just a salary earner, so I don't have much money. Treating you to a bowl of miscellaneous sauce noodles is already very good. You all should be satisfied. If you want to eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, it's easy. , look for Xiao Wu, he is a billionaire."

Hearing that Li Weiguo had drawn the fire to himself, Wu Hao said with a black line on his forehead: "Why did you blame me? If you want to eat, it's easy. Come to our company and you will have enough delicacies."

"Hahaha, this kid is now starting to poach people unscrupulously, and you can poach a few of us." Li Weiguo pointed his finger at him and cursed with a smile, and several other people in the car also laughed.

"Xiao Wu, the weapons and equipment you displayed this time are all very eye-catching." After smiling, Li Weiguo and Luo Kai looked at each other and then changed the subject.

Coming, Wu Hao smiled bitterly in his heart, and then said: "Actually, it's nothing, just some ordinary weapons and equipment. There are many weapons and equipment demonstrated this time, and they all performed very well. We are not conspicuous among them."

"Look, this kid is pretending to be confused with us." Meng Changbo pointed at him with his finger, laughed and cursed, and then said: "Although there are many weapons and equipment in this demonstration, as long as the people present are not blind, Everyone can see that these weapons and equipment are a little less interesting than the ones you displayed. It can be said that in this display, you have surpassed everyone else."

"You're too polite." Wu Hao replied with a smile.

As for Li Weiguo, he said angrily to him: "You kid is hiding something from us. What happened to the laser intelligent self-defense interception system today? Did it appear suddenly?"

"Haha, it's a weapon and equipment we developed. Besides, we have had similar weapons and equipment before, so you all know about it." Wu Hao said with a smile.

"Don't be careless. That is completely different from the one introduced today." Li Weiguo glared at him, and then said angrily: "You kid, why didn't you know to let us know in advance when you came up with such a good thing? Okay. Guys, you showed it all at once and made us very passive.

Why, when did we make you so distrustful? "

"Look at what you said, when did we stop trusting you?" Wu Hao explained with a smile, and then said: "Actually, this weapon and equipment is not meant to be hidden from everyone, but we hope to be able to unify it at the promotion meeting Show it to everyone. If all these weapons and equipment are displayed and introduced in advance, then what else will we have to bring to the exhibition to attract people?"

"This laser self-defense interception system is very important to the Air Force. This weaponry and related technical data should be sealed first. Don't show it to others without our permission." Li Weiguo glanced at him after hearing what he said. Then he nodded and said to him.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, and then responded: "No problem, I will make arrangements right away." After saying that, Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning who was accompanying him in the car, and Shen Ning understood and immediately started making arrangements.

Seeing his attitude, Li Weiguo nodded and lost a lot of his anger. During the demonstration just now, he was teased by several colleagues and old friends.

These people were jealous of the close relationship between the Aerospace Research Institute and Haoyu Technology, so when they noticed Li Weiguo's surprised expression at that time, they immediately started teasing him.

They have a close relationship with Wu Hao and the others. They don’t know how to practice this weapon and equipment, but it made Li Weiguo very angry, but he was so angry that he didn’t know how to fight back, so he could only feel sulky in his heart. .

Wu Hao's explanation and attitude now made him feel slightly better. Seeing that the vehicle had slowly stopped, Li Weiguo couldn't help but smile.


The vehicle stopped at the entrance of an alley and everyone got out of the car. Wu Hao looked around and saw no miscellaneous noodle restaurant. He couldn't help but ask: "Has it been moved?"

Li Weiguo smiled at him and waved his hand, then led everyone into the alley and introduced to everyone: "The alley is too narrow to get in, so we have to walk for a while. It's not far. We turn a corner ahead. almost there.

This old miscellaneous noodle shop has always been open in this alley. It has been open for decades. It is said that it has been there before liberation. It was confiscated after liberation and was not returned until the 1980s, and the family has continued to operate it until now.

However, maybe because the store is too small and remote, or because the children dislike running a restaurant, there is no one left to do it, and now there are still two old people supporting it.

I also ate here with my master back then, and I have been coming here from time to time over the years, always thinking about this taste. Now it seems that one meal is one meal and one meal is missing. Maybe this restaurant will close one day. "

As he spoke, Li Weiguo couldn't help but reveal a trace of sadness on his face, as if he was thinking of some past events.

In fact, it's no wonder, after so many years, it can be said that this restaurant started eating with the chef when he entered the workplace, and then continued for most of his life.

Now this restaurant is about to close, and he is getting old. Maybe one day...

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