Military Technology

Chapter 2324 Identity hidden by halo

Finally, after turning a corner, Wu Hao and the others saw the old restaurant Li Weiguo mentioned. It was actually a small restaurant with three facades.

The whole facade looked a bit shabby. If Li Weiguo hadn't led them here, they would definitely not have come to a place like this.

The two old couples, who were about fifty or sixty years old, looked a little surprised at the arrival of everyone. However, they immediately recognized Li Weiguo and led everyone in with a smile.

There were a few noodle eaters in the restaurant. When they saw Wu Hao and the others arriving, they all took out their mobile phones one by one. However, he was already in front of the security personnel.

Wu Hao and the others found a table in a corner and sat down. This is an old elm table and bench. I don’t know how many years they have been used. The entire table and bench have been polished by the diners coming and going, revealing the fine wood grains inside.

Li Weiguo, who is very familiar with this place, went directly to the shop owner who came to greet him and ordered skillfully: "Everyone will have a bowl of fried noodles and diced pork. Then, two cold dishes, beef with sauce and donkey meat with sauce." Come on, have a pound.

For the rest, let them figure it out for themselves! "

As he said this, Li Weiguo looked at the other people accompanying him. They nodded when they saw this, and then started studying the menu themselves.

After finishing all this, Li Weiguo picked up the old teapot and poured a bowl of old bowl tea for everyone. This kind of old bowl tea is also a characteristic of the old capital. However, with the development of the times, it has gradually disappeared and is only available in some old restaurants. There may be more.

Everyone didn't mind it either, so they immediately picked up the bowl and started drinking.

Li Weiguo, as for Li Weiguo, took a look around the store environment, and then said with emotion to everyone: "The first time I came here was when my master brought me here. At that time, I had just started working, I was not yet proficient, and I often made mistakes. I remember it very much. Obviously, one time I made a mistake in the data, which caused the whole team to rework. I was severely scolded by the leader, and my master was also scolded.

I felt very guilty and wanted to apologize to Master, but Master waved his hand and turned to comfort me. After get off work, he took me to this restaurant with him on his bicycle to eat noodles.

At that time, I was really crying while eating, and my tears and nose ran into the bowl. "

No wonder it tasted so delicious to you at that time. It turned out that there were added seasonings. Meng Changbo laughed and joked after hearing this.

Ha ha ha ha……

Li Weiguo also laughed, and then continued to everyone: "Since then, I have come often. Even if I changed my workplace, I still come often. Later, because I was busy with work, fewer people came. But I still come here to eat a few times a year, and I always miss this taste in my heart and can’t forget it.”

You are thinking about things when you see them. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Li Weiguo smiled and nodded when he heard this: "As people get older, they have to miss the past. In two years, I will retire. This life passes so fast. In the blink of an eye, I have changed from the ignorant boy who didn't know anything. , turned into a bad old man with gray hair."

You see what you said, you are not old at all now, you are in the prime of life. Wu Hao smiled and said: "If you really retire, you can come to my place. You are welcome to come to my place at any time."

Haha, you kid is so evil. Li Weiguo nodded with his finger, and then shook his head at him: "Forget it, if I really quit, then I will just leave it alone and just stay at home and entertain my grandson. I have been tired for a lifetime, so I should take it with me." My wife went out for a walk."

"Yes, I have this idea too." Meng Changbo nodded and said: "I was too busy with work before, so I never went out with my family. So I also plan to take my wife out for a walk after I retire. This country's There are great rivers and mountains, and there are many places I haven’t been to yet.”

"I see, it seems that your wish will take a few years to come true." Luo Kai teased the two of them, and then Wu Hao said: "When are you going to return to Anxi?"

"If nothing happens, I will go back tomorrow." Wu Hao replied with a smile.

So soon, won’t you be attending the next meetings and activities? Li Weiguo couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't mean much, I just let Zhou Yonghui do it for me. He is a technical person himself, so he can chat with these experts."

"I see, it's just that you're lazy and you're not a technical person yourself." Luo Kai directly exposed his excuse and said angrily to him: "Now everyone is attracted by you, a young entrepreneur and billionaire. I was fascinated by the name, but I forgot what you did to start your business, let alone that you are the chief scientist of the company."

Hahaha, after hearing Luo Kai's words, Li Weihua and Meng Changbo also nodded and looked at him. Indeed, many people nowadays still think that Wu Hao is a genius scientist. Wu Hao is behind many products and technologies released by Haoyu Technology. It's just that this guy is so low-key that everyone ignores and forgets this important identity.

"What about the follow-up cooperation negotiations?" Li Weiguo asked with some concern.

It will be handed over to them at the same time, and our professional team will be responsible. I have already explained it, no problem. Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Li Weiguo nodded slightly and said to him: "The weapons, equipment and new technologies you displayed this time are very eye-catching, and I believe they have attracted the attention of all parties.

So next, you will inevitably welcome a lot of people, many of whom are here to cooperate with you or to negotiate orders. But there will also be many uninvited guests, so you should be prepared in this regard and don't be careless. "

"Please rest assured that after experiencing several incidents, we have also re-adjusted and optimized the security system and confidentiality system within the company to ensure that similar situations will not occur again.

And as we have grown in recent years and achieved good results, the relevant local departments have also been increasing their protection for us, so safety is still guaranteed. "

Having said this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then turned around and said with a smile: "As for those who come to seek cooperation, we naturally welcome them. However, all cooperation must be based on mutual benefit and win-win situation. Now we It's not something that can be manipulated so easily.

Besides, aren’t you guys here? "

"Haha, don't come to us for this, we can't help you deal with it." Li Weiguo smiled and waved his hand. Although he said that, Wu Hao actually meant it very clearly. That is, don't cause trouble if you can, but if trouble comes, don't be afraid, they will try their best to help them.

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