Military Technology

Chapter 2326 People must have their own persistence

We ate a bowl of miscellaneous noodles with Li Weiguo and the others and chatted some more. Of course, there are many things that cannot be said in this kind of situation, but the meaning is probably understood. Wu Hao also expressed his attitude to several people, which made Li Weiguo and the others feel relieved.

In fact, it is just a click, and it is more of a personal communication. After all, this is a private meal in itself, but it is very comfortable.

After eating, Wu Hao and Li Weiguo parted ways and immediately returned to the hotel.

At this point, his formal work in the capital was over, and Wu Hao left the rest of the technical promotion meeting to Zhou Yonghui.

As for him, there are two other incidental activities, which he agreed to after he decided to come to the capital, but it is difficult to shirk them.

One is to participate in the release ceremony of a college student entrepreneurship plan, which was jointly organized by relevant departments and many famous universities in Beijing. Wu Hao is a well-known representative in the field of college student entrepreneurship, so his participation is very important. Therefore, the organizer and relevant departments have sent him invitations and even asked someone to act as a lobbyist.

In the end, Wu Hao really couldn't shirk it and had no choice but to agree.

The other one accepted an exclusive interview. This was the first time he had an exclusive interview after a long time, and the person interviewing him was also his old friend Jiang Nan. This interview has been going on for a long time, but Wu Hao never had time, so it was postponed until now. This time he came to the capital, so Jiang Nan sent an interview invitation again. As an old friend, Wu Hao had no choice but to accept.

After taking a short rest in the hotel, Wu Haoni drove to the CCTV building.

Jiang Nan had already led someone to greet them at the door of the building. When he saw Wu Hao getting out of the car, he immediately came up to greet them.

Mr. Wu, long time no see. Jiang Nan responded to his enthusiasm and I received it.

Sister Nan. Upon seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said hello.

Let me introduce to you, this is our deputy director Zhao, this is our channel director Chen, this is...

Under Jiang Nan's introduction, Wu Hao shook hands with these people one by one. It should be said that he was quite respectable when the deputy director and channel director of CCTV came to greet him. Therefore, Wu Hao did not ask for help, but immediately greeted the leaders.

These leaders also chatted with Wu Hao very enthusiastically. You must know that CCTV and micro media, including Haoyu Technology, are now cooperating very closely. CCTV has accounts and related businesses on their two major platforms, the virtual world platform and the mobile virtual reality platform. As for Micro Media, it also cooperates with CCTV in the production and broadcast of some film and television dramas and variety shows. There is very close cooperation.

As for Haoyu Technology, it is also a high-quality advertiser resource that CCTV strives for. Some of their products will also be advertised on CCTV, so this alone is worthy of attention.

In addition, Haoyu Technology is also at the leading level in the industry in other fields, including video shooting technology, photography equipment, and image encoding and transmission. CCTV will also use them in the production of some variety shows. Technologies in this area, such as virtual reality AR, MR technology, etc., are also very important partners.

As for Wu Hao, he spent a long time chatting with the leaders of CCTV, and finally he declined the dinner and sent them away, which made him somewhat relieved.

When Jiang Nan, who was accompanying him, saw this, he couldn't help laughing and jokingly said: "Why, after so many years, you still don't feel comfortable with this kind of situation."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "It's not that I can't adapt to it, it's just that I don't like it."

Haha, you are still the same as before. Jiang Nan joked with a smile.

People must have their own persistence. Some things can change over time, but some things can never be changed, and some things cannot be changed, such as the original intention. Wu Hao answered with a smile.

Jiang Nan glanced at him when he heard this, and then said with a smile: "Oh, it seems that you have gained a lot of insights in the past two years. I think we can have a good chat about this today."

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand: "Forget it, it's better not to export these personal tendencies. It's too one-sided. I don't want to magnify my own feelings and affect others."

"Isn't this bad?" Jiang Nan asked Wu Hao over and over again while leading Wu Hao to the dressing room.

Wu Hao smiled and greeted the makeup team, then sat down and said with a smile: "I don't think it's very good."

Okay, let's stick to the interview outline we agreed on before. With that said, Jiang Nan took an interview outline from the planner and handed it to Wu Hao and said with a smile: "This is the content we will interview later. You should familiarize yourself with it first. If there are any questions that you feel uncomfortable with, you can Mark it down and we can add it at any time.

And this is a recorded broadcast, so you don’t have to worry at all. Even if you make a mistake, we can edit it later. "

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then flipped through the interview outline. As for the makeup team, they helped him put on makeup very professionally. Although he has now adapted to the makeup process, it does not mean that he likes makeup. Especially this Dafen, he didn't like it very much.

However, the makeup team of CCTV is also very professional, and this interview itself is a documentary news interview, so there is no need to go overboard.

After finishing his makeup and changing into a casual suit, Wu Hao came to the recording room with the staff. In fact, it is a very simple room. The background is a glass curtain wall, and you can see the scenery of the capital outside the window.

In front of the glass curtain wall are two single fabric sofas, with a small table in the middle with flowers and branding on it.

Jiang Nan, who was sitting there preparing, immediately stood up to greet Wu Hao. After a brief handshake with Wu Hao, the two sat down and the staff served tea.

"Mr. Wu, although it has not been long since I last met with you, a lot of things have happened during this time.

Many of them are closely related to your company, so we are eager to have such an opportunity to interview you again and talk about these things during this period.

First of all, how do you evaluate Haoyu Technology in the past year? "

Hearing Jiang Nan ask this question when he came up, Wu Hao smiled, thought for a moment, and then said: "I think it should be summed up in two idioms, calm and unyielding.

In the past year, we have indeed encountered many problems and challenges, including internal problems within our company, business operation problems, as well as many challenges at home and abroad, etc.

Although there are many crises, with the joint efforts of all employees, we have come through step by step. "

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