Military Technology

Chapter 2334 Good leadership lies in understanding the minds of employees

Chapter 2335 Good leadership lies in understanding the minds of employees

After answering a few more questions, the interview came to an end. Wu Hao and Jiang Nan talked about a lot of content, and it is certainly impossible to release all of it. They will be edited and polished later, some key points will be selected, and some parts that are not suitable for disclosure will be deleted, and then they will be broadcast at a selected time.

In fact, the content of a program like "The Conversation" is no longer important. Although it is very well-produced, there are also strict requirements for who to choose for this program. Wu Hao's ability to appear on this show several times in a row is naturally a reflection of his influence. In addition, this also shows an attitude, an official attitude.

It is precisely for this reason that Wu Hao accepted this interview so willingly. This is not because the bar for this show is high, but because it is a task in itself and he should support it.

Declining the banquet invited by Jiang Nan and the TV station leaders, Wu Hao left CCTV, and Wu Hao returned to the hotel. If it was just Jiang Nan's invitation to dinner, he might agree. But Wu Hao didn't like the leaders among them, so he simply declined.

Back at the hotel, Wu Hao stayed for a while, and then sat in on Zhou Yonghui's summary meeting of today's work. Zhou Yonghui and the others have gained quite a lot today. They have secured several orders in the afternoon, all of which are quite impressive. Although they have not yet won the big order they had hoped for, judging from the current progress, they are still very promising.

After the meeting, Wu Hao also said a few words. On the one hand, of course, they affirmed Zhou Yonghui's work results, on the other hand, they responded to some problems, and then made a brief arrangement for the next work.

He will return to Anxi tomorrow, and the affairs here will be left entirely to Zhou Yonghui and the others, so he needs to explain the follow-up work and related matters carefully, so that he can rest assured.

After the meeting ended, Wu Hao immediately pulled Zhou Yonghui and Shen Ning out of the hotel. It was a rare free night, and he naturally didn't want to waste it. So I asked Zhou Yonghui and Shen Ning to accompany them, along with a few security personnel, and started walking around the old capital.

Visiting the capital at night is a unique experience. Wu Hao and the others visited several places, but because there were too many people, they did not dare to stay longer and left after making some money.

For the last stop of the night, they chose to come to a barbecue restaurant. This old barbecue restaurant in the capital was very different from other barbecue restaurants. And what they came to this time was such a famous traditional barbecue restaurant.

Because this traditional barbecue restaurant is so famous, it receives tourists from all over the country and even the world every day, so the store is basically full. If you are an ordinary tourist, you need to make an appointment in advance to queue up.

But Wu Hao and the others don't need it because they have already been arranged. So after entering the store, they were led directly to the private room.

After looking through the menu, Wu Hao immediately ordered: "This roasted snowflake fat beef comes with two pounds, the roasted lamb comes with two pounds, and this roasted venison, well, let's have one pound first. The sesame sesame pancakes come first. Ten.

Here’s a cold platter, Kung Pao chicken, shrimp with cashew nuts, peach kernels and vegetables, and…”

After ordering a few, Wu Hao handed the menu to Zhou Yonghui, Shen Ning and the others and said with a smile: "We are all our own people today, so you're welcome, just order whatever you want!"

Haha, then I won’t be polite. With that said, Zhou Yonghui took the menu and started looking through it. Compared to the more tactful Shen Ning, Zhou Yonghui was very relaxed and the most active in front of Wu Hao.

This guy was not polite and ordered a few more hard dishes. Next came Shen Ning, who ordered a few sweet and sour dishes that girls like, as well as some vegetables. As for the other people, they all ordered one symbolically.

Just like that, the entire table was already full, mainly because those barbecue dishes took up too much space.

The barbecue in this old butcher shop is very different from other barbecues. It is actually more like fried. What is grilled are also fatty beef slices. These are fresh meat cut by hand and then fried first. Because it is thin slices of fat beef, the frying time is relatively short, so it tastes very delicious and juicy. Everyone who eats it has oily lips and is overjoyed.

In addition to beef and mutton, Wu Hao also has a special liking for roasted venison. The venison has been marinated so there is no odor. It tastes like beef but has the aroma of venison.

More importantly, this thing is replenishing. Although it is not as effective as deer antler blood, it is still very good, especially for men. So all the men present liked it very much. After finishing this pound of venison, I asked for two more pounds.

Generally speaking, Wu Hao doesn't drink much. Today he made an exception and started drinking too. However, Zhou Yonghui and the others had work tomorrow, so they didn't drink much. Wu Hao was also able to control himself, so he didn't drink much.

Wait until the wine has passed three rounds and the dishes have passed the five flavors. Wu Hao then looked at everyone in the private room who had completely relaxed and said with a smile: "I will go back to Anxi tomorrow, and the next few days will be hard for everyone.

I hope everyone can continue to work hard, create greater glories, and strive to win this big order. When you return to Anxi, I will celebrate your success. "

Having said this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, glanced at everyone present, and then smiled and said: "I won't say anything else. You all know that I am not stingy in my treatment of meritorious personnel.

In addition, I will give you a good vacation this time when I go back. Each of you will have a ten-day vacation, and I will provide you with domestic round-trip air tickets for two people. By then, whether you return to your hometown or go on a trip, the company will reimburse you! "

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Wu!" Everyone present became excited after hearing his words. They are clear about the rewards, which have always been very generous, so they don't have to worry at all. What makes them happy is that they can take ten days off and get round-trip air tickets for two people. This is great. It can only be said that Wu Hao understands them.

Because for people like them, what they lack most is time and opportunities to go out and play. I am so busy at work that when I take a vacation, I basically stay at home to catch up on my sleep and don’t want to go anywhere.

What's more, they have very little extra leave because they are so busy. Being able to get an extra ten days of leave is really very precious to them. As for the round-trip air tickets for two people, this is equivalent to encouraging them to go out and play, and they can also wear it with their family and partners, which is so considerate.

"Mr. Wu, can this vacation be taken together with the annual leave?" Many people immediately made their own calculations and asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled, spread his hands and said, "We need to discuss this with your supervisor. If he has no objection, that's fine."

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